Kevin continued his onslaught, charging down back to Hamila at the speed of light, colliding with Hara's fist in a matter of seconds. "Sonic… BOOM!" he exclaimed, going right through Hara, causing the sound waves to send him flying halfway across the city once again. But before he could hit the wall, Kevin hit him from the back, teleporting repeatedly and landing at least 100 hits on him before slamming him into the ground. "What the hell!? How is he doing this? I think I'm starting to pass out!" Kevin leaped up into the air, spinning in a drill-like formation. "Rapid Mode - Drill!" he exclaimed, his drill-formatted body running right through Hara's chest, tearing it apart.
Seconds later, Kevin looked at Hara, reverting back to his normal form. "You thought I would let you stop me from saving my best friend? Jokes on you, I'll rip your neck off from the rest of your body like I did to the other soldiers!" he exclaimed, feeling himself getting consumed by a massive amount of rage. "I'll kill ANYONE who defies me - you're going to be my first example!"
His fist then was intercepted by a mysterious man right before charging into Hara, then Kevin was hit critically by the man who teleported onto Hamila. "Don't get too far in the torture process, kid - I'm not here to fight you, but I won't let you become the villian!"
Kevin promised Itama Kawasaki and Champion Suru that he would return to completely overthrow the Trilan dictatorship. As they continue to cross the seas to Hamila, however, they plan on how to get their friend Gerald Romanti back. In this volume, you will learn about the backstory of Gerald and Bubbles, along with the past of the Romanti Clan. Will Team ENTITY be able to carry on Alex's job and take on the Romanti Clan, or will they die and not be able to return to the diabolical government of Trila? Welcome to ENTITY VOLUME 10: Chasing Gerald
Volume 10, Chapter 29 - Infiltrating Hamila Tower - Michael and Alex
The mysterious man continued to eye Kevin with his red pupils, examining every single detail of his body. "You've become a strong one, kid. Your father was right about the same - but your mother… wasn't so good." Kevin scoffed, trying to remember every single moment he spent with his father, but not knowing anything about his mother. "Who the hell is my father!? I never got his name, but he just disappeared one day! TELL ME!"
The man sighed, tightening his hood. "If I tell you who your father is, the world is probably going to turn into a battlefield - not that it already is, however, but you'll find out soon."
Kevin scoffed, charging at the man. "Tell me who he is, or I'll kill you!" The man replied peacefully, crossing his fingers, manipulating Kevin's mind in a positive way. "You'll learn everything you need soon, kid. Now, I'm going to make you go unconscious and render your mind not knowing anything about me - just go and save Gerald, at all costs." Kevin scoffed, his attack stopping as he collapsed onto the floor. The man, continuing to wear his robe and hoodie, teleported away. The weird encounter had finally ended.
Michael scoffed, looking around the skies of Hamila. "The town was perfectly fine just 30 minutes ago - what the hell happened? It's almost 11 AM, so we have to get moving fast!" Alex sighed, rolling his eyes. "We've arrived at the third highest tower in Hamila. There's reportedly a window we can use to get to the roof of Hamila Tower quicker. We're just going to have to get through that fully government-facilitated building…"
Michael looked at the building, and changed the bone structure of his hand temporarily. "Should we transform now, or should we do it later? We could run through the building way easier!" Alex rolled his eyes, continuing to look above the clouds. "I don't recommend powering up yet… if we do it now, we're going to be taken out by the higher-ups in the Romanti Clan…"
Seconds later, a massive "BOOM" erupted from the main doorway, causing all of the soldiers to look in that direction. "It's Michael and Alex from Team ENTITY! Kill them!" they all exclaimed, rushing to the door with weapons like swords and pitchforks. "Look what you got us into, idiot." Michael muttered, knocking out the first few soldiers by touching them, forcing lightning through their body until they fell unconscious. Alex scoffed, trying to weave his way through the soldiers as he noticed a small cart that could fit both him and Michael at the same time. "Michael, get over to that cart! If we go in the direction where it's propped, we'll be able to get enough momentum to get up to the staircase!" Michael scoffed, rushing through the battlefield in a rush. "Alright, let's go!" he exclaimed.
Suddenly, all the lights turned off, the light source replaced with fire - but not Alex's fire - it was basically lava. "Chief Bana! You've come to save us once again!" a soldier exclaimed, trying not to pass out as he admired the person who saved him. "All of you are idiots - I see two Team ENTITY members have infiltrated the building - leave it to ME, I'LL KILL THEM WITH PLEASURE!" Bana continued to rush over to the cart where Alex planned his escape, about to completely discombobulate it - until Michael leaped onto it, forcing it to go down along with the path. "We got away, Alex! He's going to keep coming after us, though!"
Alex pointed back to Bana, who continued to run at full speed to catch up with the cart. "Nobody gets away from me!" he exclaimed, spitting lava out of his mouth to try and burn the cart. Alex, however, had another plan up his sleeve. "Michael, grab that mop attached to the cart! I'm going to significantly boost us!" he exclaimed, holding onto the cart with his right hand while looking at Bana. "Fire Festival!" he exclaimed, causing the cart to go at its maximum speed, outrunning Bana and crashing into multiple soldiers at a significant pace. "We made it!" Alex exclaimed, trying not to celebrate just yet. Seconds later, Bana emerged from the rubble, sliding across the floor at the same speed as the cart. "I'LL CATCH UP TO YOU NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES!" he screamed, forcing the entire pathway behind him to cave in. "Now we have a problem - we're going to get caved in if we keep it up, and he's chasing us as fast as he can!"
Suddenly, Alex noticed a bow and arrow ignited with fire right in front of his cheek, dodging it narrowly enough to send it flying in Bana's direction. "Alright, here we go! I'm going to go as fast as I can!" Alex exclaimed, his mind finally clearing from fighting Michael. "We're getting out of this together!"