- We don't take the girl because, in spite of her good qualities, her character is too rambunctious, fidgety and easy, she won't make a normal irienin, and if she does, it will be much later than most of the selected ones.
- And the last two girls? - Uncle looked at the remaining forms.
- One is a discarded half-breed Uchiha, which is problematic in itself, and the other has a good reserve, but the ratio of her chakra won't allow her to use hijutsu properly - there's too much body energy, which hints at Senju or Uzumaki blood diluted somewhere in the third or fourth generation. Not the best material to train an iryonin. It's up to you to decide whether or not to take it.
- Hmm, I see," Shenesu rubbed the bridge of his nose thoughtfully, but after a few moments he moved the last sheet to the stack.
Well, the girl was lucky.
- Is that the end of it? Or is there more? - I asked my uncle, craning my neck.
- Is the training plan ready?
- I've been doing it for a long time, but it should start at about seven, when everyone learns to read and write, as well as to control chakra at least at the initial stage," I said. "I started at that age myself, so the main work is still on the shoulders of the clan mentors.
- Okay, thanks Ryo, I won't keep you any longer," the head of Nara sighed, "Will you stop by to check on the children today? Considering the way you've been treated, it would make the others' jobs a lot easier.
Pfft, after the cramped and inadequate conditions of the orphanages, despite the staff's best efforts, a new home with small but private rooms will seem like a paradise to the children.
- Then send someone to pick me up when you're done with the decorating," I agreed with him, "then I'll help you set up the defenses on the house and the surrounding area.
- It's a deal.
Standing up, I nodded to Shenesu and left the office. In addition to the obviously important completion of the first stage of a long-term plan to acquire normal iryo-nin for the clan, I have a few more experiments planned for today, one of which promises very interesting results.
Uzumaki's longevity is too much for those who don't have that advantage, and I want to see my women around as long as possible, and preferably young and beautiful for obvious reasons.
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