Chereads / loose spirit / Chapter 6 - explaining the system

Chapter 6 - explaining the system

Miguel and the two young exorcist were walking down the street they stopped to get something to eat Miguel offered to pay sense he's there gardien and teacher for today then miguel.

Miguel:ask so how much do you two know about spirits?

Peter:well all I know there split in two factions.

Max:that's what I heard two but that's all.

Miguel: alright then it's better that I explain this topic better so that you don't make any mistakes.

Peter and max nodded in attention.

Miguel: spirits are divided in two groups the pure and lost the differences between the two is that one has a stable form while the other is unstable. I'm assuming you know how spirits are made?

Max:when someone dies.

Miguel: exactly the soul what give every being a existence like you two and me alright the prosses is like this think of the soul as like a caterpillar and the human body is the cocooned or in other words the shell that said shell develops the soul and depending on the development the soul will grow but once the shell is broken the soul takes form in a meta physical being and depending on the person who they were when they were human they either grow unstable or they grow a stable form this is the difference between lost and pure souls.

Peter: okay but what the difference in terms of characteristics?

Miguel:well the pure ones don't need to anything to keep there form stable sense they already accept the reality and they don't harm humans unless the are threaten directly that's why we exorcist don't see them as a problem sense they keep to there self but as for the lost ones there forms are unstable because the ether are not mentally insane or people who were criminals when they were human though they are does that either got killed by another person and rage fuel there body and growed more unstable the lost ones to keep there forms is to consume souls this includes both humans and pure souls that why you see spirits alongside families or one person they want to protect them in case a lost soul tries to kill them what makes lost souls dangerous is depending how many souls the consumed they grow monsterly strong enough to cause a street level damage that's why a spirit and a friend who's was still human tried to get the human body manifest the power of there own soul this came to be called spiritual force energy this is what we exorcists use to combat these calamities and for the pure souls have been doing our jobs protecting humanity from this walking ticking time bombs so this why the E.X.O corp and anyone that has ties with them train or get successors and I see potential in both of you and I don't judge base on strength I look for all important things a logical mind and a undying will that's all you need to survive in this world. By the way when you two are done with your mission you will be given ranks.

Max: ranks?

Miguel. This is to determine how high you stand in the corporation the ranks go between (c) (b) (a)(s) c its not the strongest but thar doesn't mean there useless. B is a higher rank but it doesn't you get to slack of the job. A is among the top 2 it means your strong enough to fight a 6 story bulding strong spirit.then there s which is the best and the strongest but it dosent mean there invincible they still have there limits what's why we makes that s rank members have some form of backup s and a ranks often team up and if any of you get among the s or a ranks remember just you have a high rank dosent mean your invincible you can still get killed in this job that's why we have training programs and we give guys breaks when you do a good job so don't push your self. Miguel checks the time and it's almost midnight.

Miguel:let go now that it's dark nobody can see us roaming. Remember you two will take charge in assignment I'll only intervene if you two are actually struggling you got that?

Max and peter nodded in both respect and determination.

Max/peter: yes sir.