(National Mastery Academy --- Training Area #5 --- Morning)
(1st Week of October 2017)
Accel: "A sparring match between both of us, Giuseppe?"
Giuseppe: "Yes, Accel. You can find out some of my skills and battle with this match, its a opportunity for you."
Accel: "Why do you want a sparring match with me all of the sudden?"
Giuseppe: "To know your opponents..."
Accel: "I am not sure about your clear answer, but fine. I'll accept, Giuseppe."
Giuseppe: (Smiled) "Okay, get ready in 15 minutes then we shall start the match."
Accel: (Serious Look) "Agree!"
Accel Thoughts: "Giuseppe who chose the Path of Archery, according to the latest news from the National Association that was announced he is currently level 100+ "Veteran Archer". Skilled on precision, accuracy, and tactical movements, basically a genius who is TOP 1 in all subjects for the entire 7th grade, a truly formidable foe."
Accel and Giuseppe stood alone in the training area, bathed in the soft glow of the early morning light. The air was crisp, a slight chill running through the open space, as the two prepared for their sparring match.
Accel: "A sparring match between both of us, Giuseppe?"
Giuseppe: "Yes, Accel. You can find out some of my skills and battle with this match, it's an opportunity for you."
Accel: "Why do you want a sparring match with me all of a sudden?"
Giuseppe: "To know your opponents..."
Accel: "I am not sure about your clear answer, but fine. I'll accept, Giuseppe."
Giuseppe smiled, his eyes gleaming with a mix of challenge and anticipation.
Giuseppe: "Okay, get ready in 15 minutes then we shall start the match."
Accel: (Serious Look) "Agree!"
(15 minutes Later)
As Accel prepared, his mind raced through what he knew about Giuseppe. A "Veteran Archer" with over a hundred levels under his belt, Giuseppe was known for his precision, accuracy, and tactical prowess. Accel tightened his grip on his sword, feeling the weight and balance as he steeled himself for the duel ahead.
The training area was silent except for the distant chirping of birds, the serenity a stark contrast to the clash that was about to unfold. They faced each other, a respectful distance apart, and nodded in readiness.
Giuseppe: "Let's begin!"
With that, the sparring match commenced. Giuseppe moved first, his bowstring pulled back in a fluid motion.
Giuseppe: "Precision Shot!"
The arrow whizzed towards Accel, who swiftly deflected it with his sword, the impact resonating through the air.
Accel: "Power Slash!"
He lunged forward, his blade cutting through the air with deadly intent. Giuseppe sidestepped, his movements graceful and calculated, and nocked another arrow.
Giuseppe: "Rapid Fire!"
A flurry of arrows sped toward Accel, who deftly dodged and parried, the rapid succession testing his reflexes. One arrow grazed his arm, but he pushed through the sting, eyes locked on Giuseppe.
Accel: "Rending Strike!"
His sword arced in a powerful, sweeping motion, forcing Giuseppe to leap back. The archer was quick, but Accel pressed on, not giving him a moment to regain his footing.
Giuseppe: "Tactical Retreat!"
Giuseppe rolled to the side, creating distance between them. He took a deep breath, activating his next skill.
Giuseppe: "Eagle Eye!"
His eyes sharpened, pinpointing Accel's movements with unnerving precision. Another arrow flew, this time aimed at a vulnerable spot.
Accel: "Double Cross Slash!"
Accel's sword formed a defensive cross, deflecting the arrow just in time. He countered with a swift follow-up attack, the blades whistling through the air.
Giuseppe: "Piercing Arrow!"
Giuseppe's arrow broke through Accel's guard, hitting his shoulder. The impact made Accel stagger, pain searing through him.
Accel: "Heal Wounds!"
A soft glow enveloped his shoulder, the pain easing as his wound closed. He readied his sword again, determined not to back down.
Giuseppe: "Deadly Focus!"
Giuseppe's focus intensified, his movements becoming even more precise. He aimed another shot, but Accel was ready.
Accel: "Whirlwind Slash!"
Accel spun, his blade creating a vortex of lethal energy. Giuseppe dodged, but the sheer force of the attack threw him off balance.
Giuseppe: "Exploit Weakness!"
Noticing an opening, Giuseppe fired another arrow, striking Accel in the leg. Accel gritted his teeth, his movements slowed by the injury.
Accel: "Light Blasts!"
Bright beams of light shot from his hands, forcing Giuseppe to retreat and shield his eyes. The distraction gave Accel a brief respite, but Giuseppe quickly recovered.
Giuseppe: "Piercing Arrow!"
Another arrow found its mark, this time hitting Accel in the chest. The force knocked him back, his vision blurring as he struggled to stay on his feet.
Giuseppe approached cautiously, readying his final shot.
Giuseppe: "It's over, Accel."
With the last bit of his strength, Accel tried to stand, but his body gave out, collapsing to the ground. The match was over.
Giuseppe: "You fought well."
He helped Accel to his feet, the camaraderie between them evident despite the fierce competition.
Giuseppe: "Let's get you patched up."
Accel nodded, still catching his breath, acknowledging the skill and experience of his opponent. The sparring match had pushed both of them to their limits, a valuable experience for the battles that lay ahead.
Accel: "Hey Giuseppe, if you use your magic early on the spar. I might lose without trying to hit you."
Giuseppe: "Maybe yes or maybe no. It depends on the luck whether who is lucky to get hit or not."
Accel: "Damn it, I should haven't use magic when fight you. I show you one of my magic skills."
Giuseppe: "That is why you need to know your opponents actions and there intentions. How about this, let's do a friendly party spar with your team and my team to increase the training efficiency..."
Accel: "Hmm... That would be nice, but I'll talk about this to my friends if they would accept..."
A group of students appeared from the hall...
Raizah: (Smiles) "I agree about what he said... Also good morning, Accel."
Accel: "Oh, good morning Raizah. How about Welt?
Raizah: "He is not here..."
Accel: "Where is he? Or he is still asleep?"
Raizah: "Not technically sleeping, but he will surely accept this. To make us stronger having another team fighting us might be efficient. Because fighting monsters and humans are different."
Giuseppe: "I agree. So, when will you do the sparring?"
Accel: "Hmm... Maybe later. Because your other teammates is not here yet."
Giuseppe: "Okay, let head back to the dormitory, because I think Breakfast will be serve..."
Accel and Raizah: "Okay."
(End of Chapter 8)