He looked at his other hand, now shaky, and said, "I, Yu'Keto Von Chrono-Void, the Timeless One, terrified of sand. I'm sure my lady would laugh if she saw me." He managed a dark chuckle.
He then sighed slightly and said, "But you know what?"
"Something came up that endangered their lives... I didn't want to lose more people precious to me to those sands..."
"So I finally managed to step out... Though I felt like I could fall over at any moment."
"But I hid it. I kept it inside."
There was a pause on the line, and for a moment, it almost sounded as if Galisk was hesitating. "Yeah, well… me too—"
"Bullshit." Yuuto's voice sliced through Galisk's words, sharp and intense.
"You're the last person I want to hear that from. Do you think you're allowed the luxury of fear, Mr. Number One? The world's strongest human?"