A hive of students poured into the gymnasium and gradually took their seats in the bleachers.
Apart from the huge central battlefield, the surrounding bleachers were carved from large blocks of stone, with stairs at the back leading up to the seats placed on top of the boulders, where Jincheng Middle School's students sat.
Meanwhile, outside the school gates, students from other schools continued to arrive in dribs and drabs.
Seemingly under instructions from above, the school security guards left the gate wide open, turning a blind eye to the comings and goings. In the guard booth, thick with smoke, two guards chatted leisurely while smoking.
The two dappled dogs that looked like Beast Tamings lying at the guards' feet were coughing from the thick smoke inside the booth.
One of them stood up, using a paw to open the door handle, while the other followed and sat down by the gate.
Both dogs stuck out their tongues, watching the students go by.