The Baron was silent, assessing his interlocutor. As during their first conversation, they were alone in the Baron's office. It was not quite usual. It only happened in situations beyond the ordinary, like in the forest, or between friends. Alexander had only drunk the blood of noble Orodes, but he didn't think etiquette differed that much. Or he was being spoken to about something that only two people were supposed to hear.
- How would you feel if... well, let's say, how would you feel if you found out that a certain baron was approached by a knight he didn't know and asked to come under his arm, take a vassal oath and establish a castle with a settlement of loyal men? And the Baron would accept this offer and would not make inquiries about the knight and find out his biography, - having finished his speech, the Baron stared attentively at his interlocutor.
And here is an offer that can not be refused. The hint was completely unambiguous. And most importantly, everything was clear. The baron had only three knights as vassals. By local standards, that wasn't even a small number. It was a laugh. The abrupt change from "kind" to "honorable" also made sense.
Damn, how tempting it was, but Alexander was forced to refuse. The nobility was not only privileges, but duties as well. To fulfill which vampires were simply not in a position to fulfill, at least some days. Also choosing his words carefully, the young man began to answer.
- I would say that I don't see anything wrong with it, Your Grace, but... may I speak frankly?
The Baron, hearing the beginning of his guest's speech, was genuinely pleased and nodded.
- You are suggesting that I lie and call myself a knight. I don't see anything wrong with that - and such things happen. You're asking me to recognize myself as your vassal. I've known you less than 24 hours, but I see no harm in that. In other circumstances, I would gladly accept to be your vassal. But as your vassal, I will have to serve you. And so will my men. Though they were not used to holding a sword in their hands, they all followed me because I promised them that in the future they would not have to take up the sword often and would be able to earn their living by peaceful labor.
Such behavior was, of course, strange, because soldiers and vigilantes, as well as mercenaries, were on the social ladder above the peasants. However, and such sometimes happened - this society, although it was a class society, but it was far from rigid caste inequality. People moved from one class to another constantly and with ease.
- So I must decline your generous offer, even though I would very much like to accept it.
"What a bend in the road!"
The Baron eyed the vampire carefully.
- 'Well, I can understand such noble sentiments. And even respect them.
"Yeah, I can see by the look on your face how much you respect it."
- But I hope that if I suddenly need the help of warriors, you will not refuse my request?
"You've got me backed up against the wall, you bastard!"
- Of course we will. Especially if the requests are infrequent.
The parties had clearly defined the boundaries of the agreement. All that remained was to seal it. And to find out why the Baron wanted to get additional soldiers under his hand, because the vigilantes were completely sure that except for goblins, there were no other enemies in these places. And also to clarify this strange behavior of the Baron in the tent when it came to the Orodian army.
"Ah, to hell with it! Since I've started talking frankly, I need to find out what kind of noose we're sticking our heads in. When will I ever be alone with the Baron again?!"
- Mr. Baron. Will you allow me to ask you a delicate question?
The Baron tensed and nodded slightly.
- When I informed you of the Orodian army yesterday, you changed your behavior too noticeably for it to be hidden from my eyes. And my men's destruction of the Orodian detachment rather upset you.
The Baron at that moment was not unlike a hot iron, as if one splash of water and it would sizzle.
- Don't think, Your Grace, I'm not accusing you of anything, it's just that your desire to have us as soldiers is too obvious, and I need to know in what battles and with whom I will have to fight for you.
The Baron stood up and walked from one wall to the other. Stopped. Walked from wall to wall once more.
- You have the right to know, though if you tell anyone what you hear, I will destroy you.
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