The discourse on the Way of Rules lasted three hours, and Russell did not hold back, revealing all of his insights in great detail.
Not only his own insights, but also those of the Dreamscape Ancient Dragon, the Flame Ancient Giant Dragon, and the Ancient Dragon of Freedom. The only exception was the Revenge Ancient Dragon, which could not communicate; otherwise, even Young Lord Darimu would have been invited for a chat.
The dragons and dragon knights all felt that they had gained a lot from it.
After Russell had finished speaking and gracefully departed, the dragons and dragon knights were still reluctant to leave. They gathered not far from the Amber Great Tree, discussing and reflecting on the discourse and exchanging their own understandings.
"I speculate from His Majesty Russell's words," declared King Debuloye confidently, "that aside from the Revenge Ancient Dragon, other ancient dragons must have appeared during the five thousand years of the Warm Age."