Chereads / Diaries Of Dark Entanglements: Balance and Power / Chapter 108 - THE TOUGH AND LONELY PATH.


***In Continent 'Eclipse of the Oceans'..

***Inner Outskirts..

***Clingford's Academy Duelling arena..




"The death duel is over. Standing is the winner of this battle of honour.. Navïælét's-ver-firus."..

These loud words echoes through the duelling arena.

There are no cheers, no boos, no audible reactions infact!. The disciples are all standing and their reactions are nothing but silence.

In the crowd, someone's knees buckles as this person falls back into his seat with a drained bladder.

What savage monstrousity have they just withnessed?.

"How?..", A disciple seems to subconsciously ask in the crowd but it seems that nobody has the answer to this question as all that is replaying in most disciples minds is the scene of Navi pounding his bloody fists into Marien's skull.

Holding onto Marien Lee's spear, Navi is breathing slowly but heavily. For the first time since the beginning of the duel, Navi looks through the crowd. Navi looks on as the majority of disciples in the crowd are standing still with shocked gazes on his figure.

Navi has just given them all a very valid reason to fear him though it seems that he has overdone it as there is no fear in the majorities eyes but rather.. Terror.


A low mettaliic hum echoes through the arena with the sound distracting Navi to look towards a lifting arena's door.,

Looking within the door, Navi sees Martial Master Bia Chen who invites Navi to come in with a small wave of his hand.

Letting out a breath, Navi walks slowly as he soon enters through the lifting door.

The show is over.

Navi looks towards Martial Core Master Bia Chen and then.. his vision slowly spins into darkness as the door lowers behind him.



***In Continent 'Eclipse of the Oceans'..

***Inner Outskirts..

***Clingford's Academy Green-house(Hospital)..


***{¡!!The Next Day[Dawn]!!¡}***


In the Academy's Green-house(Hospital), Navi can be seen lying down on a single bed. Seeing that Navi's treatment-room is free of other bed and patients then it's not hard to observe that the room is a little V.I.P.

This treatment room has its design fit into 15-ft-square setting. On the left wall of the room lies a square window that's presently locked and covered with a curtain. Embedded in the right wall of the square space is a wooden door and right infront of Navi sick-bed lies a simple couch that's is currently occupied by a single traditionally bag.

The most likely owner of this purse is an elegant woman who's currently sitting by Navi's bed-side while patting the top of the sheets with a soft rhythm.

This woman elegant carries her nody in a soft blue gown that comes in a blend of western and eastern design. The attire has long thin sleeves, puffy shoulders, a slim waist that's attached to a multiple layered skirt as well as deep blue gems arranged hear the gown's circular neck.

All in all, the woman's femine elegance comes with a not-so-subtle sense of farmiliarity. Head Giesha Alica has been present in this green-room for the last six hours and judging by the fact that Navi is still unconscious then she's most likely no leaving anytime soon.

'He's my god-son.', Head Giesha Alica had told them when they asked for her to define her relationship with Navi.

Navi's records says nothing about a god-mother so there has been some issues but flexing her social identity has settled them all.

Still patting against Navi's sheets, Head Giesha Alica thinks about the report she has been given as she looks at Navi's pale bruised face. This scene feels a lot too familiar in the older woman's mind but she does not want to think about that in the slightest.

*Hitch¡*.. Suddenly, there is a sharp hitch in Navi's breathing and Head Giesha Alica pauses her pats on Navi's sheets as she turns all her attention to Navi's pale face.

In tiny droplets, cold sweat can be seen to be accumulating on Navi's face and then all of a sudden, Navi's muscles all tense up as his breaths begin to tremble.

"Navi!..", Head Giesha Alica calls out as she stands up from her seat before sitting directly on the bed. Grabbing Navi's shoulders, the older woman knows what is happening and her heart breaks at this realization.

"Navi wake up!.", Head Giesha Alica says as she begins to shake Navi's shoulders lightly.

The woman taps her palm lightly and repeatedly against the side of Navi's cheek and then..

*¡¡GASP!!*.. *Pant¡.. *Pant¡.. *Pant¡..

With a loud gasp, Navi pushes his back off the bed as his eyes opens. Panting heavily, Navi is face to face with his Big Mom whose expression of relieve cannot be hidden despite looking calm.

For a moment, Navi closes his eyes yo recover as Head Giesha Alica goes back to sitting by the bed-side chair.

"So you still have nightmares?..", The older woman calmly as to Navi who light winces at the question.

Exhausted and still lightly panting, Navi tries to push himself to support his back against the head-board though the instant he moves his hand, pain assaults his mind from both his fists.

Hiding his reaction, Navi pushes himself against the head-board though a wince shows on his face.

"Only occasionally.", Navi responds while finally catching his bed as his back rests against the head-board.

Looking at Navi, one cannot tell if Head Giesha Alica believes him or not as she gives two light nods as silence desends for a few seconds.

"You know.. *Clears throat*.. I have someone bringing me a report about you on a weekly basis.", Head Giesha Alica begins to speak though Navi can sense a mild difference in her tone. This new difference in his Big Mom's voice is not because of the topics being discussed nor is it about Navi but rather about something deeper.

"You came to the Academy and seemed to be doing well. When I heard about the attempted robbery and how you handled it.. *Sigh*.. by the goddesses I was both scared to death and relieved.", Head Giesha Alica slowly speaks though most of Navi's focus is on the new wrinkles on elegant woman face rather than her words.

"I have always known that you can though seeing it in action, I'm was beyond grateful and relieved that you can stand on your ground though.. you should have reached out after.", Head Giesha Alica says while staring calmly at Navi.

"I didn't reach out because I knew I could handle it.", Navi calmly explains to his Big mom who immediately replies.

"You should still have reached out.", Head Giesha Alica says firmly as she pulls her bench closer to Navi's bed.

"Your mother made me promise to not interfere in anything you do unless you reach out for help and I have desperately held on to try to uphold my promise. You didn't reach out after the robbery and when I heard about the death duel, I expected you to come to me but you didn't.", Head Giesha Alica says in a slightly pained voice as she casually begins to arrange Navi's bed covers.

"I'm sorry.", Navi apologizes softly.

"Don't be.", Head Giesha Alica responds immediately and genuinely as she looks at Navi.

"You are not the suicidal type so I know that you can handle it if you wanted to go ahead with the death duel but this..", Head Giesha Alica says as she gazes at Navi's beaten and pathetic state.

Navi's face has been burst open with several cut, his fist have been awfully mutilated, he has been stabbed and his fore arms are scarred by purple felts.

"..this is too much.", Head Giesha Alica completes her words with are voice turning into a whisper as she gazes tenderly and worriedly at Navi.

Swallowing a bit, Navi does not know what to say as he cannot imagine his Big Mom's thoughts.

"I know I would be rejected if I ask so I would not ask you to come to the guest house with me but please.. you have me when things get tough. The tough path is not the only one and your loneliness would only break my heart.. and your mother's.", Head Giesha Alica says calmly while Navi listens obediently.

"I know.", Navi responds while Head Giesha Alica nods her head as she looks at Navi. She knows that there is a hard limit to how much she can hold a kid like Navi back from the tough and lonely path but she atleast has to try.

Navi is Born to be free after all.

Nodding her head, Head Giesha subconsciously pats against Navi's sheets as she looks at him before taking a breath.

'Navi is strong, just like his mother.', Head Giesha Alica says internally with the thought bringing her some comfort.

"Are you Ok?.", Navi softly asks to his Big Mom who lightly raises her brow as she looks at him. Understanding that she has failed to hide her persistent grief from the young child, Head Giesha gives Navi the most reassuring smile that she can afford.

"I will be better. As long as you don't die before then.", Head Giesha Alica says lightly before clearing her throat while Navi swallows a bit as his own grief threatens to come to the surface.

"I have to get back to the Guesthouse *(Clears throat)Um¡-Uh!_ they are not big on.. day-offs.", Head Giesha Alica says slowly while slowly standing up.

"I will try to visit.", Navi re-assures the older woman who nods her head gently. Standing from the bed-side chair, the elegant woman plants a soft kiss on Navi's forehead then lightly pats on his right shoulder.

Walking to the couch to pick up her bag, Head Giesha Alica seems to suddenly remember something as she turns to Navi with a very curious look..

"By the way, do you by any chance have a girlfriend?.", The elegant older woman asks to Navi why frowns lightly at this out-of-place question.

"Why do you ask?.", Navi replies with a genuine question but his Big Mom only chuckles lightly in response as she picks up her purse.

Pulling out a fist-sixed coin sack from her purse, Head Giesha Alica puts it on the table by Navi's bed-side as she speaks..

"..It's nothing.", The older woman says with a mischievous tone in her voice while Navi raises a brow. Shaking his head, Navi chooses to believe his Big Mom's words as he truly cannot see a reason for the question.

"Thanks Mom.", Navi says as he doesn't try to stop the older woman from leaving a gift.

"Thank me by staying safe. There's only so much worry left in me.", Head Giesha Alica says while Navi nods as his Big Mom pats his shoulder once more before exiting the room.

