So I woke up suddenly, the dim light grew as the morning came by and the cold of the night warmth, it was morning of February thirteenth of twenty-thirty and my team underwent on a mission to the laboratory, in our temporal outpost, most members of the crew stayed, and i went alongside a chemist and an astrophysician.
The path was almost sunien by thick as humans roots, however they had a particular bioluminescence, I thought of a particular mycelyum that connected the branches of tree, it was an amazing show, so I decided to scan it, and my suspicion was correct,
This bioluminescent mycelyum and funghi, growth as a result of the radiation, making it really efficient as a tree-network, it's reproductive truffle-like products were really nutricious and had woodlike-taste components, high in protein and nutrients Summary:Edible.
This information was provided after the scan using my radiation-like powers, but the physician called Mike, shouted
"Everyone lay down, now!", We didn't understood why until a pipe explosion liberated a metallic pipe-piece where we were before
"I got an strange urge to lay down, like an itching"- Mike told
"I have a similar sensation whenever I touch anything, I don't know why, bit I know what it is, how it's made of and if it's edible"- I answered
"Hmm that might be helpful"- Said the chemist Farid
"Well, let's continue then, maybe this mycelyum leads us somewhere"- Said mike while we agreed in silence
The dim pathway to the biological research laboratory was completely infested by roots of trees and human-head-sized-truffles, luckily we found some important material, first enough biological A4-level protection equipement, many gasmasks and lighters, also an emergency axe and some tranquilizer-rifles, which could help us against big animals such as mooses or bears, we ties up all the equipement, as well as many geiger counters as we could find, canned goods that I checked beforehand as well as bottled water, we stashed everything inside baggages that were all ober the floor, tied them up and picked them back to the surface.
It was mid-day the team was hungry so we prepared some cans of food while I went to pick mushrooms and berries I found important information meanwhile
"Glowing underground mycelium-. Funghi species that let's a complex tree-network to exist, grows an extremely nutricious human-sized-truffle, Edible: Rich in proteins, low in sugar, Increases mental capacity. Taste: Woodlike"
"Dark Berry bush-. Has a strong coffee-like flavour with traces of caffeine, contains sugary compounds, Edible, not recommended in high quantities, brewable"
"Rosemary-leaved tree, it's pineaple and root is edible, it's leaves are tasty mint-like flavoured, recommended as a carbohydrate and fat source"
Well, I went with my axe and picked up this variety of new ingredients, but a chemist of my team stopped me in the act
"Wait Edward, we don't know if those substances are edible, thet may have harmful components, let's try to do a research first"- She was Angelica, a mexican chemist who lived in the mountains, actually wise and smart, so I tried to explain her everything about the mutation I suffered, but she didn't trust me enough and she was actually right, as she was mentioning several harmful components I saw how the chemical composition of the truffle began to change, so I told her.
"Wait a second, you actually have powers too"- I told her, but she repplied
"Of course I don't, don't be unrational", She repplied
"But it's true, look"- I told her to say "Separate celulose" while she looked at a bunch o'grass I got in my hand and suddenly, the grass splitted between a mass of cotton-like-fibre and a green-mud
"Hmm, so I am like a catalyst for imposible reactions, that's new"- She thought in loud voice -"So as long as the amount of substance remains the same I can convert any substance and you can basically understand the composition of anything "
"Thats right" I repplied to her, "Well let's make a dinner for today then"
"She used her ability to turn the ingredients I found into all kinds of nutritious paste, contained minerals, vitamins, fibre, calories, proteins, fats and ecen csrbohydrates for the team, as we took our "Nutricious soup", the team was already in the urge for dinner.
Everybody accepted something that night
"Hunger is the best condiment", however our chemist team started to work in a way to convert many organic molecules into edible food and that day ended as our journey continued.
That was the end of February thirteenth of twenty-thirty I write this while I am still alive, here Edward Smith, a Biologist and researcher of "The Catastrophe"