Rose held onto Zayne so she wouldn't fall as he led her to somewhere she could sit down. The name Lilian repeated in her head and unlike her other dreams or memories, this one left a bad feeling.Β
There was a faint voice saying the name but Rose could not put a face to it. The field seemed to be the one thing she could clearly remember from her past.
Zayne took Rose away from where the princess and the queen were. The name Lilian wasn't uncommon so many women present would have it, wanting to be named after a queen but they shouldn't take the chance.
There wasn't anywhere for Rose to sit so he hoisted her up to place her on a stone wall.
Rose opened her eyes after the pain subdued.Β
"Better?" Zayne asked.
Rose nodded her head despite there being a small ache left. "I have not felt like that in so long. I think there was someone from my past with the name Lilian. I can hear a voice in my head but then it mixes with mine."