Spirit, Seven, and Wraith are going to the grassland to meet The Reins named Steve And Prudo.
"Hey kids," said Oe Rein.
"You were the one who came to my school)
(Oe has a school and he is the teacher teaching about dragon biology, dragon myths, and physical dragon-riding class.)
"Mr.Oe let's have a battle," Asked Spirit
Oe: go there my radioactive dragon.
Spirit: go spirit dragon.
Oe: Radio wave
Spirit's dragon fainted
Spirit: Wait...What?
Battle ended
"Who are you two," Asked Steve
"I am Seven" Said Seven
"I am Spirit" Said Spirit
" I am Prudo" said Prudo
" I am steve," said Steve
And that's all how they met and became good friends and team, the journey continues...