David: So what do you expect me to do now?
Susan: Come on Dave, don't sound like that.
David: How then do you want me to sound when it isn't even mine.
Susan: oh my Dave the child it's yours, you know me too well that I don't sleep around
David: whether you do or not that's your business, and let me make this clear to you, my dad will be sending me soon to the states to study and I want nothing to stop that.
Susan:[In tears]so you are denying it now Dave?
David: Okay fine, stop crying I will give you some money to handle it
Susan:No David, it's risking my life, ðŸ˜ðŸ˜pls I'm begging
David: [angry] You know what Susan, this conversation is over, I think I've made myself clear, I will transfer the money soon , I can't allow the nonesense which isn't mine to ruin my future.