Alister and his dragons soared through the sky, their wings slicing through the clouds with each powerful beat.
Alister rode atop Yu'Keto's head, the silver dragon's immense size dwarfing all the others, as if they were planets revolving around him, the sun.
From what Alister could discern, Yu'Keto stood at least a hundred feet tall. His tail stretched an impressive twenty meters, and his wings spanned perhaps twice that length.
He was truly a giant among dragons, so much so that Alister couldn't help but marvel at how all this mass could fit into his relatively small human form.
"We are approaching a settlement, young lord."
Yu'Keto's deep voice rumbled as he spoke, though his maw did not move. This wasn't telepathy either, but perhaps an advanced form of communication unique to the life he had led.
"Good, press forward."
Trailing far behind Yu'Keto were Alister's dragon generals, all in their majestic dragon forms.