"How about you come here let me show you who's skinny?" Haze replied angrily.
At that, the guard stopped laughing abruptly and a scowl spread on his face.
"You insolent little..." He said angrily. "I'll show you how to talk to your elders".
He stomped over to Haze and raised the bat. He brought it down with force but Haze swung his arm up to meet the bat halfway.
The bat caved to the side as it met Haze's arm.
The guard looked at Haze with shock evident on his face.
Before he could properly process what was going on, Haze gave a blow to the chest.
The guard staggered back and fell onto his butt. He put one hand on his chest as he wheezed.
Haze was done toying with him however.
"Get up and fight". He said to the guard. "Get up and show me how to talk to my elders".
The guard looked like he didn't want to fight again. He was still struggling to get air into his lungs.