Chapter 76 - "Ex-MI6

Buckingham Palace stood as symbol of grandeur, royalty, and authority, its imposing walls and opulent halls echoing the power held within.

In a secret briefing room, secretly located and heavily guarded at the farthest room of the palace, a place where Queenswomen in the organization were called for an important mission to execute, Queen Charlotte Victoria Rourke III, with her regal poise and steely, icy gaze, commanded the room.

Seated at the head of a long mahogany table in the opulent Queen's chamber, she looked over the detailed maps and confidential files spread before her. The three Queenswomen flanking her were elite assassins bound by loyalty and secrecy, embodying a lethal combination of femininity, grace, and expertise.

The atmosphere was thick with tension and purpose. The Queenswomen's mission at hand was of utmost importance: The assassination of a rogue ex-MI6 spy collaborating with the communist goverment of Cuba.

The room hummed with the low murmur of strategic discussions, each word carefully weighed for its significance. Queen Charlotte's voice, authoritative and unwavering, cut through the air as she outlined the objectives and expectations. It was 5 am, the early morning light just beginning to creep through the heavy drapes, casting long shadows across the room.

"This is a high-priority target." Charlotte declared, her eyes narrowing as she emphasized the gravity of the three Queenswomen's task.

"The rogue agent, named Jules Blackthorn, has been funneling sensitive information to the Cuban government. Given Cuban's current situation, it's likely he's working for the Matriach. Blackthorn has acquired damning evidence againts the Prime Minister and our monarchy. We must eliminate him and retrieve any compromised data before it spreads further." Charlotte explained, her voice calm and gentle but authoritative.

The three Queenswomen leaned in, their attention fixed on the intricate map of Havana.

Each woman brought a unique skill set to the table. Serpent, master of disguise and infiltration. Viper, an expert in covert operations and close-quarters combat. Nighthawk, an elite sniper and excellent marksman. Their combined talents made them a formidable force, specializing in silent, deadly assassination akin to those of Izanami and Rakshesha.

"Blackthorn's safe house is heavily guarded." Serpent noted, her voice alluring, seductive, measured and analytical.

"We'll need to neutralize the external defenses before we can breach the exterior." She added.

"I'll take out the guards from a distance. I can provide cover from an elevated position, ensuring we have a clear path." Nighthawk followed, her fingers deftly adjusting the scope on her high-powered rifle. Her voice soft and calming.

Viper nodded, her expression resolute.

"I'll take point on the breach. Once inside, I'll locate and secure Blackthorn, and Serpent should recover the data informations." Viper said, her voice deep and intimidating.

Queen Charlotte listened intently.

"Failure is not an option." The Queen reiterated.

"This operation must be executed with precision and discretion. The target's elimination will send a clear message to those who dare to betray our nation." She added, her voice gentle but determined.

Serpent studied the map closely.

"This entry point here." She said while pointing to a section of the building.

"By the service entrance, has the least security. I can disguise myself as one of the maintenance staff and gain access without raising suspicion." Serpent added.

"Good." Queen Charlotte affirmed.

Her gaze then shifted to Viper.

"And once inside?" Charlotte asked.

Viper tapped another section of the map.

"The internal security systems are linked to a central control room on the second floor. I'll disable the cameras and alarms, ensuring we have a clear route to Blackthorn's location, Your Majesty." She explained.

Nighthawk, inspecting her sniper rifle, looked up.

"What about the extraction, your Majesty? We need a clean exit strategy in case things go south." Nighthawk inquired the Queen.

"I've arranged and tasked a SAS team for a covert extraction to be on standby. They'll be positioned at a safe distance, ready to move in at a moment's notice." Charlotte answered.

"Understood, your Majesty." Nighthawk responded, humbly.

Viper then glanced at Nightwing.

"Once we have the target in sight, I'll give the signal. Nighthawk, you'll take out remaining external threats. Serpent and I will handle the interior." She uttered.

Nighthawk nodded at Viper.

"I have a variety of disguises prepared. If we need to adapt our approach on the fly, we can blend in with the environment and avoid detection." Serpent, her eyes gleaming with confidence, followed.

Queen Charlotte watched them, feeling a mix a pride and urgency.

"Remember, Jules Blackthorn has dirt on the Prime Minister and our monarchy. This mission is not just about neutralizing a threat, it's about protecting the integrity of our great nation." Charlotte uttered.

As the final details were being solidified, the double doors of the chamber swung open with a suddenness that startled even the deadly and fierce Queenswomen. Two Queensguards, their expressions grave and urgent, strode into the room, breaking the solemn concentration.

"Your Majesty!" One of the Queensguards announced, her voice steady despite the clear urgency in her tone.

"An important figure has arrived and insists on seeing you immediately." The Queensguard added.

A flicker of annoyance crossed Queen Charlotte's face, but she masked it quickly with composed node.

"Who is it?" She inquired, her voice calm yet commanding.

"It is the Charlotte Victoria II, Your Majesty." The other Queensguard replied.

"She has come to discuss a matter of great importance and stubbornly insisted of your presence right away." The Queensguard added.