The Krystals decided to meet at 'The old Mansion' which was built for the Krystals after their first Ravine win, 4 years ago.
The Ravine awards is considered most renowned and is the no.1 award a performing and singing group could ever receive on Earth.
All sic members of The Krystals lived in that house for 4 years, until Ellie and I decided to get another place for ourselves.
I arrived at the Mansion with Ellie and Ethan. Alec had already left for Arvia, which was Ellie and Alec's home planet.
Alec and Ellie were the children of the Grand Dutch and Dutchess of Arvia. They belonged to one of the most respectable family in all of Zynph.
The main gates to the mansion were opened up to to let our car in. The car stopped in front of the water fountain and the head of the staff waited for the three of us to get out.
It had only been a few weeks since we left this place, but being back here, I realized just how much I missed it and I was sure Ellie felt the same.
We both looked up at elegant manor, with its beige-colored walls and black tiles for its roofs. The numerous balcony's looking down upon us.
The head of the staff addressed us and said in his usual hoarse voice, "The rest are waiting for you in the garden."
He lead the way behind the house. The garden had bushes lining the edges of the pathway.
Their were a few stone-made statues representing previous owners of the house, who like us had also won the Ravine.
The last time this house was occupied before us was over 15 years ago.
I saw Peter and Ronnie's behinds facing us. They were sitting on dining armchairs that were placed around a small table.
Peter was eating snacks from the table and Ronnie was on a call with someone.
"Hey! We're here." Ellie called out to them.
The turned around and waved a hand at us. Ethan dismissed the head staff and we walked to the table.
Ronnie hung up her phone as soon as we settled ourselves.
"Sorry, that was Eunseok." She told us.
"Oh yea.. what happened?" I asked.
"He got into a fight with a son from a strong family, to defend his friend. It's sorted out now." She explained.
"Of course, it's sorted out. After all, it was Detective Cha Min, who took care of it." Ethan said smiling. Ronnie rolled her eyes with a side smile on her face.
Cha Min, was Ronnie's boyfriend, and the chief of the Police in Korea. They met 3 years ago, through Ronnie's grandfather, who was the ex-chief.
"When will Alec be back?" Peter questioned Ellie.
"In a few hours, probably.." Ellie replied, checking her phone.
"I just remembered something." I spoke. All the present members turned to me.
"What?" Peter asked.
"Ok, so. You know how, to enter Zynph, you have to go through the portal of the Arvanes?"
"Yea?" Ellie answered.
"Well.. That would mean that there's another portal to enter Syllis."
Ethan replied this time, "There is one. It's called the portal of Ayles."
"How are we gonna get through it then? I mean, for Zynph, we were given the Arvane mark at birth to travel through Zynph and Earth.. Wouldn't there be something similar for the Ayles?" I queried.
"You're right. Otherwise, Syllis wouldn't exactly be called the safest universe." Ellie agreed with me.
"There is no such thing as an Ayles mark. But there is talisman that you must carry to even be able to see the portal." Ethan explained.
"Do any of us have any talisman?" Peter asked looking around.
"Ryle's already told me. A delegatee will arrive soon enough with the talisman. It's basically a safety measure, so that the invited people don't end up losing it."
"Oh. That makes sense." Ronnie said, eating one of the mini cupcakes that were on the table.
Even after Ethan's explanation, I remained skeptical. And so asked,
"Wait, you said the talisman let's you see it. What do you have to do to go through it."