Man, they're kidding me! Just a week ago, Shibatori and his girlfriend came to see me, and now this one! It's like I'm going to give in to the same fashion and have another baby!
- No, Momi-chan was already tested two weeks ago and the result was positive," Ishi shook his head, "and now we're here to check the fetal development, as one of the posters at the entrance to all the hospital wards says.
- Oh, what a good job you are," I nodded and got out from behind the desk and nodded invitingly at the kunoichi on the couch, "lie down Tomomi-chan and we'll check everything quickly.
- Okay, Nara-sama," the shy Funji didn't resist.
Activating the Shosen no Jutsu, I put my hand on the belly that had not yet begun to round and the examination began. It didn't take long, so after a couple minutes, I nodded in satisfaction and turned to my slightly nervous partner.
- Five and a half weeks, development is normal, so there's no reason to worry, and in the fourth month you'll start getting regular checkups every two weeks," I ordered the couple, 'and I had a manual for pregnant kunoichi here somewhere,' I rifled through my desk and pulled out a small handwritten scroll and handed it to the happy parents.
Actually, I had written it with the active assistance of a couple of other iryo-nin from the maternity ward for first-time kunoichi, to improve the conditions of the future child's development and reduce the chances of something unpleasant happening to the mother. Considering the fact that some fools manage to go on missions until almost the fifth month, it's a very timely thing to do, since, after the peace came, many Konoha residents began to actively breed and multiply, including chakra users.
- Follow all the recommendations to the letter, okay?!
- Yes, Nara-sama," Tomomi bowed, and Rotaro simply nodded.
- Ryo-san," I corrected the kunoichi with a sigh for the second time since we'd met, 'and if you persist, I'll prescribe a liter enema every couple of days for a general cleansing of the body,' I grinned menacingly at the wide-eyed girl.
- Ryo can do it," his partner chuckled.
- Okay, Ryo-san," Funzi bowed fearfully.
- In that case, get out of here," I pushed the couple toward the door, "I have visitors besides you.
- Thank you, Ryo," the shinobi smiled.
- Don't mention it," I waved my hand and shouted into the hallway, "next!
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