In the movie Dragon Ball Super, when Infinite Zamasu became the center of the universe, Goku summoned Zeno-sama to eliminate him, but when Zeno-sama was about to be summoned in another timeline, Daishinkan suddenly cut Zeno-sama hafl. At this time, it was revealed that Zamasu and Daishinkan had once conspired to destroy the Z Warriors and Zeno-sama.
In the main timeline, Goku was forced by Chi-Chi to work in the fields and was not allowed to practice, but suddenly xeno Goku came down from the sky and said:
Xeno Goku: Hey, Goku, something bad has happened.
Goku: "Eh?? Is there another villain?"
Xeno Goku: No, it's even worse. Follow me, I'll explain later.
Goku: okay!
They both quickly flew away, and when Chi-Chi turned around and Goku was nowhere to be seen, she continued to curse angrily.
Goku: "So, what's going on?"
Xeno Goku: I was just out on patrol and discovered an unusual timeline.
Goku: Unusual? ?
Xeno Goku: Yes! This timeline is similar to Trunks' timeline, but it's a different future timeline.
Goku: How different??
Xeno Goku: different in that,this time... well, I can't believe it, but here Zeno-sama was killed by Daishinkan.
Goku: "What?? That's not true, Zen-chan is the strongest in the multiverse, so he can't be killed that easily."
Xeno Goku: "Even if you can't believe it, this is the truth.
Goku: So what should I do, where should I go?
Xeno Goku: "We going to see Kaioshin."
End of Chapter 1