Chereads / Red Nara / Chapter 480 - Chapter 172

Chapter 480 - Chapter 172

- It would be interesting to participate," I smiled a not-so-guilty smile.

- I'm well aware of my bedding capabilities, and I'd rather share the load of your libido with the rest of you.

- By the way, since you mentioned and Tsumi-chan went to bed....

- I bet she did! - Senju laughed softly and stood up from her chair, setting her cup aside.

I was immediately beside her and picked up the shrieking red-haired beauty in my arms and headed towards the bedroom.


- May I? - Another patient poked his head through the ajar door.

- Yes, come in," I nodded, taking a moment to look at the papers, "I'll be out of here in a few minutes.

- It's okay, Sensei, we'll wait," the shinobi said.

- So, what do you have?

Having finished filling out the last form, I put the sheet into a folder on the edge of the table and finally turned my attention to the man in a tight green full-body suit under an open vest and a kid with the same "potty" hairstyle, but in a normal sweatshirt and long shorts to the knees of dark color, sitting quietly on the chairs near the wall.

- Good afternoon, my name is Maito Dai, and this is my son Gai," the shinobi introduced himself. - You see sensei, I have a defective keirakukei system from birth, and because of the wrongly formed tenketsu, the use of ninjutsu and genjutsu is not available to me, and it seems that Guy has the same problem, passed on by inheritance.

I could barely keep a benevolent expression on my face - it's little Maito Gai, how can you not recognize him! - While continuing to nod safely at the man's explanation.

- Considering that tenketsu are just beginning to form at that age, then....

- You want me to check him and, if possible, try to correct the defects now, rather than allow them to develop further incorrectly? - I picked up on that, nodding understandingly.

- That's exactly right, sensei," Dai nodded.

- In that case, Gai-kun, lie down on the couch and I'll conduct the examination," I rose to my feet and left the table.

Hmm, it would even be interesting to examine Maito Gai and maybe even help him if there was nothing complicated about his problem. Activating the shosen no jutsu, I began to run my hands over the boy's body, examining his keirakukei. And strangely enough, I found something already. Frowning, I summoned Dai and checked a few tenketsu already on him.

The problem with the Maito family was that, instead of developing normally and allowing shinobi to regulate the flow of chakra outward with their contractions, they overgrew, making it impossible to control the flow of chakra outward.

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