- Ugh! Not so loud! - I groaned, clutching my buzzing head.
Even when I woke up, it took me a while to realize what had happened-thoughts were jumbled, memories popped up unexpectedly, and it felt like someone had hit me over the head with a sledgehammer. It took a dozen minutes to come to my senses and organize my thoughts, and not without the help of the clone who was killing the pain.
- Status?
- No special problems, just sharply increased brain activity even in a sleeping state, increased blood flow, and with it the pressure inside the skull, hence the pain, - immediately reported kage bunshin, - one or two times there will be no special problems from such an overload, thanks to the long use of kage bunshins and the habit to perceive a large amount of information, but often so mock yourself still should not.
- Fuck that! I'll dispel the second spy, and I won't use shadows for such a long time! - I grumbled.
Despite the past "download" of memories, so far it was possible to organize and access only to some parts of the "life" of the spy (obviously, there are losses in the transfer of large amounts). Even better, after a couple of weeks he came up with the idea of practically not getting out of meditation during the surveillance and I got only data from external events, rather than still and reflections of the copy.
But even from the snippets that were well recalled, it was perfectly clear that Pakura was in disfavor with the Kazekage. It was hard to expect otherwise to a rival for the title of village ruler. And the border skirmishes with Kiri are gradually gaining momentum, and the poor kunoichi is serving as a plug in every hole, having performed very well against Suiton users thanks to her unique kekkei genkai. It's likely not far off the mark when she'll just be turned in.
I'll need to get the memories of the second spy who was monitoring the situation in Suna and among the village's upper ranks, and then the possible time of betrayal won't be hard to determine. And then... I'll have the first prisoner not only with a kekkai genkai, but also a class S! The fact that it will be a kunoichi is just a nice bonus.
- Boss! Stop smiling like that, even I'm getting uncomfortable," the kage bunshin brought me back to reality.
- Yeah," I sighed with relief as I carefully stood up and made sure that the headache was really gone.
- What's the plan, boss?
- I'll leave the second spy for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and then we can decide what purpose we're going to send them to Suna for," I shook my head.
- To collect or to recruit?
- We'll see at the first meeting," I waved the clone away, "the main thing is to get her.
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