Chereads / new stuff I found / Chapter 17 - tsuyu

Chapter 17 - tsuyu

Tsuyu took a good look around; there wasn't a single soul within this part of the city, which meant the coast was clear. The hero grabbed the man's hand and pulled him into an alleyway. She donned the same suit that she wore since she first became a hero in her high school days - a tight green bodysuit that fit well around her large breasts and hugged her butt just as good. Her  black eyes looked into the man's, her face slightly pink from the fantasies she was experiencing with him.


"T-This quirk of yours... it's pretty dangerous, ribbit," said the hero. "E-Every time you're around, I can't seem to focus on the stuff I need to do. It hasn't caused a huge issue yet, but..." She looked over her shoulder. "...It might. But if it really can't be helped, then it can't be helped." Asui looked over at the man. "I want you to be honest with me, ribbit. You haven't used this quirk on anyone else, right? ...Or, rather, you haven't done anything...sleazy with it, have you?"  The man nodded his head, both aroused by the fact she was so close to him and scared for the reasons why.


"What a chore... Mineta would kill to have that kind of quirk, but then he'd be on every woman's hit list, ribbit." She  moved closer to the man, her breasts pressing up against his chest. "A-Anyway, I'll have to do something about this... And since you technically haven't used this quirk for evil, I can't just beat you up or arrest you. Which means there's really only one thing I can do..."


The man silently looked down at her chest before reaching over to grab it, causing the hero to blush. Normally, she'd be disgusted, but because her libido was matched with his, she was a bit more docile. "R-Ribbit... I nearly drowned the last person that touched these," stated the frog while his fingers pushed into her breasts through her bodysuit. Naturally, the man loved the way her chest felt in his hands. He pulled and rubbed on them while sinking his digits into them some more. A quiet moan sounded from Tsuyu's mouth, her legs shaking reflexively as her tits were played with. As his love for her body grew, so did her unwanted craving for him. "Y-You like them quite a bit, ribbit... Men really do have a one-track mind, huh? N-Not to say this doesn't feel good, though," she assured him. It always felt good to be wanted by someone, be it hero or civilian.  And plus, his hands played with her chest so well that she was rapidly falling in love with the waves of pleasure running through her with every grope. "You're really good at this, ribbit..."


She reached a hand down to the man's crotch, pinching the zipper and slowly unzipping it. "Let me see it," she said in a soft, lustful voice. She reached into his pants and pulled out his stiff, warm member that gently throbbed in her hand. "H-Holy..." She didn't know why, but she didn't expect it to be so hard. His quirk already made it clear, but his lust for her was the very definition of authentic. Her pupils shrunk ever so slightly while her cheeks glowed a shade of pink. "Do you always walk around with something like this in your pants?" She began to slowly stroke the man's length with her gloved hand, then made a quick moan when his fingers pinched her nipples, the dopamine rushing into her mind while she shuddered. "Ribbit... I-I need to calm you down before I become as big of a pervert as you," she said, feeling the man's quirk take effect. She felt how much he liked the idea of seeing her in a swimsuit, fucking her behind a rock concealed from anyone else. The lustful nature of the fantasy transferred to her body, which swelled with a surging need deep within her.


Trying to focus on her goal, Tsuyu began to get onto her knees, staring at the erection with awe. "This practically qualifies as a weapon, ribbit..." She opened her mouth while moving her hand, letting her long tongue extend around the head of his cock, then the length, coiling the appendage around it like a snake. The taste was strong, intense, and... enthralling. The wrapping tongue closed in on itself like a spring, and started moving up and down the man's cock, causing him to shudder a little while she reached down in between her legs to rub her folds through her suit. She pressed her fingertips against her slit softly while she let out a gentle moan, her tongue curling tighter around his cock and rubbing itself farther down towards his crotch.


It actually... tastes really amazing, Tsuyu thought to herself. Or maybe it's because my tongue happens to be sensitive... Either way, I can't stop wanting it... This is bad... The man was undoubtedly even more turned on than he usually was, which meant that she was aroused beyond comprehension from something that could barely be qualified as a blowjob. I'm going to end up wanting to go further... This quirk of his... This dick of his... Tsuyu promptly opened her mouth wide as she leaned forward, wrapping her lips around his cock's tip and closing them on it before sliding forward, sucking on the top half of his length while the bottom half was tended to by her tongue. The soft, soaked appendage left a notable coating of saliva as the tip of it went to his balls, tickling it gently. The man couldn't find the words to express his joy; he was getting head from the hero of his dreams, and it felt amazing. Her wet maw  felt like a hot spring from heaven, and he didn't want to leave even for a moment. And the way her tongue touched his dangling balls like a puppy lapping for water was  a feeling that was hotter than it had any right to be. The longer her blowjob went, the more he fell for her - and the more sex-starved the frog started to act.


Feeling the intimate heat get hotter within her, Tsuyu's  retracted her tongue for the moment so she slide her mouth down his entire cock. Her half-lidded eyes gazed up at the man as she felt his shaft in her throat, causing it to bulge notably while she kept rubbing her pussy through her clothes. Despite never having given a blowjob before, her frog-like nature made it possible for her to swallow his entire mass without even the slightest sign of choking. The man reached over to the back of her head, grabbing it tightly before beginning to move his hips on his own, thrusting his hard, wet cock all the way into her throat. Spit and slobber was beginning to coat his crotch, and his testicles smacked her chin  over and over again while his length continued sawing itself onto her wet, sloppy tongue while her nostrils were forced to take in the musky scent of his shaft, a smell that simultaneously disgusted and aroused the hero. Despite this - or maybe because of this -, she felt an overwhelming sense of love bouncing off of him to her, making her mind focus on pleasing him.


The man's cock continued sliding in and out of Tsuyu's throat while the girl  pinched her clit through her suit. She didn't want to waste another second without a load in her mouth - not because of the potential dangers of getting caught blowing a civilian in an alleyway, but because she could only imagine how good his cum was if his dick was this tasty. Her tongue managed to slide out of her mouth to wrap around his sack, while he continued  crusading his dick into her throat like a bullet train, the tingling feelings of erotic delight flashing through his body vividly. I need it...I have to have it... I...! She could barely finish her thought when a low moan sounded from the man. He made one more hard thrust into Tsuyu's mouth before pulling his hips back, letting his length slip out of her lips until only the tip remained. She looked down at his cock as he felt the thick, warm ropes of cum spill into her mouth, wad after wad of the gooey seed quickly flooding onto her tongue. It was somewhat salty, a bit strong, and had a lustful kind of intensity that she couldn't experience from anything else. So this is what it tastes like, the hero pondered to herself as the portion of the tongue wrapped around his sack coiled around it tightly, almost as if to try and wring out every last drop. She gently swished his cum around in her mouth, the taste of his seed quickly overwhelming any form of logical thinking. The crotch of her suit was seeping wet with a strong desire for his cock, regardless if it had just came or not.


He pulled his tip from the girl's lips, a few spurts of cum shooting from his tip and covering them, almost as if giving her mouth an extra thank you present for such a good job. Tsuyu opened wide, showing the seed resting on top of her tongue before retracting the rest of it back into her mouth. She tilted her head back and swallowed, letting the warm ejaculate flow down her throat and into her belly before she stared back at his dick. "S-So that's what a dick that's attracted to me feels like, r-ribbit..." She was barely herself. Her nipples were stiff and her pussy was wet. She had scolded an old colleague of hers countless times in the past for his perverted actions, and now she found himself asking why when things like this felt so good. "I-I need to interact with people like this more..." She tried to regain her composure, but for some reason it was hard. Not just the difficulty in calming herself down after having a dick shoved down her throat and cum fed to her for the first time, but him. He was hard. Still. Was this part of his quirk? Or did he simply have that much stamina?


"Ribbit... You're still horny...? I thought it took time to... Well, there's no use in trying to figure it out now." Tsuyu got up and turned around, bending over with her ample butt facing the man, her entire body radiating with lust after the rather crude face-fucking he gave her. "After all... I'm more turned on than ever... Can't do hero stuff until I get this taken care of, Ribbit..."


The man reached over to Tsuyu's butt, pushing his fingers into her spandex-clad asscheeks and massaging them slowly. The girl shook her hips, wiggling her buttocks in his hands. "It tasted great, by the way... Your dick... your balls... your cum... everything." He looked back at the man, semen still on her lips as he gave her butt a quick smack through her clothes. "F-Feel free to tear them up, ribbit. I-I can always get some new ones..." He  stared down at the soft, doughy butt in front of him for a moment before clawing his fingers into the fabric, forcefully tearing them apart with surprisingly little ease. There were no panties beneath her suit, giving his eyes immediate access to her thick, round ass. Her pink asshole practically winked at him, and her slick, smooth pussy surrounded by tiny green hairs seeped with her fluids. "I-I can't believe this is happening, ribbit..." His lust and hers were one in the same. They were both too horny to really think rationally, but she could still acknowledge that she was about to lose her virginity to a stranger. A stranger in need, yes, but a stranger nonetheless. Then again, she didn't have anyone special she was saving it for. When she thought about the good it was doing, she felt a bit better. "Good, ribbit... now fuck me. P-Please."


The man  gripped onto her plump buttock with his left hand, his right hand grabbing onto his entire shaft and stroking it slowly. It was wet and slick from the heaps of saliva her mouth left on it, and somehow just as hard as it was before. He smacked his thick shaft against her butt, causing her to shudder in delight. "R-Ribbit..."  Tsuyu hung her head as she felt him whip his cock on her butt like a belt before he moved his tip towards her folds. He slowly pushed it inside of her, and he gently slid inch after inch of his mass into the hero. The girl moaned loud - louder than she probably could afford to - and closed her eyes tightly as she felt the final piece of innocence leave her. A small lining of redness covered the man's length as he penetrated her. She was particularly tight and as wet on the inside as she was on the outside. The grip was intense, almost as if her walls were trying to strangle the life out of it.


I-It definitely hurts... It really hurts... But... Not for him. The man felt no pain when he pushed into her. Only pleasure. Pleasure that his quirk allowed him to share with the girl he was attracted to. To fuck her like this was a dream come true, so much so that nothing mattered. The happiness that swelled inside of him was also inside of her, making the pain a lot easier to dismiss. Tsuyu was thankful; her first time wasn't going to be painful, at least.  "You... can move now..."


The man gripped onto the girl's hips, then began to slowly motion his. He took his time to savor that sweet, warm virgin pussy, his mass spreading the walls of the once untouched womanhood. The girl moaned pleasurably as she felt his mass saw in and out of her moist tunnel, each motion of his making her mind numb with ecstasy. He gradually increased his speed, pumping his member quicker and harder into the hero's sex while she clung onto the wall. His hands eventually slid down to her buttocks tightly, admiring the smoothness and softness of her ass while he kept pushing into her caverns with intense force.


Tsuyu's moans got louder in the alleyway as he continued hammering into her. I-I can barely keep it together, Tsuyu pondered to herself as she felt his mass push deep inside of her, striking every sensitive spot she knew she had, and all the ones she didn't even know about, the volume of her cries fluctuating - a clear sign that his rod was taking her on the ride of her life. It almost felt like fireworks were going off within her each time he moved, the pleasure bouncing off of every nerve in her body. Her tunnel clamped down along his shaft the further it went inside of her, and her eyes rolled up in bliss. This pervert's dick... actually isn't so bad... Was that her thoughts, or was that a result from his quirk? She didn't know, and she didn't care. All she knew was that getting railed by this man was her top priority, and she was having the best night of her life giving into his whims.


This was still the case even after he reached back to grab that green hair of hers. She gripped onto the ponytail tied into a bow with his left hand, giving it a hard yank towards him. Tsuyu let out a breathless cry as she was forced to look at the sky above. It was a bit painful, but in a way that put her at ease. "Yes! Yes!!" She wasn't even trying to be subtle anymore. The influence of the man's quirk had already taken her, and now she was just as horny for him as he was for her. In fact, a couple more thrusts into her pussy caused it to convulse around him. Even still, he pressed on, slamming his dick into her trenches until... "R-Ribbit!!" Tsuyu was pushed past the brink; the frog hero, brought to her orgasm, unleashed a torrent of juices around his member, coating it with her essence as it continued thrusting hard into her. Her eyes half-lidded again, the girl let her tongue hang from her mouth. Given who she was, it dropped until it was just a few inches from the ground. The echoes of bliss that rang through her body struck her very core like a lightning bolt, jolting through ever muscle up to her very mind, which began to crack like an egg from both his cock and his quirk. T-This combination... It's dangerous...


The man continued his frantic rampage on Froppy's sensitive pussy, pausing only for a moment to move his hands down to his pants and pull them down all the way before continuing. His bare hips now clapped against the hero's pillowy buttocks, the lewd sound mixing with the equally raunchy noise of her pussy squelching each time his shaft plowed inside of her. It pistoned into her like a locomotive, and throbbed as if it were in intense pain. He raised his right hand and smacked her ass hard, leaving a bright red hand print on her right buttock. The girl bit her lip as she wiggled her hips, pressing back against him with every thrust she made into him.  "Y-You're going too crazy, R-Ribbit," Tsuyu tried to tell him, but the tone of her voice wasn't nearly as convincing as she hoped it'd be. Her mind was so caught up on his cock that she forgot she was a hero for a moment. It just felt that good. He felt that good, and by extension, so did she.


His right hand slid up her slender body and moved to her chest, his fingers clutching onto her right breast firmly while he moved his hips just a little slower, letting his mass take its time in sliding all the way out before slowly re-entering her wet hole. The torturous slowness of his dick sawing about inside of her had the hero clawing at the wall she hung onto, her hair hanging over her face as she faced the ground and moaned passionately. It felt like a hurricane was brewing within her, and her heart was constantly being flung about by the motions of his hot, wet shaft. Every lustful thought he had of her, no matter how tame or wild it was, touched Tsuyu's heart, and it didn't take long before those passionate desires of his became the reason why she fell so madly for him. Neither of them knew, but this was the true nature of his quirk.


He wanted this moment to last forever. Both of them did. But Anon was quickly feeling himself reaching his limit. Her pussy gripped onto his shaft as if trying to hold it hostage, her wet, velvety insides succeeding in milking out a bit of precum from his tip. He shuddered in bliss, and clung onto her tight tighter while he began moving his hips quickly again, swinging them slightly so his length could press up against every angle of her womanhood. His left hand joined the other on her chest, gripping onto her left breast, his palms pressing against her beautiful tits while she continued moaning in sheer joy.  "I-Inside," Tsuyu uttered as he plowed his member quickly into her pussy, his hips smacking her pretty round butt constantly while her sex quivered around him. "I-It's fine... to do it inside, ribbit...!" He gripped onto her hair with his left hand, pulling it towards him again so he could lift her face, letting him properly hear the moaning girl's begging while he burrowed his dick into her perfect pussy. "Ribbit... Cum inside me..!"


Making sure that her pleas didn't go unheard, the man made one more hard thrust deep into Tsuyu, his rod reaching deep inside of her when it began to erupt. His hot, thick cum blasted from his tip a second time. Tsuyu's mouth hung open as she felt the liquid warmth race into her like a river, her own  womanhood unleashing another gush of juices that coated the man's entire cock as it throbbed within her. He leaned forward a bit, making sure his warm seed was fired nice and deep into the frog girl, who let out a pleasured, drawn-out cry of bliss as she continued to have his hot cum pumped into her. "R... R-Ribbit..."


The man let  his rod shoot its remaining rounds of jizz before slowly pulling back, yanking his shaft from out of her wet, used hole. Her cunt quivered while the girl tried to catch her breath, some of his seed oozing out of her pussy and falling onto the ground below. Tsuyu's heart was beating hard as the warmth within her was a constant reminder that the man was in love with her, and that she was more than willing to be with him. The thoughts shared with her, the ones about fucking her in his home, on the beach, in his car, whenever and wherever he needed her, overrode her dreams and passion of being a hero. The moment she touched his dick for the first time, she couldn't keep herself away. The cum inside of her, though, was enough to convince her that the two were now forever bounded with each other, whether they liked it or not.


He slowly stepped back, taking a better look at the cum-leaking Froppy. She slowly turned her head back, her chest rising and falling while she retracted her tongue. "Ah... T-This... i-is weird," Tsuyu manage to say, her mind still thrown through a loop from being fucked while under his quirk. "I-I know why I did what I did... But for some reason, I don't want to leave your side right now, r-ribbit..." She leaned up,  his cum seeping from her folds as she turned around to him fully. "...I-I hear this part of the neighborhood is dangerous," said the frog hero while she looked into his eyes. "I-I wouldn't be a good hero if I didn't see to it that you got home safely. And just to be on the safe side-"


She was suddenly interrupted by a swift kiss on her lips. The man held onto her hips tightly as he smacked his lips onto hers, the hero casually following his lead and pushing her tongue into his mouth, wrapping around it with its frog like nature. The two shared the deep kiss, which further cemented Tsuyu's very true feelings for the man before he pulled away slowly, saliva bridging the two mouths for a while.


"...Now I think I'm certain..." Tsuyu  put her finger on her chin and giving the man a seductive smile. "...You may need some special protection. If you don't mind, I'm going to come home with you. ...You know, to protect you, Ribbit