So, no matter how much Yuan Zhang's medical research team worked, it still took a considerable amount of time.
Mr. Su Wen thought of this and wasn't surprised to find himself here for these reasons.
"Stop giving those sanctimonious excuses, just tell me the real reason."
Mr. Su Wen appeared somewhat impatient.
Thinking back on what Gao Xiaoqian had said, that Yuan Zhang's wife was quickly running out of time due to her brain fever, Mr. Su Wen could glimpse some of Yuan Zhang's inner thoughts at this moment.
Seeing Mr. Su Wen's relentless questioning, Yuan Zhang finally spoke up.
"You're right, my research team does need time, but I can't wait that long anymore."
"My beloved is now in the late stages of brain fever, and her mind is barely lucid, so I'm asking you to come in the hope that the special medication for brain fever you mentioned could be developed within three days."
"Before that, I'll do my best to provide all the materials and funding you need!"