苏陌对于这个世界的修炼充满了好奇."修炼其实就是修心.以不同的方式感受生活...例如,我用剑来感受幸福和敌意;例如,罗音用音乐来感受情感;如果你有理解,你就会有所收获!谷雨耐心的解释道,也不知道为什么,虽然苏陌看起来只是一个普通人,但谷雨还是愿意给他迷惑.毕竟他彬彬有礼,长得好看,还会吹笛子,还不错.谷雨忽然想到了学院那堆精彩...要是学院里有这么正常人就好了!修炼是心灵的修炼...苏陌疑惑的沉思道."你如何将心灵修炼与修炼联系起来?"谷雨惊讶的看着苏陌...如果你不懂修炼,你可以看到入门的关键."一切变化都不离开他们的佛门,各种道教其实都是人本身,修心只是一个笼统的概念."随心所欲地移动..."顾玉禄一沉思,像是何等的抉择."我会送你一份礼物,以纪念你帮了她的大忙."苏陌的眼镜亮了起来,挥了挥心笛,问道:"要不要把这笛子给我?毕竟,这支长笛值很多钱...苏陌想了想...这样你就不用担心没钱了,回来把笛子卖了.顾雨闻到满是黑线的言语,忍不住想拔出一剑,眼前之人死神."我不能这样做.它属于我的老师.我只是暂时借来的.谷雨撒了个小谎,其实是偷来的.苏陌失望道:"那是什么?"一粒种子."苏陌一脸疑惑.谷雨伸出手,一把金光溢彩的小剑在凝聚的掌心.随着谷雨的挥手,小剑飞向苏陌胸口,继续向前移动,在苏陌的脑海中愣住了苏陌的胸膛.随着小剑的入去,苏陌瞬间感觉到了一阵温暖,像是身体比什么东西都多了.一股温暖的气味弥漫在我身上.正如谷雨所说...种下了一颗种子.只有当春天到来时,种子才准备好发芽和生长.需要休息一下."这是..."苏陌吃了一惊.谷雨一挥,苏墨手的玉笛飞向谷雨手.是飞得有点慢,像是很不情愿.谷雨瞪了玉笛一眼,转身离去,左边给苏墨回答."这是将心灵修炼与修炼联系起来的关键...精神力量!...谷雨拎着心笛回到了楼上的船上,此时楼上船上的客人已经约好了就要离开了,今天的曲曲笛声和歌声必然会成为京城的好谈.人往空荡荡的楼前走去,楼上的船上也只剩下几个丫头,婢女,以及一个临时住在造船楼里的罗寅.谷雨进门,看到洛音趴在窗台上发呆...她的眼睛动了动,像是在思考."嗯,看来我们这里真的在考虑春天...那双眼睛充满了春天!谷雨语气笑道.洛隐白谷雨看了一眼,看似漫不经心的问道:"怎么样?"是的,这是一支心笛!我把它拿回来了!谷雨手心笛对着洛音."我已经越过了边境,所以我不需要它."洛隐看着心笛摇了摇头,然后不再说话,转头看向窗外,仿佛什么都不在乎.Gu Yuning smiled at Luo Yin, also dont speak... Instead, he picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea and began to drink tea slowly.It's been a long time...Luo Yin looked out the window at the opening, like a casual question."Oh... Oh, that's right. Who is the piper?"Gu Yu also seemed indifferent."Well... Seems like an ordinary person!"Lo Yin was stunned..."Ordinary people? How about a common law? "Gu Yu smiled..."I have not practiced... Seems to be a scholar, come to Beijing for reference..."Luo Yin nodded, poured himself a cup of tea, and took a slight sip."How do ordinary people play the heart flute?" Luo Yin seemingly indifferent asked... I'm just concerned about the heart flute!"I don't know, maybe there's something special about it!" Gu Yu skimmed his mouth... Pretend to be stupid!...Su Mo returned to his small painted boat, lying in a rocking chair, looking at the night sky stunned.The little girl saw Su Mo back to the boat, immediately jumped to Su Mo side, saw Su Mo in a daze, wondering: "Young master this is what?""Being bullied!" Su Mo sighed... She just flew away. I have so many questions.The little girl rolled up her sleeves, like an irritated cerebellar axe, and said in a childish voice: "Who bullies my master, I will bite him to death!"Su Mo turned back, eyes with a smile, rubbed the head of the little girl.She is in her early teens, or the age of the weak wind, just in this world to live carefully, but to defend themselves....On that day, the snow fell, and Su Mo, who had just arrived in this world, experienced the first winter in this world. Winter in this world is extremely cold.Su Mo saw a little girl on the side of the road, shivering on the side of the road, messy hair makes people can not see her face. But I saw a blank look in the eyes between the messy hair.That blank look let Su Mo empathy, like seeing the same blank self.Su Mo bought two steamed buns to the little girl.The little girl did not know what to do and cautiously took the steamed bun and ate it carefully. But only eat a steamed bun, the other returned to Su Mo.At that time, Su Mo had just arrived, and would not wear hair and clothes of this world. Messy. Doesn't look much better than a little girl. The little girl thought that Su Mo was wandering like himself, afraid that he would eat too much, and the big brother in front of him would starve.A wild dog pounced, pounced on Su Mo, pounced on Su Mo hands the rest of a steamed stuffed bun.The little girl rushed out, blocking in front of Su Mo, and scared away the wild dog.Su Mo looked at the small body in front of her, such as being struck by lightning.Su Mo hand the rest of the steamed stuffed bun again to the little girl, the little girl shook his head.Su Mo bought two steamed stuffed bun again, in front of the little girl to eat two, and then the steamed stuffed bun to the little girl. Little girl this took over, happy to eat up, face smile appeared."Where do you live?" Su Mo asked.The little girl shook her head vacantly."Are there adults at home?"The little girl still shook her head."Will you follow me? I am going to the capital to become an official, and I need someone to serve me!" Su Mo tricked, "I can take you to eat a lot of delicious food."He can't trust this little girl to stay on the streets! Although along the way, see countless refugees, but alone can not put the eyes of this weak wind but block in front of the dog to scare away the children, although he is only a teenager.The little girl raised her head and looked at Su Mo.For a long time... He nodded his head.