Chereads / Short stories with your Imouto! / Chapter 4 - I don't like writing gore I promise

Chapter 4 - I don't like writing gore I promise

 In a world deep inside the clouds, there lives a society of what from your understanding of the world would describe as superpowers. However, due to everyone having them, it means they could be used in not only ways to harm others but also yourself.

Marnie walked into her home to see her brother lying on the floor jolting in and out of a trance of some kind. His lanky body lying on the floor, his pale skin cut open at the gut, and his long light blue hair spread wide across the floor. Blood and various weapons strung across the floor. His voice cutting in and out of a manic laughter rising up and down rapidly. She went to reach for her brother as calmly as she could muster, then Pauch came to his senses for a moment just to punch his own chin hard enough to crack, the jagged and unnatural sound echoed through the room pushing his neck into an awkward angle, and in the corner of his eye with his neck snapped, they locked eyes. Then instinctually his tongue rolled out of his mouth with a bubble of blood coming from the split that had been cut in it. A laugh echoed from his throat before he slurred out,

"Ohh, hey sis!"

She watched in horror as his neck snapped back into place and he began to slowly push himself to standing, with the speed his body would allow as blood started schooling in reverse and his body began to reknit itself before her. In just a few moments that felt like eternity his lanky form was towering over her and he was yanking her into a hug so tight her lungs ached at the pressure. Her heart was hammering in her chest, hitting so hard and fast it made her entire body feel ill. It had been ages since his last episode, ages since she last had to just stand here and deal with it cause she could do nothing to stop it.

Pauch was normally so kind to her even to spite how he had suffered mentally. Though normally negative emotions felt so far away he had these episodes where each and every perverse thought gave him such pleasure that he couldn't stop himself from plunging into indulgence. She'd thought that was in the past though, since he'd not had one since he'd attempted suicide. In his sister's arms his flesh coiled around his various wounds regenerating him the only noises he could make were the mutterings of the unrelenting pleasure that didn't come just from taking a life but the release of death all in one. His hands wrapped around her back to hold her arms, grasping them with so much pressure that they started to bruise before healing at his continued touch. Begging, pleading her to partake in this forbidden fruit with him.

Though she declined, belting her voice and body uncontrollably. This sorry, desperate state his sister had been left in slowly relapsed into more conventional, correct thoughts. Realizing that his sister thought that she might have just lost him, reluctantly he sobered up. His once-bright and brilliantly untamed smile was now porcelain and serious. His hands softened and he embraced her, putting his face into her hair as his hands ran around her back embracing her.

"I'm sorry for scaring you like that, forget what I said, it wasn't worth it."

Things felt so slow now, the buzzing that gave his brain such euphoria was utterly gone. But his sister was happier, he could deal with sobering up, feeling like something was missing, if it was for her.

Pauch was blessed with an abnormally potent healing ability like had been never seen, that allowed him to heal any injury that he had ever encountered. He was pushed to be a doctor constantly, and once he was there, he loved it; Seeing other people feel such strong emotions whenever he left off of his chamber made him feel something again. Hearing his work being described as a miracle just for touching someone; It made him smile.

It had been a whole year since his last episode. Though his mind teetered sometimes it seemed that closing his eyes helped, every time between a blink or rest; The thoughts made his fingers creep up his body, pushing onto his teeth as his jaw clenched and forced himself to not be able to push further than that. The consequences weren't his to bear, it was always placed on those around him, so for a whole year he only partook in remembering the thoughts that had plagued him, never acting on them.

Though he was beginning to forget, the feeling, the sensations of bringing horror; Being everything that people thought they couldn't see from him, he wanted to show the part of him that had been dismembered by those he loved and cared about. What was the harm anyway? During sex he had done some BDSM play, and his sister seemed to heal just fine then. So what was a little more, what if he pushed the boundary she feared to cross? No, that's all that it was, wasn't it just a simple fear keeping her from the happiness that would have been akin to another plain of existence to her?

His jaw loosened as his finger made it into his mouth, and he chomped down, blood spurted out and into his mouth in equal measure, going back and forth as he chewed and healed, and chewed and healed. She would thank him for what he would do to her, she had to; He loved her so much that the idea of keeping her from such pleasure would be selfish. In the midst of his inner thoughts, regrettably, she entered the room.

His hands once again pressed her in place as his eyes shot open. No matter how long passed, the excitement of the situation seemed to null out any need to blink as his smile that for an entire year had been domesticated had finally been unleashed. She was left still in his grasp, beginning to tear up trying to get through to him. This reminded her of the times before, the ones she thought had been behind them, thought it had happened so many times and all without consequence. This was nothing just another outburst that would fizzle out so she just put on a half baked feared performance speaking in the same tune hitting the same beats,

"Big brother, I'm scared. Please don't harm me, come back. This isn't you, you're manic, your breathing heavy, and that smile... When you sober up you're going to hate this."

His eyes softened at the edges as she spoke, it really truly seemed like it was going to work again, right up until one of his hands found a knife and slammed through his own head with a wet squelch as his eyes glazed over again.

"That's the answer Marnie! I just can't sober, it's so simple. I'm not Pauch if I'm not like this, so if I want my identity, my happiness, if I want to share this joy, I need to dive deeper into me till I become a puddle of pure me."

Marnie grabbed him tightly, her face rested on his side looking up to see a difference in the evolution of these outbursts. The hug appeared to do nothing, his eyes were shot open looking to release his teeth gritting on one another and a smile that pulled on his muscles like hooks.

"No, it's not, you're my big brother; That's who you are, my calm, caring, loving big brother. This isn't you, you are sober. I know you struggle when you lack a purpose but you should know I'm your purpose; No one else cares about me like you, no one cares as much as you do. You are all that I have, Pauch please don't be like this."

He stood up, dragging her up with him as his arms stayed wrapped around his neck.

"Do I enjoy being me?"

She thought he had been getting to him since his body seemed to finally relax. It had been as if he had finally found a state of zen within whatever madness beheld him. His smile was so bright and confident that it blinded her.

"Yes, you do, big brother, I know you do."

Pauch yanked the scissors out of his head and pierced it through both of their heads killing him for a mere moment just to be revived by his power pulling it back out. They locked eyes, his stare seeming to strangle her neck in place to keep her there as she spoke.

"This is who I am sis, I love harming myself, and others, but I can heal them! It doesn't matter, the only thing that would is mere principle; Don't you feel it, didn't you feel death's loving embrace for a moment, and the rush of being killed? It's every feeling imaginable at once, come on, can't you feel that?"

His eyes were wide open, his whole body tense and hot with pleasure but his sisters weren't. It was cold and relaxing. Her hold around his neck faded and she limply fell to the ground, busting her head with a crack, he laughed at the sight before kneeling down to repair it, but no matter how long nor where he touched her, she never responded. She wouldn't.

Pauch shook her for a moment, then shook her harder but she was still. He leaned over her and put a hand over the wound, feeling the warm viseria moving back into her head and the wound closing…but she still didn't respond. One of his hands went to cover his mouth, in some replication of horror. He was still smiling though, still him, for now. A laugh escaped him, she'd helped him so much here, now, could he let such a sacrifice go to waist?

Hey guys :D

I've been working my ass off on non writing content for Nia Kenji like YouTube videos, merchendise, and much much more. It's been very tiring and I haven't had a whole lot of time for the web novels but hopefully that will change soon and no gore next time.

I love you guys and sorry about the gore