They can't sleep, who could blame them.
Brock was still recovering from the stuff that had happened from the monster encounter. He still hasn't told them yet, will he ever?..
Aaron, still in pain from the attack,
Cori was feeling a weird vibe from the water in the waterfall, she gets up to go check it out. She uses her flashlight, she didn't see anything so she decided to head back, until, she sees a figure on the corner of her eye, she turns quickly yet sharply and sees nothing..She shrugs it off and goes back to the camp.
Brittany, itchy from the poison ivy she tripped in running toward the monster earlier.
Kenneth, still questioning how weird the rocks are, suddenly, a group of hooded figures come out from the forest.
Everyone is caught off guard, they look around and realize they're surrounded. With nowhere to go, the figures throw something, after a few seconds, they get dizzy and eventually pass out.
Cori was the last one to pass out, she caught a glimpse of one of the figured faces. It looked like a boy, with an eyepatch, with a big scar on the top right of his forehead.
When everyone finally woke up, they look around, and what looks like to be a big "alien-like" prison cell of orange concrete with light orange metal lining the walls and yellow lights glowing.
Kenneth, being the last one to wake up, gets up and looks around the room. It's around as big as a classroom.
They noticed people were are strangers sleeping, they were in the corners covered in tattered blankets and clothes.
One thing is common though, something that everyone had on, everyone has a gold wristband with a number on it, Kenneth looked at his wristband and turned it, he had the number 031.
He looks out the window bars to see a giant city.
It wasn't like the city they lived in though, everything has an orangery and a yellowish color to it.
Outside the city, of course, was more forest, he could see some mountains up on the horizon.
They seem to be pretty high up, maybe 6-8 stories up.
The ground below are streets with cars, and bright lights. Kenneth squinted his eyes a bit, and saw what looked like, hovering cars driving people around?..
Oddly enough, Kenneth saw all different kinds of people, some had green skin, some had pointy ears, some are even walking animals, there was other unique looking people, and there was also the normal ones, that looked like humans.
Kenneth then hears a loudspeaker that makes wakes everyone up.
One of the strangers said,
"This is my least favorite part of the day." Kenneth wondered what he meant by that comment.
The announcement is coming from the opposite side of the city. A large hologram appears above the colosseum and loud cheers come from above, a giant crowd of people watching this, what seems to be, a live event?
The announcer says,
"HELLO! HELLO EVERYONEE!! IT IS I! YOUR FAVORITE ENTERTAINER IN GOTERRIA! Today we present another exciting battle for you. On the left corner we have…The Bulldozer!!, on the right hand side we present..Our reigning champion…Fang!! Who will win?..Who will survive?!.."
That little speech woke everyone up from their slumber, except Aaron, who is still recovering from his injuries.
Everyone looks around and does the same things Kenneth did, except the prisoners who remained slumped.
Brittany, worried about her makeup products and having no service.
Brock, scared of the monster inside of him and the equipment inside the bag,
and Cori, trying to break the barred windows with no luck.
All they can do, is watch the fight between the two "things" in the arena down below.