Princess Tanasiri and Princess Anna were often engrossed in meetings, their minds consumed by the quest for empires with favorable currency conversions, a pursuit aimed at securing resources at a bargain. Their latest endeavor led them to the Kingdom of Bantam, where negotiations took an unexpected turn.
Despite initial optimism, the transaction hit a snag when King Kiah of Bantam demanded a substantially higher sum of money, clearly attempting to capitalize on the wealth of the Richelieu empire. The audacity of this move incited Emperor Alistor, sparking a palpable tension between the two realms. This rift not only soured diplomatic relations but also prompted Emperor Alistor to contemplate a decisive campaign aimed at subjugating the Bantam empire.
The implications of these events reverberated throughout the court, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the future. It was evident that the delicate balance of power had been disrupted, ushering in a period of profound intrigue and speculation.
Inside the imperial council...
Prince Gabriel: Father, are you truly certain about proceeding with the campaign?
Emperor Alistor: The ruler of the kingdom of Bantam dared to take advantage of our empire and showed no respect. I am resolute about the campaign.
Prince Gabriel: Father, our coffers are already running low on chryses. How will we pay our soldiers? I fear we won't be able to sustain the campaign.
Emperor Alistor: If I recall correctly, your uncle Velkan recently sent a letter to your mother, expressing concern about the tension between our empire and the kingdom of Bantam. He indicated willingness to provide aid in the form of funds.
Prince Gabriel: Father, accepting aid from the Caspian Empire might not be a wise decision. They are currently at war with the Moura Empire, and accepting their aid could strain our relations with Moura.
Prince Lucious: Brother, the Moura Empire is well aware of our allegiance to the Caspian Empire. They understand where we stand.
Prince Gabriel: Still, we must exercise caution! This is war we are discussing, and we lack the necessary funds.
Prince Lucious: That's precisely why Uncle Velkan is offering us aid! I fail to comprehend your hesitance when war is inevitable. The Moura Empire sent us 18 beheaded bodies of our innocent soldiers who were patrolling our borders just a month ago! What purpose does seeking peace serve when they have essentially declared war?
Prince Gabriel: Lucious, just because we can declare war doesn't mean we should!
Prince Lucious: And just because we wish to avoid war doesn't mean we should remain silent while our people suffer!
Prime Minister Samson: Your highnesses, please, let us maintain decorum. Arguing in front of the emperor will not alter our situation. We must focus on finding a resolution.
Princess Tanasiri: I concur with the prime minister. *surprised that she finds herself in agreement with him*
Emperor Alistor: Samson, what is your perspective on this matter?
Prime Minister Samson: I regret to say that I align with Prince Gabriel. We must exercise prudence and civility, as engaging in multiple wars could deplete our resources.
Princess Tanasiri: I take back my earlier words. I no longer agree with the prime minister. *regrets agreeing with him in the first place*
Emperor Alistor: Tanasiri, you are one of my best strategists when I'm campaigning. Why don't you share your opinion with me?
Princess Tanasiri: I'm afraid I have to side with Lucious on this, Your Majesty. We have been wronged by both the kingdom of Bantam and the Moura Empire, so we must take action now.
Prince Gabriel: But sister, the imperial coffers will be emptied!
Princess Tanasiri: Well, they would've been filled to the brim if you had just followed my advice! *the whole council fell silent as the princess gave Prince Gabriel a stern look*
Prince Lucious: Your Majesty, Emperor, why not let the council decide on our course of action? Why don't we start a voting process?
Emperor Alistor: Very well, we shall hold a vote. However, we will vote in 3 days to allow everyone to think clearly first. For now, this council meeting is adjourned.
After the council concluded, a palpable tension engulfed the air between Tanasiri and Gabriel. While the princess pondered the welfare of her people, Prince Gabriel seemed preoccupied with matters concerning the imperial treasury. Resentment brewed within Tanasiri towards the prince, stemming from his defiance in reporting the Vermont clan, opting instead to warn them - a direct contradiction to her orders. The princess felt a sense of betrayal and disappointment in Gabriel's actions.
Following the council meeting, Tanasiri extended an invitation to her father to join her in the serene ambiance of the imperial garden, where they savored the tranquility over a calming pot of tea.
In the imperial garden...
Emperor Alistor: I've noticed you've been spending more time in the imperial garden lately.
Princess Tanasiri: Yes, father.
Emperor Alistor: What's wrong? Is this about what happened in the council?
Princess Tanasiri: Yes, and there's one other thing too.
Emperor Alistor: What is it?
Princess Tanasiri: As you saw in the council, Gabriel and I got into a fight and we haven't been getting along well.
Emperor Alistor: I've already told both you and your brother to cease your quarrels. Why did you even fight?
Princess Tanasiri: It's because of the imperial treasury. I noticed an unusual amount of chryses being collected each year, so I decided to investigate.
Emperor Alistor: And what did you find?
Princess Tanasiri: One of the clans was actually siphoning a significant portion of chryses before it reached the treasury. We didn't detect it sooner because I wasn't directly involved with the imperial treasury.
Emperor Alistor: *sharp gaze* Tell me who has been taking it...
Princess Tanasiri: It's the Vermont clan. They were one of the eight clans responsible for the imperial treasury, and I have the records here. *hands over files* You'll see how much they've illicitly taken over the years. Louise de Vermont, the head of the Vermont clan, should be held accountable for these crimes!
Emperor Alistor: *goes through the files* How long do you think they've been embezzling? And have you calculated the amount they've taken?
Princess Tanasiri: I'm certain they started embezzling after our last campaign around seven years ago.
Emperor Alistor: You mentioned you argued with Gabriel about this?
Princess Tanasiri: Yes, instead of reporting the matter to you, he tried to conceal it.
Emperor Alistor: Tanasiri, could you bring me more records about this in my office later? I need an estimation of the amount they've embezzled, who they've been working with, and how much they've smuggled. *stressed*
Princess Tanasiri: Alright, father.
That fateful evening, Tanasiri made her way to Emperor Alistor's chambers, a sense of urgency and determination fuelling her every step. In her possession were the damning records that exposed the Vermont clan's embezzlement scheme. Among them was a particularly incriminating document with the name of none other than Prince Gabriel himself, implicating him in the devious plot.
Upon closer inspection, Tanasiri and her allies uncovered evidence of tampering—files and records cunningly edited to conceal the truth. However, their diligence and perseverance prevailed as they unearthed the original, unaltered records. With these invaluable pieces of evidence in hand, they meticulously cross-referenced and compared the documents, piecing together the full extent of the embezzlement and identifying the culprits responsible.
In a private audience with the Emperor, Tanasiri presented their findings, ready to bring the matter to light. However, Emperor Alistor, wise and strategic in his approach, advised Tanasiri to await the outcome of an imminent campaign vote before pressing the issue further. Despite this delay, he assured her that her efforts would not go unrewarded, promising to bestow upon her a great and fitting reward for her invaluable service to the kingdom.
2 days left before the voting...
Princess Anna: What in the world is going on? There's so much gossip about things I know nothing about.
Princess Tanasiri: It's just matters of state.
Princess Anna: Has something significant happened again?
Princess Tanasiri: It's all because of the voting for the campaign.
Princess Anna: I thought the matter had been settled already?
Princess Tanasiri: Not quite. The Nashanth clan and Gabriel are opposed to it, so a voting will be held in 2 days.
Princess Anna: Ah, that explains why everyone seems so guarded around me.
Princess Tanasiri: Even though we are cousins, they still act cautiously because, as you know, you are still a princess of another empire.
Princess Anna: Indeed. *chuckles*
Princess Tanasiri: What's amusing?
Princess Anna: You called us "cousins," yet you're marrying my brother. *laughs*
Princess Tanasiri: *blushes in embarrassment* It's not my fault; it's our tradition! Besides, weren't your parents cousins too?
Princess Anna: Yes, they were. Our ancestry should be called "incestry" instead. *laughs*
Princess Tanasiri: Well, I can't disagree with that. *Laughs*
Traditions Between The Imperial Families
Throughout the ages, the imperial families in our realm have upheld a time-honored tradition of intermarriage, often resulting in unions between cousins. This practice, prevalent among the royal households, reflects their unwavering commitment to preserving and fortifying their esteemed bloodlines and inherent powers. With each matrimonial alliance carefully chosen, the royal families intricately weave together an intricate tapestry of alliances and strategic partnerships, all in the pursuit of securing their dynastic legacies and perpetuating their influence for generations to come.
As the princesses engaged in lively conversation, the royal princes were each preoccupied with their respective duties. Prince Gabriel found himself deeply engrossed in a high-stakes discussion with Prime Minister Samson, deliberating the potential outcomes of the impending vote. Meanwhile, Prince Lucious diligently oversaw the meticulous preparations of the kingdom's soldiers, bracing for the possibility of an imminent campaign. Within the serene confines of his chambers, Prince Tobi immersed himself in the ancient art of courtship, seeking guidance from a well-worn tome on capturing the heart of a lady. This newfound pursuit was sparked by jests from the emperor, who had playfully taunted Prince Tobi regarding his amorous pursuits.
1 day before the voting...
Chaos swept through the great council hall as rumors of King Kiah's audacious attempt to breach the borders of the esteemed Richelieu Empire rippled through the kingdom of Bantam. The very air crackled with tension and uncertainty as news of this reckless provocation reached Emperor Alistor, who wasted no time in summoning the revered members of the imperial council to deliberate on this grave matter.
The king's ill-fated decision had set in motion a chain of events that would undoubtedly shape the fate of both kingdoms. From the verdant fields of Bantam to the majestic ramparts of the Richelieu Empire, whispers of impending conflict echoed through the lands, stoking a fervent anticipation of what was to come.
As the tale unfolded, it became increasingly apparent that the delicate balance of power between the two realms had been disrupted. The once tranquil borderlands now simmered with the palpable tension of imminent conflict, painting a grim picture of what lay ahead.
In the midst of this mounting turmoil, the citizens of both kingdoms found themselves ensnared in a web of uncertainty, their hearts heavy with the weight of impending strife. The once bustling markets and lively streets were now shrouded in an uneasy silence, as if the very earth itself held its breath, bracing for the storm that loomed on the horizon.
And so, the destinies of King Kiah, Emperor Alistor, and the countless souls under their rule became inexorably bound to the unfolding drama, as the council convened to determine the course of action that would shape the future of their realm.
Prince Gabriel: Father, we cannot afford to enter into battle!
Prince Lucious: It's too late! They struck first, and we have no choice but to retaliate!
Prince Gabriel: This is not a game, Lucious. We must proceed with caution.
Princess Tanasiri: Caution about what? It's too late for that now.
Prince Tobi: They've already declared war on us, brother.
Prime Minister Samson: Your Majesty, we should not retaliate! We must do everything in our power to prevent war!
At the grand council, tensions flared as the ministers and the royal children engaged in heated debates over the crucial decision of whether to join the impending war. The air crackled with their fervent arguments, each party vehemently advocating for their point of view. As the deliberations dragged on, a foreboding report of a new conflict brewing at the borders arrived, further intensifying the gravity of their decision. The palace halls were filled with an aura of uncertainty and unrest as the fate of the kingdom hung in the balance.
The report painted a tragic picture of the events, detailing how the brave soldiers, without the crucial order to attack, found themselves vulnerable to the onslaught of the bantamese soldiers. The devastating consequence was the loss of 56,000 soldiers.
Emperor Alistor's voice resonated with unwavering authority as he proclaimed, "Our soldiers have suffered brutal losses time and time again. They have instigated conflict, and now they will face the consequences. Let it be known across the realm: the empire will retaliate against the bantam intruders. I demand the capture of the leaders of these bantamese traitors and their king, Kiah, to be brought to me without hesitation! Let no one escape accountability!"
The drums of war echoed through the kingdom, and it became clear that conflict was on the horizon. Prince Lucious wasted no time, marshaling his loyal men and rushing to the borders, determined to defend his kingdom.
Princess Tanasiri, known for her bravery and unyielding spirit, made it known that she would not be left behind. She intended to join the ranks and stand alongside her people in the face of the impending threat.
However, not all were hailed as heroes. Prince Gabriel's reckless actions had brought shame upon the royal family, and the emperor's wrath was swift and merciless. He was subjected to a public reprimand and endured the lashing of eighty cruel stripes, a harsh punishment that would surely serve as a grim reminder to all who witnessed it.
Meanwhile, Prince Tobi, young and untested in the ways of war, stood on the precipice of his first campaign. It was a daunting prospect, but he was determined to prove himself worthy of his royal lineage and ready himself to face the trials that lay ahead.
As tensions mounted and the kingdom braced itself for the coming conflict, the fates of these noble figures became inextricably intertwined with the turbulent events that were about to unfold.
Princess Anna received a letter from Emperor Velkan, urging her to return to the Caspian Empire to lend her aid in the war against the Moura Empire, as Prince Hades had suffered severe injuries. The letter painted a vivid picture of the dire situation, recounting the valor and sacrifice of the Caspian soldiers, and beseeching Anna to bring her wisdom and strength to bolster their cause. Emperor Velkan portrayed the battlefield, the clash of swords, and the determination of their people with such detail that Anna felt as if she were standing amidst the clash of armies herself. The letter conveyed the urgency of the situation and the unwavering hope for Anna's assistance in turning the tides of war.