Chereads / Art Of Divinity Cosmos: The Beggining of All / Chapter 45 - Chapter 43: Awkward And disaster

Chapter 45 - Chapter 43: Awkward And disaster

The sun rose and the light between the dense trees began to shine. they are now starting to prepare to go to the temple of light. All the tents and belongings started to be packed ready to be taken.

"Okay, everyone ready?" Heather said

"Ready!" Answer all the teams there, seriously

They began their journey to leave that place. Madelin began to use *Clairvoyance* magic to guide them to their destination.

On their journey to the temple of light, the previously dense forest now became even darker and wild creatures stalked them.

"Hey? Do you guys feel like something is stalking us?" Said Elena, who was a little wary.

Heather looked alert as she looked around. "Yes, I felt it too. Everyone, slow down our footsteps."

They slowed their feet and started walking quietly. "Tch! Why are we experiencing this? The feeling was that we were already here but why?" Finn said, While biting his nails.

Leona saw Finn raise his eyelashes "Yeah, don't know why ask me." She answered in a sarcastic tone.

"Hey! I serious You know!"

"Shut up! We have arrived at The Tample Of Light." said Heather, with an annoyed face.

You can see a blue flame torch and a temple whose surroundings are filled with stagnant water. There are several fierce and dangerous monsters guarding the front area of the temple.

"Okay, it's a Tample of light, Aether." Aiden said

Aetherius, then whispered to Aether "*Aether, there you will find your answer about that scary creature.*", Aether nodded, "That... Tample Of Light, are there any plans to go there?"

"Yes. However, before that, can you show me your Vault-Boy? Aether," said Aiden

Aether nodded and raised his hand "Yes, what do you want to do?"

Aiden opened the Vault-Boy Aether, and set up a system in the Vault-boy "look, I installed a file in the form of a flash disk in your Vault-Boy, this will be our marker, but keep in mind that the radius is only 10 km."

Aether was amazed to see the new system "Wow! Amazing, where did you get this file in the form of a flash disk?"

"This is a file I created when I was still working at that bad_evil sect."

"Eh? Amazing, as usual you are reliable, not like this person," said Leona in a sarcastic tone, while pointing view on Finn.

"Really! young lady."

During their casual conversation, a voice was heard that seemed to be coming from the Temple of Light "Shhhh! Be quiet for a moment, we seem to have guests."

A disgusting creature like a goblin with an enlarged back and lumps of yellow liquid and a pungent odor. They started to growl and started approaching Aether and her group.

"By The God's, what a disgusting creature is that." Madeline said while covering her mouth

"Everyone, please watch your steps. Those are *Grimlot Gobblers*. They will shoot liquid on their backs from a far and anyone who gets hit will melt like jelly." Aiden said, while lifting his weapon.

Everyone began to prepare their weapons and began to pay attention to the creature. However, it didn't matter, they were already spraying a lot of liquid from their backs.

From one of the jets of liquid there was one that was about to aim at Finn, "Oh shiiiittt!"

----- Other Places -----

On the other hand, at their headquarters, Mama Vanga was sitting relaxed on the terrace above the headquarters while listening to the song on the radio *Pistol Packing Mama By Andrew sisters*. As she sat drinking a cup of herbal tea, she saw that there were 2 people dressed in heavy clothes and there seemed to be a logo there.

"Who are they?"

Mama Vanga started to stop the radio and started to stand up. He woke up the people still at the base to greet the people at their doors. "Hey you guys, could you please say hello to the people outside, they seem to be important people."

"Ouch! Who are they? How come they come in the middle of the night, do you think we like bats wake up at this time of night?"

"Yeah, they really don't know the time. They're definitely lazy, they keep relaxing from morning to evening."

"Hush! Shut up. No need to yap too much. Or I'll give you something you won't forget for the rest of your life!" Said Mama Vanga, with a threatening aura.

Everyone fell silent at Mama Vanga's words, they looked at each other and pointed at one person. The person was Hank, he had brown hair, a black jacket with white stripes and a green t-shirt, underneath he was wearing black jeans.

Hank was there looking right and left "Wh-why are you guys looking at me, oh no...don't tell me."

Everyone immediately pushed Hank and told him to open the front door. Hank felt annoyed and wanted to fight back against his friend "What is this! Why does it have to be me?" he answered.

Mama Vanga immediately grabbed Hank and told him to follow her. "Hehe, good luck with your duties Hank!" Answer the other team. Hank, seeing his friend mocking him, replied, "Just watch out, your mental base can only be a gang."

"Yes...yes...yes, you just do what I tell you, because the person you are going to meet is an important person, we can't just ignore him." Mama Vanga answered, holding her hand tightly.

They got to the front door and opened it. In front of the door, two people were seen, a boy and a girl. They wore the same clothes that Aether wore, namely *Power Armor*.

This Power Armor uses thick metal plates whose color is typical gray or metallic. There is a Hermandad del Caballero logo which has symbolic ornaments such as a logo or serial number visible on the chest or shoulder, confirming the wearer's affiliation. Apart from that, on the head there is a helmet which has a futuristic design with a small visor like eyes, giving an intimidating appearance. The inside of the armor is equipped with an exoskeleton frame that strengthens the wearer's physique. Not only that, there is a heads-up display (HUD) on the helmet which displays information such as radar, health and energy status.

They both started to introduce themselves, "Hacia la Victoria, I apologize for disturbing your sleep." Said The woman.

Hank, still feeling weary, raised his eyelashes, he felt like they were unimportant people "you know, I'm in 'don't bother' mode. Besides, why are you here at night dressed like this? Do you want to cosplay as a Starwa-"

Before he could finish his words, Mama Vanga covered Hank's mouth with a thick cloth, "*Sigh* You must really should get the award for Most Stubborn Person of the Year, you know that!" Said Mama Vanga With an angry face, While taking a deep breath.

Seeing Hank's behavior, the two of them sighed, "Haha, I learned a lot from our debate." The women from the two teams answered, in a sarcastic tone, "Um... Once again, sorry for the inconvenience, we are from Hermandad del Caballero. We want to talk here to invite you all to go to our headquarters." Answer the man, from the team.

"Oh and yes, I forget to introduce myself. My name is Jeff and she is Karen,"said by the man from the group.

"Hermandad... Del caballero. Doesn't sound familiar to me. Are you a group of military?" Mama Vanga answered.

"That's right, we're here to invite you to our Faction. However, it's too soon to propose to you. Maybe, we can talk first."

Mama Vanga with a serious face invited them to enter. Mama also headed to the other group at the top to go downstairs. "So, what do you guys want?" Mama Vanga answered.

"What is clear is that we are not here to bother you. We are only here to ask you to join our Faction."

Hank then interrupted their conversation, "Really, what's in it for us to join you? Moreover, you are a military group that is known to be very authoritarian."

"Yes, it's natural for you to call us that. But, I'm here to tell you something that will definitely make you want to join us."

Jeff started approaching Mama Vanga and whispered something. Mama Vanga heard the words whispered by Jeff and immediately became furious, it was clear that these words were full of threats to Vanga.

"Damn it! How do you guys know..."

"There's no need for resistance, but does any of your Member have certain advantages?"

"They do exist, however They're not here."

The two military squads were confused, they tried to think by holding their chins while looking down. Meanwhile, Mama Vanga looked worried and angry. Hank, who saw Mama Vanga's face, was confused and also a little worried, and tried to ask Mama Vanga. "Mama? Why do you look kind a-"

Before she finished a single word, Mama Vanga immediately glared at Hank with a frightened face, "it's better... you don't need to know."

At that awkward moment, Jeff started to think about something while looking at the pocket watch on his right hand. "What's wrong Jeff?" Karen said, while looking at jeff Hand Watch.

Jeff didn't answer Karen, but instead asked Mama Vanga, "Where is the person we are looking for, and where is the Member you mention before?"

Mama Vanga was silent, her eyes moved right and left as if she was thinking about something. She tried to calm down and then took a breath. She then spoke loudly.

"About that....."