"See things with realism and all is fair in life and death ."
The sky are grey , the sun is nowhere to be seen . The world descends on a total war on this day .
9 years ago ,at a peaceful village of Arpiłazya , all seems fair . The sun shone through the whole village , the people are in accordance with the Tsar . And by noon , a shooting star appeared on the skies , of the color of the flames. All the people come outside their homes to watch this star wander on their world . The star grew larger and larger , provoking madmen and seers to spoke of omens that they made to provoke fear .
'The sun , it grew larger , it is the sign of the end times .'
' End times ?'
'People , listen to me , the Creator had decided to end this wretched world once and for all .'
As the star aimed towards the village , men on white robes , scoped this star . Astonishment turned to fear .
'Kurwa ! It's no star , and it's heading for the city !'
The world did end , for them . All of the people there , all the structures , and the forest around are lit to flames. None survived this , save perhaps a lucky few .
A tragedy , isn't it . From this event came the events of suffering and more screaming souls to be told .