"EEEYA BURGLAR..!! > <" The girl with the hime hairstyle in front of me is currently threatening to split me like a watermelon with a zweihandler sword. And all because Kitsuki and I let ourselves in completely unnoticed inside the castle.
"Please don't." Do I really look threatening to her? I'm not even packing any weapons on me. "Wait, you're the one in all those posters." She looks identical to that girl displayed on most of the various projections outside. Almost like she's a dang idol or something with all the diverse poses she's striking on them.
"..Why, yes! That would be me, kyuhyu~" She lowers the big sword and places one of her hands on her hip with a '>:3 ' look on her face. "You're looking at Princess Kuroime Willowfield Fortu-.." She suddenly stops talking as a jolt of realization snaps her out of her dramatic cutesy pose. "..Wait no! Who are you..?!" She goes back to threating to slice me in two like I'm a sandwich moments from getting sliced into two triangles.
"He is my new apprentice, do show him some courtesy." Kitsuki walks in front of me and places her finger on the tip of the girl's large sword, lowering it. "I have hopes you can perhaps finally form a friendship."
"Hmm? New apprentice, huh? Him?" She palms her chin and squints her eyes skeptically at me, like she's determining if I really do like the idiot she probably thinks I look like, then her eyes widen before her cheeks go red as if she recognizes me or something.
"This here is Kuroime, the new princess of Dreams, I have known her since she was but a child. I do hope you can overlook her overindulged behavior and treat her well." Kistuki looks at both of us, before a small smirk replaces the line on her lips. "..Perhaps you'll get along just fine, you are both quite the ditzy bunch."
"Wha-?!... Overindulged..!?!?"
"..Ditzy? Dude, come on." She's smack talking me now. Still, I'm kind of used to her dissing me like this, so I'll let it slide as usual.
"Oh, but it is true, on one hand we have a princess that has denied all marriage proposals due to her... Unrealistic preferences." Kitsuki looks over to me, and I'm already prepared to get dissed again. "..And on the other, an unusual young man that talks in an odd manner with an air about him that screams troublemaker."
"..UNREALISTIC..!?" Kuroime's face is just one of pure angered shock. "..I-I'll have you know my preferences are NOT unrealistic..!" She starts to clench her fists as her face goes red with anger and I think embarrassment. "..I-I just.. you know.. have yet to find someone that looks like.." She shifts her gaze to a single small book resting on her pink bed.
"Ooo is this a grimoire?" I walk over and reach for it. It just occurred to me that I haven't seen what the inside of a grimoire looks like. Astal and Dysma always tell me to never open a grimoire's contents, as they're always vigilant that a soul could be dwelling within it just like them, and they don't want me to 'see a girl in her undies'. Lucifer has to be the biggest troll with the way she's brainwashed them into thinking that with all her devious little stories and what not. I seriously think all of them should seek professional help.
"W-WAIT DON'T..!! HYAAAN..!?!" Kuroime instantly noticed me reaching for the book and lunged for my hand, but she ended up tripping over a stuffed animal laying against the pink carpet.
"..I'll be gentle." I have never seen someone so stingy over a grimoire. I'll only take a quick peek just to see what kind of wacky stuff is inside a grimoire, especially now since Astal and Dysma are asleep, so this chance is something I can't let slip by. "Now then...huh?" Upon flipping through the hardcover, I am met with... surprisingly well drawn.. manga styled-like characters embracing each other. I actually have no words, just pure curiosity on where she even got this. It makes me wonder if she reincarnated into this world just like me, because there's just no way someone from this world wrote a smut manga. "..Uh." I still have no words as I scan over the page and onto what is probably the male love interest. He has the bland generic anime main character look with the long black hair that obscures his eyebrows and everything.
The female however...
*SNATCH* "..D-Did..." Kuroime hides the book behind her back after she suddenly snatched it from my hands, looking up at me with a flushed angered expression.
"Did.. did you see.." She speaks in an intense but very low voice as she just looks at me with teary eyes.
"..See what?" There was a lot going on, so I'm not exactly sure which 'part' she's wondering about, and looking at her face pretty much confirms my theory. "..You kind of look like-"
*CLANG* Kitsuki instantly stepped in front of me and blocked Kuroime's zweihander strike with her spare katana after she tried slaughtering me. "I believe we have used up too much time, young Kuroime." She looks at Kuroime as she just looks back at Kitsuki with a very very red face.
"..W-Wait, where's.." Kuroime suddenly lowers her long weapon, looking down at the carpet then over her shoulder.
"Is this what you are looking for?" Kitsuki holds up the small book on her free hand after it got launched out of Kuroime's hands after their weapons clashed. "Hm... quite the scandalous possession you hold, young Kuroime. I take it your activities of peering into dreams for inspiration is still a favorable pastime for you?" She flips through the small book as Kuroime just stands in shock, fidgeting with her hair as if in shame, twirling her finger in her hair. "..This..individual resembles.." She then looks up from the book, then onto me.
*SLASH!* The book got sliced in half after Kuroime showed no mercy on it. "..No more peeking into my stuff... Got it?" She looks at both me and Kitsuki with dangerously narrowed eyes.
"Hm, very well then, have it your way." Kitsuki's face is one of pure mock as she just smirks at Kuroime like she knows exactly where and how to push her buttons. I guess they really have known each other for a while.
"Can we go over as to why we are here?"
"..Oh, right." Kuroime drops the stupidly long sword and slips into a pair of fuzzy flip flops, which makes me realize just how... unsophisticated her current outfit is for a princess. She's wearing a short loose striped top, very short shorts, and she's got black rings around her eyes. It makes me wonder when was the last time she went out to get some sun light. And suddenly her pale skin is starting to make sense, I thought she was just very pale by default.
Or maybe I'm reading too much into it, like always.
"..This way. It'll be way easier to explain in the library." She opens the door out of her room and motions for us to follow her.
"Wait." Kitsuki grabs onto my shoulder, pausing my movements out of the room. "..I'm curious."
"About?" What could this woman be curious about this time? I can see her tall ears wiggling in the exact way they do when she gets curious about me.
She pulls me by my shoulder and presses me against the pink wall as she leans into me, like she's about to whisper the secret code to the mainframe or something. "..What are your thoughts on... Young Kuroime?"
"Does she seem... presentable to you?" She lowers her voice as she leans in closer, trying to gouge my response like some anxious mother.
"Hmm.." She lets me go and palms her chin in contemplation. "You believe so?"
"Yeahh I don't think someone 'presentable' would try wasting you with a zweihandler sword." I thought my body was gonna get split vertically, that Kuroime girl looks like someone not to be trifled with.
"Ah, do not say that. Is it not too early to come to a conclusion? Perhaps you have yet to see her...charms." I can see that smirk on her lips forming, which immediately tells me to dismiss this conversation.*Thunk* "Young man.." She presses me against the wall again after I tried dismissing this conversation, then she places her right hand against the wall on my left, trapping me. "You have not answered my question. It is far too early to come to a conclusion, no? Surely you'll-"
"Fine yeah whatever I'll be her friend."
"You will?" She lets me go, and her smirk gets replaced by a look of actual surprise. "Truthfully?"
Why is she so fixated on this? If she wanted me to be her friend, she could have just told us to become friends when we first got here. I really don't know why she needed to pull me to the side just to interrogate me. "If it'll get you off my back, then yes."
"I see." She brings up her other hand and places it on my head to give me a small pat because...I don't know. "Good boy."
"..Are you guys coming.." Kuroime peeks her head in, only to raise her eyebrows in confusion as she sees how close we are. "..Um." She looks at Kitsuki just pinned against me and patting my head. "..Well, at the very least I should thank you for the new writing material."
"Hm, you are very welcome." Kitsuki bumps my shoulder and starts to follow Kuroime out of her girlish pink room and into the hallway.
"What did I just get myself into."
"If only you knew~"
"Well yeah that's why I'm asking, do you know?"
"Not yet, but I have hope things will get interesting this time..."
"You know what me too." I straighten up and step out into the hall, watching Kitsuki and Kuroime walking down without even waiting for me.
*SMACK* "Then this... TINKHEAD swooped in from behind me and stole my grimoire..!" Kuroime has her palm slammed onto the whiteboard against the drawing of what is definitely Viktor. "I don't know who he is or how he even got into my Kingdom, but I want this tink OBLITERATED." *SMACK* *SMACK* *SMACK*
"Take it easy it's just a drawing." The doodle of poor Viktor is now smeared into a monstrosity after suffering Kuroime's abuse. "So? Where is he?" I never thought I would see him again. I thought he would have gotten himself killed on the night of the Hunt back in Ragnav. Turns out he's not as retarded as I thought he was to be able to just steal the Rune of Dreams and piss Kuroime off this much.
"I dunno! But he should still be within Fortuna since the Adamant Knights are still active." Kuroime tosses her black marker onto the center table and sits on the chair she just pulled up, running her finger in circles against the big helmet of a shiny green Knight just plopped against the table. "They need to be within a certain distance to keep their sentience after all."
"Sounds like faulty programming to me."
"Say that again..." Kuroime whispers to me in a threatening tone, clutching her marker like she wants to toss it at me.
"Well then, young man, if you would be the good young man I so see in you, you'll remain here to watch over the princess while I go out to-... where are you going?"
"To go look for the tink." I zip up my coat and turn away to get started on my new mundane task. I could just leave it to Kitsuki while I chill here and get the sleep my body is praying I'll get, but I'd much rather trouble myself with the outside world than to stay here with Kuroime looking at me like she'll murder me in my sleep. "Be back in a jiffy."
"Hm... as you wish." I hear Kitsuki pull up a chair from behind me and plop herself down. "Be careful, and do not stay up too late."
"..A-And don't go looking into the book piles on your way out o-or I'll get really angry..!" Kuroime yells from behind me, probably balling her fists with a red face again.
I don't even reply to any of them, I make my way out of the corner and back into the central library before stepping out into the entrance hall.
"What is a 'Tink' anyways..."
"Would you like me to tell you?"
"Uh.. maybe after we're done."
It's probably something extremely stupid. I might just forget to ask again later when I'm pondering if I should put a bullet in Viktor's skull or just slice and dice through him.
"You must really like 'chilling' atop roofs very much, hm?"
"Well I kind of have to if I want a good vantage point." I'm looking down at the empty Kingdom streets as I'm standing dangerously close to the edge of this tall rooftop. I wish I could have done this earlier when the sunlight wasn't dying so quick, but the lights from the bright projections cast a bright enough glow to the Kingdom, so I'll just bear with it. "Do you two see anything?"
"I can't see Nya.."
"I think I see a carriage moving through the streets.. Is that.. Is that a drake?" Astal squints her eyes, standing next to Dysma's little black kitty form as they help me with my scouting.
The more eyes the better.
"Oooh I have not seen a drake in so long! I thought they went extinct a century ago.."
"How does a drake go extinct? Aren't they just as strong as dragons? Who's out here hunting down drakes into extinction?"
"Dragons, Nya."
"Dragons, master."
"Dragonkind don't get along at all, no matter how much time passes... They are very territorial and snobby! They're always fighting for land and food..." Astal tries to shield her eyes from the bright lights as she observes the quickly darkening streets.
"I always thought they were siblings and stuff."
"Oh but they are... Siblings that can't get along to the point of mauling each other down to the bone~"
"You know I've debated on getting a pet dragon when I was a kid, till I heard the story about the one that died after returning from a trip to the ugly cathedral."
"Really Nya?"
"Yeahh it kinda ruined it for me. I always thought dragons were badass and indestructible. Turns out they're just a little bit worthless."
"I can get you a dragon..."
"I'm listening.
"A very special one that is quite powerful... more than the black lich dragon..."
"Go on."
"You'll have to get used to her diva-like behavior though~"
*R:R:R:r:r:m:m:...* What sounded like a low alien boombox echoes from wherever the heck it came from down in the dark.
"Alright, that's our que." I suddenly jump down from the rooftop as I feel Dysma jump onto my shoulders and Astal wrapping herself around my neck in her necklace form.
It's worth noting I have no idea where I'm going, it just felt like the perfect time to say that while jumping down dramatically like I'm a superhero.
Scoring stylish points is the real endgame after all.
I'm seconds from taking fatal fall damage, but Dysma shape shifts into a long black cloak that wraps around me before the cloak shifts from my back and spreads like they're wings, landing me safely and stylishly onto the ground.
"..Now then."
"Sigh.. yeah yeah.." Astal shines and glows, becoming Gloom.
"You're forgetting something Astal."
"I'm not changing your appearance..!"
"Oh come on... Mr. Denmark just wants to come out and play for a little.."
"I said NO."
"Uhh I'm with Astal on this one Nya.. it's weird when boss suddenly becomes an old man.."
"Seriously." I break off into a sprint and run through the now darkened streets. My only source of lighting is from the scattered projections granting me slight visibility. "Ooo look a puppy." I stop and look at a picture of a cute little dog pasted onto the pink projection on the building in front of me. "I should get me a pet to take care of."
"You have two right here with you~"
"Shut it hag.."
"Nyahh..!? Y-You're the pet, Lucy..!!"
"I wouldn't mind..."
"Y-You there..!" A raspy voice calls out to me from behind, and I look over my shoulder to see it's some old man wearing a tattered cloth over his body, pointing what looks like a gardening hoe at me. "Y-You're hiding loot..! I can feel it! H-Hand it all over..!"
"Hand over my loot, huh.." I turn to fully look at him, and I notice a whole gang of more men dressed similarly to him emerge from the scattered alleyways and from the windows on the buildings around us. They're all holding various kinds of tools, from pitchforks, to shovels, and sticks, which are probably wands.
"That's what I said! H-Hand over everything you got o-or things will get messy..!" The old dude takes a small step toward me, clearly set on trying to loot me like some noobie in an mmo game.
"Alright, listen.." I scratch the back of my hooded head as I watch the mob of looters slowly approach me with their makeshift weapons in hand. "It pains me to say this, embarrasses me even.. but I am very much broke, fellas. Please, can we just forget this confrontation even happened so I can be on my merry way?" I am carrying about three copper coins on me, not even enough for a mug of milk from the tavern I usually frequent after school back in Luthran. I swear their prices must have inflated after the Luthran King's death or something, because there's just no way.
"..W-We're wasting too much time! Get him..!" The man charges at me, aiming his tiny gardening hoe straight for my throat, and the mob of looters behind him do the same.
*BANG!* The men suddenly stopped after I pointed Gloom up in the sky and let out a warning shot, trying to let these buggers know I shouldn't even be here getting bothered by them, I got stuff to do. "Calmed down yet?"
*R:R:R:r:r:m:m:...* The same alien-like sound I heard earlier echoes from wherever it came from, causing the mob of looters to look at each other as if they heard the most scariest thing in their looter lives.
"..Ghh..! E-Everyone scram..!!"*CLANG* The man that rudely called out to me dropped his tool and booked it into an alleyway, and everyone else does the same, leaving me all alone next to this projection with the cute puppy on it.
"..What was their deal?" I scratch the back of my head with Gloom's barrel. I have never seen a mob of looters give up so quickly like that. They could have just used their numbers on me to pressure me or something.
These low elo players are always such cute little things.
"Alek~ I am detecting multiple beings with unusual wavelengths approaching this location..."
"Uh.. how many?"
*R:R:R:R:R:M:M* The sound is now right behind me, and hearing it this close, it sounded like a low trumpet coming out of an alien boombox.
*STOMP* *STOMP* I look over my shoulder and see a very tall knight just stomping its way over to me like some kind of zombie as it just drags its weapon along the ground while it's joints are shaking and emitting bright purple sparks. It's like something out of a horror sci-fi movie with rogue killer robots. Except this one isn't a robot, but a big green knight covered in glitter and cutesy stickers for some peculiar reason.
"Why is it looking at me like that."*THUNK* I quickly stepped to the side as a large axe got thrown at me before sticking to the building behind me.
"Because it wants you DEAD..!!"
"Above you~!"
*CRASH* I leaped backwards before three more of those oversized knights could plunge down at me from above.
"Can you stop earraping me." I straighten up as I watch another huge green knight appear from the alleyway and walk towards the axe impaled onto the wall before picking it up. "Oh wow, there's five of them now." I am now trapped between four of them in front of me and the one behind me approaching as it drags its sword along the ground with an annoying scraping sound. "These are the adamant knights Kuroime mentioned then?"
One of them suddenly charges at me with its large axe, about to swing down and crush me like a cockroach.
*CLANGGG* The axe makes contact with the bayonet on gloom, emitting bright orange sparks. "Ow, I actually felt the impact, I almost can't feel my arm." My arm feels like its getting stabbed by pins and needles over and over, like when it wakes up after falling asleep. "Dang now it's going to tickle very much about ten seconds from now."
"Stop being an idiot and watch out..!!"
"Oh, right." I leap backwards before another Knight could stomp on me like some common street bug. "Oh hi." I look up at the other Knight behind me as it looks down at me after I leapt pretty much right under it. "Please have mercy." I watch it raise its long sword in the air, about to slice me vertically.
*POW* I threw my right fist at its thick leg because that's the only thing I could come up with, and I am about to suffer the consequences.
I can't feel my body.
The force of the impact traced up the bundle of nerves on my arm then onto the rest of my body in a fast-burning sensation, and now my brain won't listen to my demands of moving my joints.
The giant sword dropping is the last thing I see, along with the ear-piercing scream from Astal.
"What is it, young man? Almost fall off your horse?" Kitsuki suddenly looks over her shoulder at me after I just jolted out of nowhere.
The best way I can describe it is that feeling of falling you get when you're trying to sleep.
But in my case, it felt as if I suddenly woke up from a dream where I swear I could see my vision separating horizontally, as if I've been sliced in two.
"..No yeah I'm fine, I just felt a shiver go up my-" Something clicks. "...spine.."
A realization.
A realization of a memory.
A memory I don't even remember
A memory that keeps getting away every time I try to reach out for it.
How many times have I said that to Kitsuki?
"I see. Well, we are nearing Fortuna, it is up ahead."
"Didn't you say that already?" DeJa'Vu isn't a lie.
"Young man what are you blabbering about this time?" Kitsuki looks over to me as I catch up to her, and she's palming her chin as she studies my face in the same way she does when she tries to figure out why I get so lazy on the day of a spar session. "..Are you alright?" Her eyebrows drop in a concerned expression. "..You seem pale."
"..I think I just need sleep." My vision feels like it's phasing in and out, and I can feel a slight headache starting to take form.
"Unwise. It will do you very well to rest, and rest you shall when we arrive. Now come." She speeds up ahead on her black horse, leaving me in this purple forest alone.
"So Alek~ I would like to hear your thoughts on your new upcoming adventure?"
"..My thoughts? I.. don't really have any right now.. Just this headache that came out of nowhere.." This is the first time Lucifer has asked me that question. I swear it is. I'm not going crazy. I'm just sleep deprived. I'm doing fine.
But I can't dodge that particular question for some reason I can't specify.
How many times has Lucifer asked me that?
This is literally the first time she shows curiosity of my new upcoming adventure.
The curiosity to wonder about my thoughts of my upcoming task.
The curiosity to ask me what I think of my new upcoming adventure.
But how many times has she actually asked me that?
The more I ask myself this question in the back of my head, and the more I try to remember what I did yesterday, the stronger and more painful the sudden headache that came out of nowhere gets.
"..Lucifer.. how many times have you asked me that question..?" I can feel it pulsing.
"Hm~? Why, this is the first time I ask you, silly! It's been quite a while since we last visited a new Kingdom after all~ It only makes sense to get curious this time around, no~?"
"What's with you, master? You seem wobbly and.. out of it!"
"Maybe he's hungry Nya."
"..That's just you."
"Oh, worry not your little book heads.. Alek is doing just fine, are you not, Alek~?"
"Yeah." The headache won't go away.
"Young man?" I hear Kitsuki's voice call out to me from ahead.
"Coming coming.."
The headache is getting stronger.
"Uh.. is he okay?"
"Young man, do you need a glass of water perchance?"
"..Huh? Oh, nah I'm good." I straighten up after getting snapped out of a brief daze. This Kuroime girl and Kitsuki are looking at me as if they're looking at a malnourished beggar on the side of the streets. I must have lost track of time when I went back to asking myself the same question. I am most positively sure Lucifer only asked me that question once. I just need sleep.
I need sleep.
"Hm? Young Alek, pull yourself together." Kitsuki claps her hands, trying to snap me awake after I unconsciously tilted against her. "..Perhaps you need rest after all." She reaches her hand around and places it on my back, steadying my posture and helping me not fall backwards. "Do you mind, young Kuroime?"
"Hah!?" Kuroime lowers her large zweihander sword, looking at us with a defiant look, then letting out a sigh. "..Well I guess... B-But you better not drool all over my friends!"
"Much obliged, he will thank you for this later, I assure you." Kitsuki steadies me and leads me towards the comfy looking pink bed in the front end of the girlish pink room, then helps me settle down onto it as I lay my head against what feels like a very soft and soothing ball. "Rest, I will wake you when our business has concluded here."
"..Hmm... I'll make sure to check on Mr. Tadder's fur when you wake up.. And for every drool spot I find I'll punch you in the face!" I hear the sound of footsteps grow distant and the presence of the other two slowly disappear as I shut my eyes, staring at a blank black void. "Come on, I'll explain everything in the library..."
"What is it, young man? A fly get in your mouth?"
"..No I just.. felt a wave of chilly air.."
"How unusual. Although I do find it odd you have been granted passage through the barrier. Nervertheless, Fortuna is just up ahead."
"..Didn't you say that already?" Does DeJa'Vu even exist?
"Young man what are you blabbering about this time?"
My headache feels like its increasing in intensity.
"..Nothing I'm just tired."
Tired of what?
What am I tired about?
Am I physically tired?
But we just got here, what could have physically tired me out?
Am I really tired?
I shouldn't be.
Exhaustion is just an illusion, right?
Why do I keep asking questions?
"That isn't very wise of you, young man. Rest upon our arrival." Kitsuki speeds up ahead, expecting me to follow.
"Yes Alek? Something on your mind?"
"Haah... Something is obviously wrong, master. You don't just space out and wobble around like that.."
"..No, really.."
"You hungry, Nya? I've got a leftover cookie if you want it."
"..No I'm ok."
"Spit it out, Alek... We are just worried about you is all~"
"..I told you I'm fine."
"Liar Nya."
"Well~ Since you are so insistent you are 'Fine'... I would like to hear your thoughts on your new upcoming adventure~?"
"Uh oh Nya.."
"..The hell?" I look up after falling off my horse. I don't know why, but I suddenly got the cold sweats after hearing Lucifer ask me that question. "..Lucifer."
"My oh my.. You seem a little pale, fufu~ Yes? Was there something you needed~?"
"..How.. How many times have you asked me that question.." I can hear a faint ringing in my ears now, probably as a result of this headache getting worse.
"FuFuFu~ You really are out of it, aren't you? This is the first time I ask you, silly... We haven't been to a new Kingdom in so long..."
"You sure you're ok boss Nya?"
"He's just tired... Worry not your little book heads~ He's doing just fine... Are you not, Alek~?"
"..You called?"
"You still have not answered my question, you know~?"
"..I've already told you I'm fine."
"But that isn't what I asked you, silly boy... I asked what you thought of your new upcoming adventure~?"
Why is the ringing in my ears getting stronger?
Why do the nerves surrounding my head feel like they're burning my brain?
How many times have I heard that question?
It wouldn't make sense if not once, right?
I have only heard that question once, haven't I?
Just once?
But then why do I keep trying to figure it out like it's some puzzle?
Why am I wasting effort on solving the answer to a question of a question?
Why so many questions?
Why does everything have a question to it?
Why do I feel myself getting sick to the amount of questions everywhere?
Why does everything have to revolve around question marks?
Why are there question marks all around me?
Why won't they go away?
How do I stop it?
Why is Lucifer calling out to me?
What is she going to ask me this time?
Why does Lucifer keep asking me questions?
What is Lucifer?
Who is Lucifer?
Is Lucifer real?
Who's voice was that?
Was it Astal?
Or Dysma?
But Astal is the only one that calls me master, right?
Why does she call me that?
Am I really her master?
Do I own her?
Does she follow me on her own free will?
Does she follow me because she has nowhere else to go?
Is she using me?
"Uh... boss Nya?"
Why did Dysma ever decide to follow me?
What is she getting out of this?
Why does she stick around?
Has she done anything for me?
She has, hasn't she?
Otherwise I wouldn't keep her around, right?
Am I the one using them?
Why do I keep them around?
The only one I need around is Lucifer, right?
Do I really need Lucifer?
Or does she need me?
Why won't the headache go away?
Why does the ringing keep getting louder?
Why won't the questions go away?
Is life really just a long process of asking questions?
Do the answers to questions matter?
Do questions care if an answer is found?
Is all life is just a long cycle of repetition?
Is all of this pointless?
Why did Lucifer appear in front of me?
Why did she get on her knees?
Why is she laying my head on her lap?
"Go to sleep, Alek..."
"That Kuroime girl seems like quite the character, hm, my host~?"
"Either way... I didn't like the way she looked at master.""
I thought I was the only one Nya... That girl seems like trouble.."
"..Who cares." The wind travels through the evening air and scrapes against my skin as I look down from atop the tallest point on this Kingdom. I thought getting air would at least lessen the headache, and going to sleep seems pointless since it'll just lead to nowhere.
"..Uh, shouldn't we be looking for the Rune of Dreams right now?"
"What's the point."
"What do you mean what's the point Nya? The sooner we find it, the sooner we can get out of here!"
"It won't matter."
"..Uh... master what are you doing?"
"There's just no point." I grip onto the black hilt firmly as my black great sword fully unsheathes itself from the mark on my right hand. "..Maybe this will be the answer." The red glow blinds me briefly before the mark goes faint.
"..Huh? What's he doing Nya..!?"
"..Master what are you..??"
"I have to try." I bring the black sword up to my throat, and I feel something warm and cold sliding down my neck before it lands on the ground in a barely loud drooping sound. "..There's no point if I don't."
"..I see you finally resorted to this, you are quite the foolish and brave one, Alek."
"..W-What?.. Lucifer why aren't you stopping him..??"
"Don't, there's no point." My throat starts to feel cold as my own blood begins to spread across my skin, slowly drying.
"..W-What's gotten into you boss Nya..!?"
"I can't say I am not the least bit curious in finding out what this will result in.."
"..What..!?!" Astal suddenly appears in front of me, reaching for my hand buried against the black hilt. "Master you can't..!" Her warm hands plant themselves over mine against the hilt, halting my attempts. "..How could you even.. sniff.." She looks down at the black tiled bricks, and onto the blood traveling across the gaps, before looking up at me as tears flow down her eyes. "..Why... why would you want to do this.. sniff.. why would you leave me..?"
"There's no point." I look back down at her and watch her tears slowly fall down her chin.
"No point in what..!" She presses herself against me, digging her eyes into mine as her pupils bubble in more tears. "..How could you..? We were s-supposed to stay together a-and.. sniff.. we're supposed to continue traveling through the world a-and blowing things up r-right..?" A small forced smile begins to take shape on her face through her tears. "..We.. we're supposed to go look for t-the Rune of Dreams.. o-ok?" She pushes her hands against mine, lowering the sword from my throat as the tip hits against the bricks. "..S-s-so stop.. sniff.. stop being a blockhead and let's go.. ok..?"
I look at her in silence. I can still see the small smile on her lips, twitching slightly as she fights to hold its shape as the tears fall freely down her eyes and onto the blood-soaked bricks.
And I can feel her hands against mine weakening as she ever so slowly composes herself.
"I'm sorry Astal."
"What is it young man? A fly get into your mouth?"
"No I just felt a wave of chilly air."
When will it end.
"How unusual. Well, we are nearing Fortuna, it is just up ahead.
How long.
"..Didn't you say that already?"
How many times.
"What are you blabbering about this time, young man?"
"..Nevermind I think I'm just sleep deprived."
"Unwise. You will find a moment to rest when we arrive, do not refuse your body rest." Kitsuki speeds ahead, expecting me to follow while I stay behind with a headache that feels like I'm repeatedly getting bashed with an iron shield.
"Have you calmed down, my host?"
"..Don't ask me questions right now."
"Aw.. why not? Do you not seek knowledge as a human? It is what your kind has always sought since the beginning of the human race, is it not~?"
"I said don't ask me any questions."
"..What are you two talking about?"
"He said do not ask him any questions, Astal..."
"Why do I get the feeling you've done something Lucy Nya..."
"Winky face~"
"Uh.. why did you say that..?"
"To let you know I am winking~"
"Again with the rooftops, Alek? Do you not have a fear of heights?"
"...Hm...Going to sleep resets the loop... Killing Viktor resets the loop.."
"..What have you been whispering to yourself for the past ten minutes Nya?"
"..Letting a day pass by resets the loop... letting my annoying Luthran companions get killed resets the loop... Hm.."
"Master stop keeping things to yourself and spit it out! What are you talking to yourself about..??"
"Shut up. You're interrupting my thinking."
"..I have never seen him this serious... It's kind of nerve wrecking Nya.."
"..Killing myself resets the loop... Killing Kuroime still resets the loop... Nothing works.." I start to scratch my hair frantically as the wind and glitter particles travel across the air. "..Why does nothing work.."
"Very well... You look like you need a little hint... would you like that, Alek?"
"A hint?"
"Uhh.. a hint to what, exactly..?"
"Why, a hint to this little conundrum you're facing of course~"
"You mean you know where the Rune of Dreams is Nya?"
"Rune of Dreams? Oh, no no no... I mean a hint to ending the loop~"
"Loop? What loop?"
"You know how to end it..!?!?"
"What's a loop Nya..."
"Mhm~ Since loop two hundred thousand five hundred thirty two..."
"..You knew I was trapped in a loop? Why did you wait until now to tell me?"
"Oh but I did tell you! Thousands of loops ago, silly boy...Over and over, again and again..."
"..Then why can't I remember... wait.. Lucifer, what loop is this?"
"You are on loop nine hundred thousand nine hundred ninety six~"
"..You knew how to end it since I was back in the two hundred thousands... And you didn't tell me until this loop? I could have been done with all of this over five hundred thousand loops ago..?"
"Yees? I couldn't help myself! It was cute watching you go through the same thing over and over~ I wanted to see if you would figure it out on your own... Until you decided to sever your throat in one of them, and I knew you had given up, and here we are!"
"Though I do admit, it was bland watching you completely lose your memories of previous loops every time you entered the fifty thousands..."
"..This is so dumb."
"You are so cute~"
"Enough fucking around. Tell me how to end it now."
"Yes yes of course... But you'll have to owe me~"
"Yeah whatever, just tell me what you want."
My right hand starts to feel warm, before the mark appears and begins to glow bright, blinding me and causing me to shield my eyes from the eye-burning sensation.
"Hello~" I open my eyes and remove my hand from my eyes only to see Lucifer now standing in front of me in her usual black suit and red tie as it rustles with the wind. "Missed me~?"
"What are you doing out here?" I look at Lucifer as she slowly steps towards me, the wind and glitter particles traveling through the air atop the rooftop, sticking to her hair and horns. "Are you gonna tell me or not..." She stops right in front of me, giving me her usual undying smile as her small fangs peek out, then extending her left hand out towards me.
"Of course, I will tell you, in exchange for a favor~" Her dark blood pink eyes give a single shine as they look directly into mine.
"I already said yes, tell me already."
"Then, it's a deal~?" She pokes my chest with a finger, before extending her left arm out more.
I reach out with my right hand and take hers in a handshake.
The mark on my right hand then lets out a bright glow as it burns briefly, before going out completely.
"A choice very well chosen, my dear host~" She reaches up with her other hand and places it over her other on top of mine, squeezing it. "Just like I made the right choice in choosing you..." She suddenly pulls me up against her, wrapping her arms around me as my face gets buried in her big chest. "You don't have to suffer anymore... as much as I enjoyed watching you lose your sanity~" She loosens her grip, allowing me to look back up at her. "My my... you really have gotten taller hm~?" One of her hands comes up to stroke my hair in a weird motherly gesture. "I'll let you in on a little secret... this is the only loop we held each other like this... does that surprise you?" She continues stroking my hair as she maintains eye contact.
"I.. I don't really know," I continue standing in between her, feeling her warmth. I'm not sure why or how, but every time she stands close to me like this, I always feel a very burning warmth travel through me. A very hot warmth that neither hurts nor burns. It's as if I'm sitting by a fireplace as the bitter cold air impacts against the windows while the snow slowly descends from the pale skies. And like many reasons I can't explain, I'm drawn to it. "..I just know my headache is starting to go away."
"..Umm.. what is going on right now.."
"There there..." Her strokes grow firmer. "I've watched you die many times... And although it did provide me the needed entertainment throughout the repetitive loops, I will admit.. it is rather nice to have you alive like this~ Of course, I wasn't going to allow you to remain imprisoned in the dream realm forever... I wanted to see just how long your imprisonment would have lasted for. And I will tell you, despite the loops being more or less the same.. you have done quite the.. atrocities in your attempts of setting yourself free.." She gives me a devious wink, still stroking my hair.
"..Like what? Killing myself?"
"Why, yes I suppose that is one of the bigger ones... However, I have witnessed you slaughtering your own allies.. from your fellow familiar companions, alll the way to even the two beings wrapped around you~"
"..What Nya.."
"What do you mean by that?"
"S-She's just messing around haha..! Master would never hurt me... L-Lucifer is just being a meanie..!"
"It would surprise you or even terrify you immensely.. knowing just what Alek here is capable of when he's off his rocker.. It surprised even me~!"
"I.. I don't think she's bluffing Nya.."
"I'm pretty sure she is." Suddenly the echoes of screaming and the feeling of blood splashing into my eyes is starting to make sense. But every time I try and remember, I can feel the headache starting to come back, so I'll have to fully suppress any other blood-soaked memories I've had.
A foggy memory of Rin and Yukki's blood-drenched hair pops up in the back of my head, but I stop thinking about it when I feel the headache starting to take shape.
I'll do anything to never get headaches for the rest of my life here.
"Now then, we have wasted far too much time here, it's about time we finally set ourselves free, don't you agree, my little butcher?" Lucifer lets me go to fully gaze at me, palming her chin with a smile.
"Yeah let's get out before- Wait did you say.. dream realm?"
"Mhm..." Lucifer's smile grows wider, as if she's been waiting for me to come to some realization. "You have been in the dream realm ever since.." She pauses dramatically.
She remains in that brief silence, before walking by the edge behind me to gaze up at the sunset as it spreads its orange light onto the glitter covered streets. "Since the very moment you passed through Fortuna's barrier. I am not sure why.. but it seems the power of the Rune of Dreams has caused your soul to be dragged into a dream figment forcefully." She looks over her shoulder at me, winking. "Nothing here is real, Alek~ It is all just a projection within the dream realm..."
"W-What do you mean n-nothing's real..?"
"I mean what I said, Astal~" Lucifer walks up to me, then pokes on Astal's necklace form. "Not even you~"
"What abo-"
"Yes Dysma.. even you!" Lucifer covers her mouth as if trying not to laugh uncontrollably.
"What do you mean nothing's real?" Nothing makes sense, in what way is nothing real? Has everything all just been some big dream? Then why can't I wake up?
"Everything you have experienced, including right now.. it is all just a figment of the dream realm... Until we break out, that is~" Lucifer winks at me, again.
"Can you stop stalling and tell me how to break out already?"
"..W-Wait! But I am real..! I can feel that I am..!'
"Now now Astal.. Alek and I are in the middle of a discussion.." Lucifer leans in, poking on Astal again.
"Are you sure you know how? If I have to wake up in that forest with Kitsuki again I'll actually go haywire."
"I know you will~ And though I am eager to watch you bring an end to this Kingdom once again, we need to move on~"
"Stop ignoring me! Master.. I-I swear I'm real..! Please tell me I exist..I c-cant stomach the thought of not existing to you... Please.."
"You're real, Astal."
"..D-Do you promise..?"
"What about me Nya..!?"
"You're both real, I promise."
"That... that makes me glad.."
"W-What's so funny devil woman..!?"
"Oh nothing... I merely find it humorous how everything happening right this moment will matter not~ Including your little sentimental moment... It will all cease to exist once we set ourselves free and return to the waking world to resume our real reallity~"
"Shut up! Master promised..."
"FuFuFuFuFuFuFu~~ It is going to be quite the shame when me and Alek separate ourselves from this figment and watch you disappear~ FuFuFuFu~"
"Master.. t-tell her she's wrong.."
"Lucifer you're wrong, now everyone shut up and let's get the hell out of here." I step over the edge and drop onto the now darkened streets, the impact lessened after Lucifer grabbed onto me and spread her black wings before landing next to me. "Well?" I look over to her and watch as she retracts her long black wings.
"..This way~" She walks in front of me and tugs on the chain connecting her neck to my right arm.
"You're real, Astal Nya."
"..Thank you, Dysma..."
"Here we are~!"
"We're back here?" I look forward, gazing at the same path leading deeper into the purple forest. It's the exact same area me and Kitsuki passed through. "You had better be messing with me Lucifer."
"Oh but it's true! Trust me, Alek... I wish to return to the waking world as much as you do~! I have grown quite bored witnessing the same thing nine hundred thousand nine hundred ninety six times!"
"I'm real.. I'm real.. I s-swear I'm real.."
"Yes Astal, you're real." Astal's been quietly repeating that phrase for the entire walk back here. Lucifer has convinced her she's not real at all and that she'll just magically disappear when we break out of here. Lucifer is the biggest troll I have ever met, and that's saying something. I've encountered a lot of internet trolls that have convinced me to do a lot of questionable things online, but they all pale in comparison to the way Lucifer just manipulates Astal and Dysma into believing the most heinous of things. "Now what, Lucifer?" I look over at Lucifer as she takes a few steps in front of me, reaching her hand out, before stopping completely and looking back at me.
"Here it is, the barrier is just right in front of me!" She smirks deviously, waiting for me to get closer.
"But.. I don't feel anything.." I reach out expecting to feel some kind of invisible surface, but all I feel is the cold autumn air around my hand. "You really are messing with me, aren't you?"
"Now, now... I have already told you I am just as eager to set ourselves free, silly boy.." Lucifer gets closer to me and grabs onto my right hand, causing the chain emitting from the glowing mark to shuffle and clank audibly. "You don't feel it because it has already enveloped you after you have passed through it.."
"So do we just keep moving forward then?" Astal takes on her human form and walks up next to me, looking at the dirt path ahead.
"Oh you~" Lucifer looks down at her with an amused smile, as if she's about to say something to her, before brushing off the thought and gripping onto my arm firmly. "Alek.. The dream realm is impossible to escape once your soul has been forcefully dragged inside it. I remain unsure as to why your case is indeed a peculiar one. No soul is able to pass through the Dream King's barrier, wicked or cleansed.. Yet, you remain standing." She reaches up and palms my chin, turning my gaze straight towards her. "However, with the help of yours truly.. I am able to at least make an exit from this figment~"
"Figment? What does any of this mean?"
"You will understand once we break out of it~" She suddenly looks over at Astal who's just standing next to me, clutching onto the hem of my coat. "You'll want to stand back for this part, Astal.. You too Dysma~" She looks over to Dysma in her little kitty form rubbing her tiny ears against my legs.
"What's going to happen..?" Astal picks Dysma up into her arms and takes a few steps back, watching as Lucifer becomes bright red particles that get absorbed into my right hand.
"Now then, Alek.." The mark on my right hand starts to glow bright before spreading and coating all of it in red, and I can feel it grow heavy as if something is enveloping my entire right hand. "You'll merely want to give it a.. small, tiny smack, mhm~?" The red light then fades, revealing my entire right hand is now covered in a black, red glowing armor.
"The hell is all this..?" I look down at my right arm and bring it up to my face, looking at it closer.
It has a strange black design with a pulsing, glowing red and black aura surrounding it. There are also red outlines stretched across the armor with a red glow. It's as if my entire right arm has been replaced with the arm of a jet-black demon.
And I can feel it throbbing.
"Hm.. we'll call it.. 'Lucifer's grasp', it has a catchy tone to it, no? Now then, as I've said before, you'll want to charge up a small, itty bitty punch.. and when you are ready, you'll punch the air in front of you!"
"And how will I know I'm ready?"
"Oh, you'll know.. you'll know~"
"Are we sure this is safe..?" Astal clutches Dysma closer to her chest, a look of worry on her innocent face.
"Just let them do their thing Mrrow~" Dysma just licks her paws, pressed against Astal's chest as she's held.
"Alright." I start to grip my right hand, feeling the armor squeeze my skin as if I'm digging it in cement.
The red aura around it starts to grow more intense, pulsing in intensity as the red outlines around it grow ever so brighter, before going out.
"Do it~"
I then dash forward, throwing my right hand in a heavy punch, causing a large glowing red hand to appear to my right, mirroring my right arm's movements as it is thrust forward.
*PFOOOOM!* The glowing red hand comes in contact with something as a bright dark red explosion gets set off, spreading its violent red light across the dirt path, as well as spreading what look like glowing glass fragments that fly from the impact and land across the area.
"Well done... Surprisingly, it worked!"
"..What do you mean surprisingly?" I lower my right arm from my face after I shielded myself from the bright red light, then I watch as the black armor along my right arm starts to crumble and fall down before disappearing on the ground.
I then look up and notice a hole in the wall with a doorway. Well, a floating shattered hole in front of me as if it's against an invisible wall, leading to a white, long dim hallway.
"Is that it..?" Astal drops Dysma onto the grass and approaches, looking curiously at the shattered hole. "It is, isn't it? You did it!" She claps her hands together in excitement, smiling wide at me.
"That looks really weird and spooky Mrrow~" Dysma looks at the bright hallway just behind the hole, squinting her little eyes.
"Well, Alek? Are you ready to get out of this figment?"
"I am." I step forward, but I'm suddenly stopped as I feel Astal wrap her hands around my arm, making me turn to face her.
"Master.." She looks up at me with a saddened look. "If what Lucifer said was true.. about you going through a long loop.. and suffering.." Her grip tightens. "..I just want you to know, no matter what happens, no matter what other kinds of suffering you go through.. or what.. atrocities you'll commit.. I will always stick with you." She brings my hand to her face and nuzzles against it. "I chose you as my master.. No.. as my human.. A-And I would never do anything to betray you.. Mas-.. Alek.." Tears start to fall down her eyes as she squeezes my hand that's still resting against her cheek. "..I..I love you.."
"Oh my.."
"..Uh.. you do?" I don't know how to react. I have never had a girl confess their feelings to me like this. I don't even know what it means to love someone. I always thought 'Love' to be a pointless chemical reaction that people make up in order to team up with someone else so they can deal with their loneliness until they eventually grow out of it and repeat the process with someone else.
"..I do." Astal brings my hand and lowers it to her chest, pressing it against her beating heart. "..You feel it, right mast- Alek?" She squeezes my hand firmly but gently. "My heart.. it beats for you.. It has never beat this much before I found you.. I have been alone for so long in that library.. that I almost forgot what it means to hold someone so close to my heart.. B-But.. but when you set me free and allowed me to travel with you.. despite my flaws.. I knew.. I knew you were the one I wanted to travel with.. the one I wanted to make new memories with.. in this changed world.. the one I want to walk alongside and experience everything anew.. Mas-.. Alek.. I'm real.. and my feelings are real.. Just like my devotion to you.." She rises on her tiptoes and cups my chin, rubbing her small fingers in circles along my cheek. "..I never want to lose you."
"..Thanks, Astal. You won't lose me, you're my favorite little revolver, remember?"
"..Pft.. Master.." A small and short chuckle escapes her lips as she looks down at the ground, before looking back up at me. "..You're still such a blockhead." She pulls back her hands and takes a step back, wiping her eyes and regaining her composure. "..Okay. I'm okay now."
"I didn't know you had it in you to spill the beans like that, Astal Mrrow~" Dysma leans against Astal's legs, relaxing against the ground.
"This experience has been just oh so precious~ But we must continue forward, Alek.."
"I heard you." I look back at Astal as she smiles warmly at me, before turning back towards the hole. "Let's go."
I walk towards the floating crack in the air, then step over it and through the doorway, before looking back at Astal and Dysma following behind me.
*THUNK* "..H-Huh..?" Astal suddenly stops after coming to contact with something blocking her way. "..Master..?"
*THUNK* "Mrrow.. You've gotta be kidding.." Dysma is also stopped after bumping into something.
"..What happened." The hole in the wall starts to slowly close, and I can see the background behind Astal and Dysma slowly crumble and disappear, slowly reaching towards them.
"Without you as the core of the dream, I am afraid the figment cannot continue existing, Alek~"
"..M-M.. Master.. Y-.. Y-You.. promised..." Astal leans against an invisible wall, planting her hands against it as the background completely destroys itself, leaving the small area around her and Dysma as the only thing left.
"A real shame it is.. But don't worry, 'Astal', once the figment ceases to exist, you won't have to deal with the aftermath of it all. It'll be as if you never even existed.. Because you never have~"
"..You.. you promised.." The area around Astal and Dysma disappears. Their bodies begin to slowly fade in and out, and their lower halves start to disintegrate upwards.
*SLAM* The doorway closes, leaving me alone in the dim white hallway.
"..Damn. That kind of sucks."
"You're probably wondering why only you and I were able to pass through.. hm?"
"I guess so."
"It is quite simple. Your soul was pulled into the dream realm, along with me, since I am one with you after all~ Dream Dysma and Astal were not able to exit the figment because they were created and bound to that dream, that.. 'reality', does that make sense?"
"Sure... Wait so what happened to them?"
"They are gone... Without you as the core of the figment, it cannot continue existing, it was your dream after all. Dream Astal and Dysma are gone, Alek~ But don't worry.. the real Astal and Dysma are still in the real world~"
"Nothing makes sense."
"Does anything ever make sense? Ask yourself why God created the mortal race, what is the point behind it? To ground her existence to reality for eternity? But why would she ever want to exist in a world with no 'meaning' as Fellthoven said? The answer to every question is don't think about it, Alek~ Everything and everyone you saw in the figments have never been real, they're gone now. We need only move forward and find our own meaning that makes sense to us, hm~?"
"Sure, I guess so." I turn away from the doorway as it vanishes and look back towards the hall. "Let's just get out of here already." I walk forward and reach the end of the hall, then I look down and notice a bright square opening leading down to a bright light.
"Yes, let's resume... The only way forward is down, after all~"
I take a step forward and drop onto the opening, my eyes shutting as the bright light engulfs my vision as I feel myself falling.
A notice to Students who have chosen the Knight Sentinel path
It matters not to me how experienced or skilled one claims to be. I do not wish for any faction to venture into Infested sectors outside the walls.
I wish for any and all Knights to leave the Infested Cleansing to Knights who have achieved Paladin status ONLY.
I understand your concern, curiosity or fascination for the Infested. But I cannot permit anyone below Paladin status to delve into Infested Cleanse tasks.
It has become troublesome to put down infected Knights at the immediate sign of Infestation symptoms upon arrival from unauthorized Infested Sector voyages. The neutralization of Luthran Knights is an act that comes with dejection and infelicity.
If you know someone that is showing signs of Infection, you are authorized to IMMEDIATELY terminate them in the efforts of preventing Infestation spread.
To the fallen Knights of Infested involvement, the Kingdom of Luthran thanks you for your efforts and sacrifice, however foolish or valiant.
-Phardwin Goldkin