Chereads / The First Vampire: A Journey Into The Supernatural / Chapter 1 - Prologue: The First Vampire

The First Vampire: A Journey Into The Supernatural

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Chapter 1 - Prologue: The First Vampire

"So bored sigh..."

In an unknown land devoid of life, resides Lucifer. Shackles made by God bind the Seraphim to a dusty throne in an empty hall. Lucifer spreads his pair of angelic white wings gracefully.

he rises from his throne alongside the metallic noise of chains following him as he walks through the empty, dark hall. The smell of dusty and old stone penetrates the Seraphim's nose.

"Perhaps I should watch my father's creations"

The Seraphim extends his hands calmly and soon after, a screen appears in thin air showcasing a human settlement. Houses made of wood and straw. Kingdoms with castles and walls, and much more.

Lucifer cant help but frown his eyebrow as the sight changes from place to place.

"Father's masterpiece seems to evolve softly yet surely. He might be amusing himself watching these bloody imbeciles, naked monkeys, imperfects"

The Seraphim annoyed starts to throw insults at his father's creation. Lucifer is unable to accept being replaced by lowlives who came from goddamn monkeys. What does his father see in these naked monkeys?

Lucifer recognizes humans of course, humans are indeed an example of God's power, no other being could be capable of creating sentient beings who are so pitiful and miserable but at the same time, interesting to watch. 

Even Lucifer himself is incapable of achieving this feat. Believe me, he tried for several human lifespans while imprisoned, to no veil, the best he could manage was some disfigured beings who were barely capable of sum two plus two. He continued trying for ages, but nothing came out as interesting as his father's monkeys. The Seraphim craves desperately to deceive his father's masterpiece like a child who envies someone else toy.

"Oh! Some of them are even performing sorcery feats by now, although they are being burned for it" Says Lucifer playfully

Lucifer goes back and forth on his screen observing the world his father created, amusing himself with a few things.

He then stops at a house, the Seraphim frows his eyebrow curiously and slightly tilts his head. In the underground of a house, something catches Lucifer's curiosity, a girl chained, wearing rags who doesnt do her otherworldly beauty justice.

"What is this monkey? A disease am I unaware of?" Lucifer mumbles to himself

The girl has a pale complexion, eyes crimson red, and beautifully crafted white hair descending her body and face like a waterfall. An albino, but the concept of albinism is new to Lucifer and every other human being. Albinism and middle age dont suit each other, albino babies are killed shortly after being born, as the church says they are a sign of evil.

"Father started to create ramifications, so is he already bored? Hard to believe... maybe a DNA mutation then" Lucifer mumbles to himself

Lucifer is extremely happy after seeing the girl, this means that God's masterpiece was deceived by a mere human who was born unlike every other. The girl is unaware of this, but her whole existence gives the Seraphim an idea of how to completely mock his father's creation.

A grim form on Lucifer's face while his hand plays with his blonde bright hair. A promising idea just appeared in front of him, how could he not think about this before? After ages, he finally has it in the palm of his hand.

"What better way of mocking an artist's creation than stealing and making it better? *giggles*"

Lucifer waves his hand resulting in the sudden disappearance of the screen and proceeds happily walking to his throne. After sitting, a little flask pops in front of him floating, and a few dark blue circles surround the flask.

"A disease, ramifications, thats it! the beings are there already, I just want to mook his creations. A being made using his creation as a base, predators whom amuse themselves by playing with human's lives, bearers of an irresistible charm, feed towards the life force of my father's creations, stronger, faster, smarter. Their existence shall mook humans in every way possible" Mumbling to himself

Lucifer can not intervene without punishment in the human world, even God, his father do not intervene in human affairs as it would be boring, their whole existence is based on being fun to watch after all.

Once the disease enters the human world, it would be against God's rule to change it, so this law will protect his creation to some extent. The problem lies with his punishment. The thought of Michael descending upon him alongside a rain of fire makes the Seraphim sigh.

"Oh! What are a few years of torture compared to mook my father's masterpieces, just the thought is enough to satisfy me immensely" States Lucifer playfully

And thats how the creatures of the night, commonly known as vampires were born.


In West Francia, 646 A.D.

Is it morning?

Rising from my pile of straw I call a bed, the sound of chains echo in the empty basement. It is only natural for me to be chained, Mother told me im evil, and God shall forgive me if I stay in the basement. Allez au diable the Devil for touching me with his unholy hands, because of him my appearance is that of the sin.

Sacrebleu... It is time to alter my bindings again, they are squeezing my wrists and feet. My ear picks up the sound of footsteps echoing in the basement. My face twists in a joyful smile while I wait for my sunshine.

My sunshine is here, aah... when I hear her footsteps my uncolored world just busts into a dream. The sunshine that colors my unholy existence, my dear dear sister.

She walks holding a lamp illuminating the dark basement, soon I can see her clearly. My sister is so beautiful as always. Brow wavy hair extending to her well-developed chest, healthy white skin unlike mine own, blue eyes like the ocean, her lips ah... her red lips, I could lose myself staring at them.

My sister stops, looking at me with a joyful smile while putting the lamp on the ground close to me. She sits in front of me holding a plate with bread. My sister feeds me my meals as it is hard to eat while shackles bind me. My sister is strange, she does not look at me with disgust or pity, but rather her stare is of love and worry.

"Good day, Carmilla" My sister says joyfully

Her beautiful smile seeing from up close is almost blinding. I do not recall feeling the sun or seeing it but if one asked me to guess, my sister would come to mind.

"Good day, Anna, thy beauty augments every day" I say joyfully

Anna giggles while her white cheeks turn light red. She approaches me closer putting the plate to the side, and knee in my lap hugging me. Anna proceeds to kiss my neck softly and goes up to my reddish cheeks which can be easily seen because of my extremely white skin.

"A- Anna... this is sinful" I say ashamed

"Dear sister, do not worry. God quoth for us to love our family, and we truly hast a divers kind of love, I told thee many times" Anna says with a light kind tone

Anna continues to kiss my cheeks and soon she goes for my lips. I can not resist, my sister's embrace brings me a comfort no bed could ever compete. Her soft lips touch my own while her hands explore my back making me shiver.

Moving my hands to reach her tights a sound of chains followed while I pet her tights covered by a blue tunic. It is always so good, my sister is perfect of course she would never sin. I'm sure she speaks the truth, but it's such a strong pleasure that I can not help but associate it with a sin.

Anna stops kissing me and holds my head locking eyes with me. Her expression is joyful and kind with a warm smile. I avert my gaze by reflex because Mother says my crimson eyes are unholy.

"Thou are handsome Carmilla. mother and father are wrong, from here to Britannia no prince can resist thy beauty" Says Anna gently

Her sudden statement causes me to blush.

"Flatterie. Thy beauty is unmatched" I say blushing

Anna passed her finger on my red lips while letting out a soft giggle. My sister's voice is a melody to my ears, ah... sister, if my chains allowed I would hold you forever.

We kiss a little more before she properly feeds me and gets a bucket with water to bathe me alongside some new clothes. My sister does most things for me, it afflicts me yet im ashamed to admit that I like to be the focus of all her attention.

Anna then leaves to work in the appletrees grabbing fresh apples for our family to sell. Today is church day, I feel sad... sister takes longer to come back but it is good to connect with God.

It's been like this ever since I was a baby, Anna with 8 years was already taking care of me but we only started to kiss and do things recently. Even when my mother and father forget about my existence Anna always remains on my side. If I was a man and not cursed, I would marry Anna.

As the thought is born in my mind, a silly smile appears on my face. Oh! no, im thinking of something disgraceful, pray Carmilla pray. All my prayers are directed to my sister's safe return, a good harvest, and her happiness.


The whole day passed, and my sister didnt come back. My anxious heavy breath fills the whole basement. My hands tremble as I fear the worst.

She might be too tired today, yes! She is just taking a break, tomorrow she shall be here.

Tomorrow came, alongside my worst nightmare.

I hear the basement door opening and the sound of footsteps approaching me. My heart races thinking of my dear sister finally here but to my despair, my father appears in front of me holding a lamp and a plate with bread wearing a disgusted look on his face.

No no no! Where is Anna!? 

Tears slowly form in my eyes as I ask hesitantly to my father.

"W- Whe- Where is Anna?"

My father bit his lips in anger and threw the plate to the ground close to me resulting in the plate shattering. He turns around and walks to the basement door, but I see a tear falling from his face as he leaves. He says something while opening the door.

"Priest Pierre declared her guilty of witchcraft, Anna was burned yesterday" Says My father with a bitter sad tone while leaving

My world crumbled in a few seconds.

My tears fall one by one in between my shocked face. My mind blacks and all I can see is a blurry teary sight. What should I do? My sister... no... no Anna. My sister would never use witchcraft! Lies! Lies! Putrified Lies! 

I have known my sister for 20 years! she is kind-hearted and sweet, if this is what a witch is then they are far better than any other person. How can this be fair!? My sister abides by every rule of God! Why did he permit her to be burned like a deer at a stake?!


Tears won't stop falling repeatedly. My whole body shakes in anguish. My Sun was killed and now my whole world shall stay lifeless until the day death claims me.

Breakdown after breakdown, hours and hours pass, my face is swollen from crying for so much time, and my heart still hurts like 100 needles are poking it slowly. I can not accept this... My Anna is gone forever because of rotten lies.

If God allows something like this then...

He is the evil one.

I prayed, prayed, prayed, and prayed for my sister's safety, where did it get me? God didnt hear it. Is it because of my unholy beshrew? Yet my sister is not me, God should have protected her. Anna was no witch! Even if she was, burning people alive is evil! How can God ask us to do this? He is evil! I have never known of people being burned in the name of the devil, then he must be good!

Sacrebleu! Stop these tears. Maudit be thou, God! I beshrew thy name, thy spirit, and thy son. And why didn't Mother and Father do anything to help her? They watched while she burned!? 

Maudit be them all!

In my anguish, I hear a voice echoing in my head. A beautiful angelic man's voice. He speaks calmly but with superiority.

"Heed my words monkey, I am Lucifer, and thou shall drink from this flask and receive my blessing"


I look around in panic trying to find who said this but to no veil. A little flask made of glass holding a reddish-dark liquid simply appears in front of me.

Luci... fer? 

But, this is the name of the devil... drink from this flask? Blessing? ah... He heard me, he heard me. Lucifer must be good! If he hears me then he is good! He is even blessing me. I have nothing more to lose either way.

Grabbing the flask with my teeth, I take out the stopper.

In a deep breath. Thy daughter shall receive thy blessing.


So sweet! 

The blessing runs through my throat leaving a sweet taste. My mind starts to wave my vision turns blurry.

Hmm... What... Argh! Hot! It is burning my stomach!

my pupils dilate and everything is hurting. I feel my heart beating like steps against my chest, loud and fast almost like it is trying to get out of my chest.

Argh! It hurts... to breathe. Air... I need air.

My vision turns dark, I fall to the ground alongside the loud sound of chains.


I awaken in panic getting up and looking around the basement.

Why is it so bright here? And this smell argh... My head hurts... everything hurts. Confusion takes over me alongside something else. Hunger, so hungry.

I swiftly grab the breed in front of me at an inhuman speed, putting it in my mouth just the smell is enough to make me vomit it all. Disgusting! What is this? Argh my head.

Hunger... food... I have been eating this same bread for 20 years so why is it disgusting now? It is completely impossible to eat!


Delicious... What is this smell? Licking my lips, I feel something strange with my teeth, two sharp and pointy fangs in the upper side of my mouth replacing my canine teeth. Follow the smell... I need to follow this delicious smell.

I get up breaking my chains without using any force. Hypnotized by the sweet smell coming from upstairs I make my way outside the basement with the sound of chains dragging in the ground.

*Thump* The sound of two hearts beating calmly reaches my ears. Entering the house, I see my father and mother sleeping soundly on a bed. The neck, smells so good, bite only a tiny bite he shall not feel it. 

When im an inch close to my father's neck, I stop, taking a deep breath. Delicious, so delicious, smells so good! The sound of his neck veins beating enters my ears. Gulping saliva, I bite.

The sweet nectar runs free into my throat. Mmmm! I need more... so good, more, even more! My father starts to twitch, opening his eyes in panic to meet me swallowing his blood.


A punch hits my face making me pull back from his neck. Surprisingly, it didnt hurt at all. Staring at my hands while my father screams something, I run my fingers through the place where father hit me.

Powerful. Is this Lucifer's blessing? My mind is calm, even though I just drank my own father's blood there is only a desire to drink more. Should I feel bad? No!

They watch my sister burn and sleep here like nothing happened! Betrayal. Their own flesh and blood burned! Traitors.

My face twists into a rage expression. While I look at my hands again, my veins start to pop and my nails become claws. Kill the traitors.

At an inhuman speed, my claws find my father's neck tearing it apart, making a bloody mess in the whole room. My mother's screams fill the night while I stare at my claws dripping my own father's blood, I bring my hand closer to my mouth, licking it softly, swallowing the blood.

Still delicious, yet fresh from the neck is much better. Staring at my mother covering her own mouth with her two hands too afraid of making a noise. She looks at me with intense fear in her eyes.

I make a silent sign with my index finger on my lips. My crimson eyes light up as I approach my mother making some chains sound because of them being attached to my feet.

A faint scream was heard and she burst out running trying to reach the door handle. Soon after a grotesque sound fills the house alongside faints screams and attempts to breathe.

My whole arm pierced through my mother's stomach. A waterfall of blood falls into the ground, she pits blood while my fangs reach for her dying neck veins.

Simply delightful, mmmm. This should be wrong but feels so good! Traitors! thats what you get for betraying your own blood. This is truly a blessing. Women's blood seems to taste different from men's, yet both are delicious!

A minute passed, taking out my fangs from my mother's lifeless neck alongside my arm from her stomach resulting in her falling to the ground in a pile of her own blood.

I... what I have done? My mind tells me to feel remorse but... there is nothing. Im not numb, I still feel anger, anguish, and grief for my sister but my own parents are not capable of making me feel the same.

When was the last time I saw their faces? I can not recall, they barely go down in the basement. Perhaps this is why.

I feel like... this is natural. Like I have been doing this for years. The hunger stopped, and now I feel more in control, my eyes are picking up details of the wood in the house like im seeing it from up close. Variations of smells run into my nose, identifying every last one of them is as easy as breathing. My ears can hear even the soft flapping of the wings of an owl a few meters away from this house.

Incredible, and there is more, I feel it inside, it is coming to me like instincts. Joining my hands in a praying sign I smile and look up. Oh... Lucifer, It is a pleasure to carry thy blessing, thank you for answering my prayer.

Blood drips from my chin, and hands while I look up thoughtfully. Now what? I have no family, no one to care or love. Where should I go? With my appearance is impossible for me to live among people.

Raising my right hand, I retract my claws and put my palm in my chest to feel my heart. Nothing, should I not be dead? How... Lucifer truly is great, even death is his to control.

Grabbing the shackles in my feet and wrists, I break it like a mere piece of bread being smashed. I shall pay a visit to Priest Pierre today, there are questions to make.

A grim full of blood forms on my face as I reach for the door handle. Outside, the full moon bathes me in its glorious light, owls great, and bats fly freely in the night sky full of stars. Ah... 20 years inside a basement, imprisoned by the rotten lies of God, I lost 20 years of glorious sights like this very night. Now I know better, that appearance does not determine one's character, if it did, my sister would still be alive.

Ah... how I wish to share this blessing with my sister. Why she had to go so soon... Anna. Tears mix with the blood on my face and fall on the dirt ground while walking through the village.

If Anna was yet alive would she stay by my side after becoming what im now? I can only wonder. A cold breeze passes through me bringing a purging smell that I never felt before.

Ashes? But there is something else. I run faster than any other human being is capable of with a panic expression, stopping after arriving at the grotesque scene.

Anna's body is tied into a stake, completely roasted, my only way of identifying her is a piece of a blue tunic flying with the night breeze. Falling to my knee, my mind is filled with extreme sadness and extreme rage.

Anna! What they did to thy beauty... Les brutes! Beasts!


*Boom* Screaming in rage I punch the ground strong enough to create cracks.

Beasts wearing human skin! Plagues! Le fléau! *Boom* Répugnant! *Boom*

In all my rage, I perceive people eyeing me through the windows of their houses. They can not see me because of how dark it is, but I see them clearly. Beasts shall be put down like the beasts they are!

Getting up with a rageful expression, tears and blood falling from my face, I run toward a house with a man, woman, and child looking at me from a window. Before they can even react to what is happening, I punch the door making it break and crumble, entering inside swiftly and breaking the man's legs with a kick. He falls to the ground with a cry of pain, and in a blink, his whole family falls with broken legs like puppets without strings.

I grab them by the neck throwing them outside on my burned sister's feet.

"Bow!" I scream in rage

The family screams in pain alongside cries for mercy and prayers. Beasts dare to ask for mercy! Disgusting!

Soon, cries of pain can be heard in the village as I make my way into every house breaking more legs than I can count. In the end, there is a mountain of men, children, women, and babies at my toasted sister's feet. They beg for God's help, for mercy, and children cry in pain alongside the loud cry of babies suffocating in a pile of filthy beasts.

I stand in front of them like a maestro presenting an orchestra of pain and suffering. Joining my hands and looking at my sister, I pray while crying.

"Oh... My Anna, thy sister shall punish the filthy beasts who tarnished thy beauty. Wherever thou are, I offer this tribute in thy name, my beloved sister"

Mmmm, this is much better but there is yet a beast for me to take down. I run toward the church with a rageful expression passing by the village like a mirage leaving only drips of blood and footsteps.

The plague smell finds my nose, guiding me inside the church. Soon I found a man in his 50 years hiding under his bed trying to make no noise, to no veil, my nose could pick up his smell from outside the church and the sound of his fearful beating heart entered my ears like a beautiful melody.

Cracking a grim smile with my mouth and teeth full of blood I grab the bed and throw it to the other side of the room like a mere rock revealing Priest Pierre almost pissing himself looking at me praying with a cross in his hands.

Slowly, I crouch at his side while gazing right at his fearful eye with a stare full of rage and sadness, blood drips from my chin while I grab his hands that are together doing a prayer sign with a cross in the middle.


In a squeeze, all the bones of his hands turn into dust alongside a scream of suffering. While he screams with his mouth wide open, I grab his tongue tearing it off with a pull.

"Thy tongue is a disgrace that tells only lies, it's not necessary" I say with a rageful but low voice

His pain screams turn into growls as he is incapable of properly screaming now.

"Thy eyes see only what thou desire to see, ce n'est pas nécessaire" 

My nails grow into claws tearing his two eyes with the grotesque sound and his pain growls. Music to my ears.

Grabbing him by the neck I run all the way back to the pile of beasts wearing human skin throwing him by my sister's feet. He squirms and growls while I break his two legs with a mere stomp of my foot.

My Anna! Murdered by these beasts! 

I fall to my knees grief overwhelms me as now there is no one to vent my pain. 

"Sister, did I say enough?"

She took care of me for 20 years... I know, not once did I fail to show how much I appreciated thy efforts, yet now it all seems... insufficient. great Lucifer hold to my sister's soul, do not let her go to the vile hands of God whose followers did this to her. Hear my prayer once more, for I shall serve thy will until the day im reunited with Anna in thy kingdom.

Clearing my tears and getting up to look at the pile of murders and beasts squirming and letting out faint screams of suffering. Most who are at the base are dead from suffocation and those who are more at the top will soon die from starvation unable to move.

"In thy last moments, repent for thy unholy deed" I mumble while passing walking by them

I use my newly acquired speed to run into the wilds aimlessly disappearing in a flash in the night forest.



Lucifer is delighted by his new creation. At first, he thought it would not work and he would have to try again after a few hundred years and the fact that she is so eager to uphold the power is a great bonus. Of course, Lucifer made it so this new species would have strong enough instincts in case his new subject was not willing to use the power.

"A pity, but it is impossible to walk in the sun as it is one of the mortal appearances of my father, a minor side effect.

Some of the true faith bearers might be capable of killing it by using a fraction of the demi-god Jesus essence yet the little powered monkey might be able to bear herself with proper use of her abilities.

Being decapitated would be fatal and a pierced heart shall cut out the function of the body until it regenerates" Says the Seraphim casually mumbling to himself

The world Lucifer is in starts to shake, and a sigh comes out of his mouth as he knows what will happen to him.

The unknown dark land in which Lucifer resides is lit up by the harbinger of God, The Seraphim Michael bearing the virtue of life as his weapon. A rain of fire descended Lucifer's residence like little meteors demolishing everything in their way.

With a broken ceiling, Lucifer looks up to see his brother Michael flying with 6 giant white wings in the sky holding a yellow-reddish fire sphere bigger than Lucifer's castle, the sun.

Lucifer can only stand there helpless as he is shackled by God's chains preventing him from using his true powers and virtue. A bitter smile forms on Lucifer's face as the sun comes in his direction covering the sky.

The only things Lucifer can think of while burning infinitely without dying is.

It was worth it.