Chereads / My Terraforming System / Chapter 10 - Rehearsing

Chapter 10 - Rehearsing

Count Auvergne and the Royal army are rehearsing around Amiga Forest. Several airships are flying in the sky

Six villages were destroyed by demons two months ago. After that Protection of the area around the forest has been increased.

Many monsters live in the Amiga forest though. But they lived deep in the forest. Therefore, attacks on villages bordering forests were very rare.

But the news of the attack of the monsters left many discussions. People get very scared. The army was deployed near the forest.

The purpose of the exercise is to find out if there are more demons.

But they haven't found any demons so far.

Selina decided to search the entire forest. But it was canceled.

This forest is home to various types of monsters.

Also searching the entire forest is almost impossible. This forest was the largest forest on the Megálo continent. It is a forest with an area of ​​about seven lakh square kilometers. So they built a temporary base for them near the forest.

Here is a tent that stands out from the rest. which was Selina's residence and workplace.

He's sitting here doing paperwork.

Several documents are kept in front of him.

Selina was busy with her work when two men entered.

A man and a woman.

He is Aarik Von Fresh, the leader of the 16th Regiment of the Royal Army.

Aarik Von Fresh is an older man with short silver hair and small eye. Due to old age, he wears glasses and has slight wrinkles on his face.

He is wearing the standard Prussian blue and white uniform of the royal army, with an open collar and a black tie. His uniform includes officer's shoulders and a collar tab denoting his rank as a Colonel.

Many medals adorn his chest. A sword in his waist. There is a scar on his eye.


He is sent from the capital to investigate the phenomenon of demons.

The woman accompanying him is Saintess Malia. A beautiful woman in her twenties. Her beauty is comparable to the princess of any country. She has creamy white hair and pristine pearly skin glowing yellow with a slight flush. The features of her oval-shaped face gave off a sense of intelligence. Saint Malia wears a religious habit, complete with a scapular and veil.

"Sir Aarik and Saintess Malia, welcome."

Selina said

"Sorry to bother you now, Lady Selina."

"No problem. May I know why you are here now?"

"Lady Selina, I think we should call off our search. We haven't received any information about the monsters so far."

Aarik said in a calm voice.

Selina was worried about this. But there was nothing he could do. Because they didn't get any information about the monsters till now. Where do they come from, what is their purpose, do they have more members?

They found nothing.

But they have spent a lot of money and resources on these works. So it was nothing but a waste of money now.

Selina looked at Malia.

"Saintess Malia, do you think so too?"

"Though these monsters are a concern, I agree with Sir Aarik. I have not detected any evil forces. So I think there is no demon here. Those who were there have long since fled or perhaps perished. However, the Church would like to investigate this matter further but we have no forces or resources of our own."

Selina understood her situation.

After the battle to the demons, the Church's power began to decline.

The forces under the Church were disbanded. Because they had no other needs. Since after defeating the demons, the Church had no excuse to keep their forces. Also, the countries kings and emperors began to see them as threats to their power.

Due to which the Church was forced to disband their forces and their power was greatly reduced. They now have no Paladin or Holy Knight. They are now only considered as civilian religious organizations.

But when news of the discovery of demons near the Amiga forest reaches the capital, the churches try to regain their lost powers.

When the capital does not decide to stop investigating the demons in the forest, the Church protests and asks them to allow them to form a paramilitary force. But it was rejected by the government. So the Church could not do anything else in this matter.

As they have no power to go against the government.

"Lady Selina, I have already received orders from the capital. I have been ordered to return with my forces within a week."

Selina took a deep breath.

When the corpses of the demons arrive in the capital, there is much discussion.

Because those demons were soldier demons that had become extinct a thousand years ago. However, their recent discovery has given rise to many theories. They suspect that there must be some big conspiracy behind it. So a major investigation was launched.

However, no promising results came to them. Due to which many started to consider it as rumour. Since the general public has never seen a demon.

Without getting any results, the speed of the investigation also slows down a lot. As the high-ranking people turned away from it.

Selina was determined to take revenge on these demons for killing her people. But now he also wanted to end this matter here.

Since they no longer found the existence of any demon.

So they assumed that there were no more demons or that they had been killed by other monsters in the forest.

But it is still a mystery where they came from. Which is the biggest question in her mind.

And he is not alone

"Sir Aarik, I understand your situation. I too have been asked by my father to return home quickly. So I will not stop you."

"Thank you. I will order my forces to pack their things."

"Okay, you can go now". It was a pleasure working with you."

"Me too"

Aarik pays his respects and leaves.

"Allow me to go too, Lady Selina."

Malia said

"Sure. Hope we meet again."

"I think so too. I wish you well."



Selina took a deep breath after they left.

She sits in her chair.

Then it was nothing but a failure.

But it's better than doing nothing.

Selina rings the bell and a soldier rushes to her.

"Tell our army to prepare. We are calling off the search."