Mia sat down at the last table in the back and waited for her food just like she did back at the witches school, whenever it was recess all the students would gather at the cafeteria's hall and as soon as you are seated and ready to eat, your order would magically appear in front of you but clearly things were different around here
Mia waited for a while still trying to decide if to ask what to do or just damn the consequences and leave untill a girl walked over to her and said
"May I sit next to you?" The girl asked smiling
" Why not,of course you can." Mia replied sending her a smile of her own.
"Hey I'm Alice and I'm a wolf nice to meet you" The girl now known as Alice said
"Well I'm Mia, the princess of the whitches kingdom and it's very nice to meet you" Mia replied hesitating whether to ask for help from Alice or just excuse herself, While the internal conflict between her brain and her stomach was going on, Mia's stomach pulled a cheat card by grumbling out loud to Alice's hearing
Alice turned to look at Mia and said
"I'm guessing you're having problems ordering your food" Alice asked smiling
Mia just nodded embarrassed to the core while Alice chuckled slightly
"Well it's pretty simple all you've gotta do is place your hands on the table, close your eyes and picture your food and it's ready" Alice said in between chuckles
Mia did as she was told and by the te her eyes were opened a plate of chicken soup with rice had appeared
" Yayyyy,"Mia said beaming like a child who just had just been gifted a lollipop
Soon Mia and Alice had finished lunch and we're walking down to class when they passed a group of students talking about the latest fight about the new girl who had the guts to beat up a devan and threaten the demon prince.
"Wow I really would love to meet the new girl who had beat up Denis" Alice had squealed
"Really word travels fast around here" Mia said
"Well of course nobody has the guts to challenge the demon prince?"Alice asked confused
" Wait a minute that dickhead was the demon prince?"Mia asked surprised
"Like isn't he supposed to be cold and all" she added
"Oh trust me he is, not even the teachers dare to challenge him but...,wait hold on there are you her?" Alice asked
"Am I who,well yes if you mean the girl who taught that Denis or whatever his name is a lesson then yeah"Mia said smiling at her memories of her kicking that guy's ass
"Woah you are her,why couldn't I piece this together I mean you both appeared the same time and ...ahhhh,"Alice squealed
"Yeah yeah could you calm down a little bit and what were you saying about the demon prince"Mia asked not quite sure why though.
"Oh yes he is so cold and doesn't really speak much but power radiates in his every step and you were the first person he actually had a real conversation with, even if it was mostly you threatening him.
"Well he called you sweet heart that's a feet not even Aphrodite the goddess of beauty could charm and you know he doesn't have a girlfriend" Alice said winking
"Well as I said before,not interested"
"Alright if you say so then let's go to class we have history class now and if we get there a minute late be prepared to organize potions alphabetically in the potions store for a full week and the store IS LARGE" Alice said emphasizing on the 'LARGE' "
" Ok alright I get it" Mia said rolling her eyes at her friend.
A/N: Hi guys this is my first book and I'm so excited to share it with you all.I really hope you enjoyed the first five chapters and I'll do my best to update regularly despite my tight schedule with ya know school and stuff .
I would really appreciate it if you liked and commented to show your support and please no negativity, I am always open to positive criticism and suggestions
And don't forget never stop, If you can imagine it then you can do it
Love you all ♥️♥️♥️
Your girl
Whitney 💖💞.