When miruko felt like she hit the ground she got up and saw a wall and she tried to kick it but her feet felt heavy.
She looked down and saw that her ankles had weights but unlike the ones she uses for training these ones were crazy heavy.
And the worst part to even move in these things she has to flex her legs to the point veins can be seen and she moved with struggle.
She encountered some drones that shot sticky balls 3 got on her leg back and arm she tried to remove it but her hand was engulfed in the sticky ball now she had a ball for a hand.
When she thought she was clear she was covered in 4 more sticky balls she had the idea to stick herself in the wall to try to get the balls off of her but she ended it up being stuck.
She had to push her body to the limit to get off and when she did she managed to get some balls of her 3 at best.
Miruko kept on destroying drones and getting whatever sticky balls got off her but she was becoming tired.
Her legs were aching and she was sweating a lot she turned to look behind and she saw a sticky ball on her ass.
Miruko was struggling to move in the hallway and a hoard of drones came in frustrating the rabbit hero.
However she noticed that on of the drones were bigger and when one fired a bigger sticky ball came hitting her in the face blinding her tried to get it off but the smaller fired at her.
She got overwhelmed and she passed out from fatigue when she was unconscious the drones morphed it self in restraints and cuffed up Miruko on her wrist.
The drones got into a wall with a security panel and when the drones got access inside the room were midnight and uraraka pressed against glass to show off their bodies.
The two saw Miruko come in however however unlike them Miruko's cell had the bio electricity prison.
The drones released Miruko and the metal balls cuffed her and suspended her.
Skarlet watched Miruko in her monitor while giving momo a blowjob and mei was behind momo groping her body just so that skarlet could get her cock hard.
And not just her the whole world watched and the female race were enjoying the questionable show.
This was her plan to put the girls in a survival contest and who ever last longer will get some 'special' treatment