Chereads / I Don't Need a Guillotine fór My Revolution / Chapter 9 - Civil War Period – Raid

Chapter 9 - Civil War Period – Raid

「Civil War Period – Raid」

The setting sun stained the once-blue sky.

What was once a beautiful visage now seemed as disgusting as a bloodstained canvas.

Indeed, it is remarkable how different the same sight could be perceived depending on one's state of mind.

At least, that was what Christine concluded as she closed the carriage window while sighing tiredly.

A journey that has now become part of her routine as the carriage left the Marquisate of Lafayette and arrived at Aquitaine County.

"My Lady. We have arrived."

Taking a small breath, Christine took her escort's hand, Sir Gaston, as stepped down from the carriage.

However, her usual welcome was lacking.

For she could see armed soldiers rushing out and surrounding the carriage. Narrowing her eyes, Christine looked at the maid who was trying to fumble her way out of the carriage.

"Just stay in the carriage, Lina."

"Pardon, My lady? W-what is..."

Without waiting for an answer, Christine slammed the carriage door.

Then with a composed pose, she addressed the two nobles who had come out from among the soldiers.

"Baron Charon, Baron Duna, may I know what is the meaning of this?"

Baron Charon bowed respectfully towards Christine and said.

"My apologies, Lady Christine. The Count has been unconscious for several days. I have received the order to bring you..."

"And who issued this order?"

Baron Charon closed his mouth with a resounding click at Christine's sharp inquiry.

Instead, Baron Duna standing next to him began to speak.

"The order came from the Acting Lord, the Countess herself."

Christine looked at the arrogant expression Baron Duna currently had, as he was the Countess' elder brother before answering him.

"Very well then, lead the way."

However, Baron Duna didn't back down.

"I'm sorry, but first we must disarm your escort knight."

"Since when have I been treated as a criminal in my own home?"

"Apparently you seem to be rather slow today. Therefore allow me to explain the situation in detail for you. You, Christine Aquitaine, are a suspect in the poisoning of the Count. It would be wise of you to avoid further suspicion and peacefully comply, wouldn't it?"

In accordance with Baron Duna's declaration, the soldiers began to hesitantly approach Christine.

"Stand Down!"

The approaching soldiers all flinched and froze in place at Christine's commanding tone.

"If you refuse to cooperate, then this will be treated as treason against the Acting Lo-"

The Baron's words were cut off.

"You are standing before the legitimate daughter of Aquitaine! Do you truly believe I would have acted against my own father? I shall go on my own and prove my innocence. And when the time comes, let everyone here be a witness to your actions, as I will never forget them either!"

Even Christine herself was surprised to hear the amount of vitriol in her tone.

After a nerve-wracking silence, Baron Charon was the one who spoke.

"Sheath your weapons men."

The soldiers sighed in relief as they sheathed their weapons and stepped back.

"Forgive us for this transgression, Lady Christine."

Christine gave a nod towards Baron Charon as she looked at the soldiers of Baron Duna.

"Those of you who step back now shall be forgiven for this insolence."

"What are you doing?! To defy the orders of the Acting Lord is to commit treason against the House itself!"

The soldiers flinched, but they didn't step down.

"I hope none of you regrets our choice."

As Christine said this, Sir Gaston standing behind her drew his sword–

—And the doors of the cargo wagon behind them shattered as a group of armed men busted forth.

"What! S-Seize them!"

"Men! Stand down! Do not move!"

The conflicting orders from Baron Duna and Baron Charon erupted at the same time as the battle commenced.


"Gah! My leg!"

Amidst the clash of steel, the shouts and screams, and the flowing blood, Christine stood rooted in her spot, pale, her pitch-black dress the same as her feelings.

Sir Gaston swung his sword like a possessed man, cutting down soldiers from left and right as the troops from Lafayette followed suit, slaughtering every single one of Baron Duna's men without mercy.


Drunk in this mad slaughter, Christine watched with glassy eyes, as a soldier charged at her with a spear.

But even before the spear could touch her, a sword cleaved the man's body in two.

Blood poured like a fountain from the soldier who couldn't even let out a dying scream, drenching her dress.

For some reason, Christine seemed to find the sight of her blood-drenched dress a fitting garment for a day like this.

After cleaving the soldier, Pierre stepped in front of Christine, quickly drawing his dagger, and threw it, striking a soldier right between his eyes when he aimed his flintlock at her from a distance.

Pierre turned his head and looked at her.

"Are you alright?"

Oh, so even he could sound surprised.

Christine opened her mouth, her emotions all over the place.

"The infiltration plan seems to have gone completely wrong, Your Excellency."

Pierre replied as he once again threw another dagger.

"Well, if there's no one to notice us, it's still an undercover mission no?"

Christine couldn't help but laugh at his absurd logic.

To be able to laugh amidst this bloodshed...She wondered if she was losing her mind.

The battle reached its end rather quickly.

Baron Duna fled in a panic towards the mansion, as all of his soldiers perished.

While covered in blood and guts, Pierre slowly approached her.

"What are your orders, My Lady? It is not every day one can boast about being able to order the Lord of Lafayette as their personal Knight."

"...Please secure the mansion."

"I'll see to it that not even a soul is missed."

Taking a moment to compose herself, Christine looked at Baron Charon.

"We are at your service, My Lady."

Christine led Baron Charon and his soldiers towards the Count's bedroom.

Along the way, she took the opportunity of checking her room, finding it completely ransacked.


Now that Baron Duna, who had come to restrain her was nowhere to be seen, the Countess's guards were at a loss on how to react when Baron Charon followed Christine like her personal chaperone.

While they hesitated, Christine boldly opened the door to the Count's chambers.

Seeing the stunned faces of the Countess and her servants inside, Christine lifted the helm of her blood-soaked dress and greeted them formally.

"I, Christine de Aquitaine, have returned from my business with the Acting Marquis of Lafayette."

Countess Yvonne looked legitimately shocked before screaming like a banshee.

"What is this insolence!? Barging in the Count's bedroom like this!"

"You asked for my presence, Your Ladyship."

Christine answered her in an emotionless tone as she looked at her unconscious father resting in his bed.

Yvonne's grip on her fan threatened to snap it in half, but then her gaze shifted towards the man beside her.

The man, with horns on his head and an exotic brown skin color – clearly a demon – assumed a respectful pose and spoke.

"It's an honor to finally meet you, Lady Aquitaine. I am Gaap from 'Envy Corp' of Abyss Corporation. I am here today on a field investigation as requested by the Countess."

Having said that, Gaap took a pouch from his pocket, grabbed a handful of powder inside, and sprinkled it on the Count lying on the bed.

As the powder, emitting a strange light touched him, something pink and unknown appeared inside the Count's body.

This substance seemed to move inside his veins.

"Ah I see, This substance is the 'Eternal Rest' from our 'Envy Corp'. It's colorless and tasteless when dissolved in water. If ingested for 7 days it induces a comatose state in the victim and leads to death within the next 7 days.

Judging by the progress in the Count's case, he should pass away by tomorrow. However, as a consolation, the victim is in a constant state of good dreams without any pain. It's that wonderful! The products of our 'Envy Corps' are always focused on our client's satisfaction and on how Humane they are for the Victim!"

With her tone filled with incredulity, Christine said.

"To confirm the use of your own poison, what a peculiar situation."

Gaap simply smiled, his expression unchanged.

"Ah, but my dear-possible-customer! If it's confirmed, how could we advertise the use of our company's products? It may sound a bit arrogant, but the technology involved in our product creation is very advanced! Without using our company's paid verification service, it is impossible to confirm the use of such a marvelous product! Of course, should you resort to the other less developed nations, they might get the wron–"

"So, you're suggesting that I, who knows nothing of this, am being accused of poisoning my father?"

Christine interrupted Gaap's spiel, to which Countess Yvonne haughtily lifted her chin and said.

"How despicable, you continue to feign your innocence despite the clear evidence of your crimes."

If anything, Christine was awed by the Countess at this moment.

To be able to remain so confident despite knowing that her brother and the soldiers failed...Perhaps she must believe that simply framing her in front of these helpless servants would solve everything.

Countess Yvonne slapped Christine with her fan, making a loud smacking noise.

With a look of confusion, Christine stiffened as she saw the woman who had entered the bedroom.

"You were Christine's maid, weren't you? Now tell me. What did your lady order you to do?"

Her former maid avoided looking at Christine as she bowed her head and spoke in a shaky tone.

"T-The Lady asked me to add the p-powder to the Count's tea, saying it was for his health. I…I really didn't know what it was! I just did as I was told..."

Despite shaking like a leaf, seeing an old friend telling such blatant lies made Christine close her eyes tightly.

Initially, she intended to simply banish her from the mansion out of affection for their long-time relationship.

"By any chance, this was the power?"

"Y-Yes, that's the one."

"Well, this powder is indeed the 'Eternal Rest'. The distinctive pink glow is unmistakable. And since it dissolves the moment it comes into contact with the water, it never truly breaks down and accumulates in the victim's body."


"Could it really be...?"

Christine simply closed her eyes, not waiting to take part in this third-rate soap opera happening in front of her.

"Do you have any last words? I'll allow you one last chance to plead."

Hearing those words dripping in arrogance, Christine opened her eyes and headed towards a bookshelf in a corner of the room.

While everyone watched with curious eyes, she pulled the books in a familiar sequence to open a small safe.

The Countess's eyes widened at the sight of the documents Christine retrieved from the safe.

To hide a tree, you use a forest.

They might have searched the company's office or Christine's room, but it probably never occurred to them to search the Count's resting chambers.

Christine unfolded the documents in front of the vassals and the Countess.

"Abyss Corporation…Envy Corp as the supplier. Trader – Baron Duna. It is clearly recorded here. I didn't know what those items were, but thanks to your kind words and this wonderful verification service, you've saved me a lot of trouble."

The Countess dropped her fan.

"H-how…How is that possible?"

Christine sneered. Yvonne had certainly ordered the destruction of these documents.

Yet, she was unaware that the employee tasked with this was Christine's own underling.

Turning towards the audience, Christine opened her mouth.

"The poison purchased by the Countess' family has been used on my father. And the one who called it my doing is the 'fired' maid summoned by the Countess herself."

Before the vassals could say even a word, Christine showed them another piece of paper.

A letter, charred and burnt, pieced together and restored.

Most of it was unrecognizable, but words like 'Lafayette', 'Company', 'Escort', and 'Attack' were clearly visible.

Above all, this letter bore the seal, which despite being burned was clearly recognizable as the Crest of House Lafayette.

"Much of this letter is destroyed, but since the author himself has come to visit us, it's possible to verify its contents. The House Lafayette warned us about the danger in advance, yet someone ignored it, putting both, a descendant of Aquitaine and the company itself at risk."

Christine slowly turned her gaze around the room, and the vassals naturally followed her eyes.

"Countess. Your family acquired the poison used in an assassination attempt on the Count, and by also intentionally ignoring our ally's warnings, you've put me in danger. I shall give you one opportunity to convince me this was not an act of direct treason against this House. If you can, that is."