Narubara sighed, pulling out his sword as he identified the other person that dared to enter his island. "Why the hell are you here!?" he exclaimed, pulling out his sword that sent lightning across the sky. "I'm here for the two idiots that just ended up on your island, Narubara! You don't have to interfere with this battle - but if you do, I'll kill you! We're allied with Trila now, so Uma's going to owe us one if we pull this o-"
"Queue Strike." Narubara exclaimed, cutting the sea around the island. "Now, It's going to be relatively harder to get onto the island!" Maha laughed, jumping down from the sky and pulling out his sword. "I'll make Fatima proud! The world is going crazy right now because those Team ENTITY idiots infiltrated the island and got in!" Narubara sighed, easily blocking the attack.
Maha withdrew from the attack, remembering how he had almost drowned in the water. "I can't believe they actually defeated the cyborg - news spreads like wildfire in our silly little world…"
Narubara sighed, appearing right behind Maha. "Playlist 1." he muttered, giving Maha a cut on his right arm. "Come on, after I catch those two, maybe we can share a drink while we locate the rest of them! I know they're all alive and going to be part of the Freedom Runners once Uma steps down!" Narubara flipped his sword, his palm landing on the handle in luck. "I haven't used the music power in a while… I remember those old days when I performed with Mr. King, then I was just a washed up idiot that was known as Jorgen's father. You're the ticket to regaining my picture! Sound Shock!" he exclaimed.
A few seconds passed, and the entire ground lifted, Maha's body getting stabbed repeatedly. "You're literally as old as that dumbass Bailey that died at the World Summit! I remember going to Umue days after and seeing her dead corpse in the ground!" Maha exclaimed, his words unable to leave his mouth. "Wait, what the fu-"
He was then stabbed into the ground one final time. "Hope you enjoyed my performance after… a short hiatus." he muttered. From inside, both Yuta and Hasam scoffed. "What the hell!? When we escaped Hamila, we just happened to meet up with one of the greatest men in the world!" Hasam exclaimed. "Maybe he can help us regain Trilan territory…" Yuta replied.
Kevin promised Itama Kawasaki and Champion Suru that he would return to completely overthrow the Trilan dictatorship. As they continue to cross the seas to Hamila, however, they plan on how to get their friend Gerald Romanti back. In this volume, you will learn about the backstory of Gerald and Bubbles, along with the past of the Romanti Clan. Will Team ENTITY be able to carry on Alex's job and take on the Romanti Clan, or will they die and not be able to return to the diabolical government of Trila? Welcome to ENTITY VOLUME 10: Chasing Gerald
Volume 10, Chapter 22 - Face-Off! Narubara vs. Maha Romanti!
"He was the only one after us…" Hasam whispered, looking at the defeated Maha, who Narubara hung up on a wall via his hands. "He's losing blood quickly, maybe we can use him as a hostage, team up with Team ENTITY, and take back Trila! I mean, If Itama and Champion tried along with their leader, maybe we can make a dent too!"
"Rrrrrrrrring." the phone sounded once again, catching everyone's attention. "What the hell is it now…" Narubara muttered under his breath, picking up the phone.
Narubara slammed down the phone angrily. "I don't need you to glaze Team ENTITY so much - of course, they're famous children! But do I give a shit? N-"
"...O ONE GETS IN MY WAY!" Kevin finished, barging through what seemed to be his thousandth round of Romanti soldiers. "I thought people were supposed to be stronger in this area - just a challenge for me to eradicate them easily!"
Multiple soldiers continued to charge at Kevin, one holding a sniper. "All the generals are on the way, but if you manage to make it up to the castle, Fatima will completely annihilate you! You stand no chance against us, we'll hang you and publicly execute you in front of the entire w-"
Kevin had bit off and dismembered the soldier that dared to talk about his execution in front of him. In a matter of seconds, his neck was ripped off from the rest of his body. "We've come so far! I'm not letting you idiots keep Gerald, and that is that! DIE!" he exclaimed.
"HE RIPPED THE HEAD OFF OF A UNIT!?" more units exclaimed, charging at Kevin in newfound anger. Kevin swung the dead corpse around like a weapon, knocking each unit out one by one. "There's so much of them!" he exclaimed, biting his finger. "Help me out, Ceaser!"
Ceaser nodded. "You know now that NULL is yours, you have to practice it a lot. I'll help you with this once, but don't expect any more from me for a while."
Kevin smiled, charging at the final soldier. "Let's go!" he exclaimed, smoke covering his body. "Wipe him out!" Ceaser chuckled playfully, thinking of the moments he had in the past. "Right!"
Kevin's body ran right through the final soldier, his heart falling right out of his body. "That is NOT something we needed to see…" Ceaser thought, covering his eyes.
Kevin barfed quickly, then continued his journey for Gerald. "The roads ahead aren't going to be as merciful as they were back outside the wall…" he thought to himself. "I'm coming, Fatima!"