Wang Xin's tone and volume both escalated, and although the crowd had initially been engaged in their own small discussions, now they all turned their heads to look in his direction.
"It's that drug factory owner, Wang Xin."
"What's he doing, sticking his neck out for his boss?"
Wang Xin's factory mainly handled contract manufacturing, and one of his major clients was Aotong Group. Aotong Group, as a multinational corporation, mainly imported intellectual property such as drug formulas and patents, leaving the actual production and sales to local companies. In essence, they took the biggest slice of the cake for themselves and left the crumbs for local enterprises to fight over.
But even those crumbs were precious to Wang Xin; his mansion and luxury cars were all financed by that slice of the cake. If Aotong Group were to falter, he'd lose even the chance to lick the plate clean, which is why those in the know said he was sticking his neck out for his boss.