(The episode opens with Kanisha and Melanie sitting in their bedroom)
Melanie: Kanisha, you aren't still worrying about the fact that you will never be a mother
Kanisha (not looking at Melanie): No
Melanie (turns Kanisha to her): Kanisha
Kanisha: Fine, I admit, I am thinking about it
Melanie: Kanisha, you may never give birth, but you still adopt children and aren't you a godmother and aunt
Kanisha: True, I guess technically I am helping watch over their children
Melanie: Yeah and doesn't that make you happy otherwise you wouldn't have agreed to their terms
Kanisha: You are right, I just never fully acknowledged that I am going to miss out something big, I mean I shouldn't think about this because I'm with you and not a male partner and I always thought of adopting a child with you
Melanie (hugs Kanisha): And I would love to raise a child with you, even though I will be scared as hell
Kanisha (while being hugged): So, what do you think we would name our child?
Melanie: How about Bea?
Kanisha: Bea? Nah, How about Maddison?
Melanie: Lucy
Kanisha: Hope
Melanie: Definitely not
Kanisha: This could take us all night
Melanie (holding a clipboard): I got the time
Kanisha (holding a clipboard): Same here
(The episode ends with Kanisha and Melanie chatting)