- "But this rabble isn't annihilated, Your Brightness! If your army leaves the borders of the duchy, everything will repeat itself!"
- "Then we will need to think about how to solve this problem. Our expedition to the pass is settled. The king expects us to retrieve those artifacts!"
- "Ah, understood. And they consider me and my people as the main strike force! Splendid!"
- "And that's why here is respected Knight Blood! I hope he can provide us with mages, so necessary to successfully implement our plan!"
- "Well, who doubted it? Get it like a fascist grenade!"
- "Your Highness, I want to remind you that I am not your vassal or Baron Savoyardi's vassal!"
- "And that's the second issue I wanted to discuss."
The Duke shone like a new coin. Apparently, he expected such a reaction and was prepared for it.
- "I deliberately didn't demand vassal oath from you or Baron. In the autumn, I had plans for you, and over the winter, I only strengthened them, receiving support from His Majesty."
The vampire tensed. As the great one said,
- "Let us pass all sorrows more than anyone else
And the master's wrath, and the master's love." (A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit")
- "I think I can interest you. I want to establish a new barony in the north of my possessions. Currently, these lands are essentially occupied by the Cursed Forest and are completely desolate. It is within your capabilities and those of your people to settle them. Castle Blood and the lands around it will be part of the new barony. Baron Savoyardi will receive lands from me on this side of the river."
The vampire was dismayed but tried to conceal it.
- "And what about Rostki?"
The Duke laughed.
- "That village will remain mine. I offer you all the lands currently assigned to the free settlement of Lesnoye and all the lands to the east, lying between the rivers Savoyardi and Cursed, up to where they merge into one river. Rostki lie a little further to the east and bring me too good a profit for me to give them to you."
- "So, the settlers will be walking through my lands?"
- "They mostly pass through the Cursed to royal lands; the lands I offer you are not of interest to them."
Alexander pondered. By local standards, the proposal was very generous. And it was also advantageous for the vampire community. They would have a new lord, who was very distant. And who only needed to pay taxes reliably. Reasons to refuse service on this side of the river will be found. The same Savoyardi had never sent his retinue to the Duke's army.
- "I need to discuss this with my people."
The Duke nodded, indicating he didn't expect another answer.
- "Your Highness, if I accept the offer, you understand that fulfilling military duty with such desolate and dangerous lands will be almost impossible."
The Duke shook his head.
- "Oh, these vassals! They haven't even received more lands, haven't had their title approved by His Majesty, and already they're shirking service," he looked seriously at the vampire, "I need your support at the pass; in the future, I will be satisfied if you continue to assist the Baron in defending the Northern Tract and pay me an increased tax instead of military duty!"
- "What forces do you expect from me at the pass?"
- "Your title must be confirmed by the king; the Baron is not a knight. To ensure His Majesty has no questions about you, I think a squad of ten mages and twenty paladins will do."
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