Chapter 59 - Interlude IV Pt 2

Around the Same Time

City Outskirts

Kingdom of Ingrassia

Elsewhere, combatants duel with live magisteel.

As they did yesterday, and every day before, since their return from the Dwelling of Spirits.

It is unsafe, but safety is far from Mary's mind now. And far be it for Rimuru to deny her when injuries are easily shrugged off, healed immediately.

Blood is the better teacher when mortality is of prime concern. Train like hell, so that when Hell comes, it is a pittance. A pebble to kick to the side of the treaded path.

Sparks burn. Sizzling in the air, singing the grass.

Slash. Guard. Swipe. Drop.

It is a dance of frustration. And pride.

Even after so much practice and time…

Metal against metal. Grass rips from the ground, boots dig indents in the green-marred dirt. Magisteel meets magisteel, then air, then nothing, as they are forced to dodge.

…I'm the one who can't land a solid hit?

It is Rimuru who thinks this.

There are no Skills here. The bare minimum of magic. Purely: swordplay, technique, physical strength, speed, reflex. And, with their lives dependent on blade alone, the winner is clear, even if the bout continues.

For, despite the slime's earlier starting point, despite their same teacher…

Tanya had thought it more than once. She'd made a note of it months ago, in the short day that signified the beginning of the Xerxes incident.

"Mary's growth over the last three months could only be described as "exponential".

How long had it been since then?

Rimuru's strength comes from adaptability. A variety of Skills, resistances and nullifications to nearly everything, alongside another, much smarter mind working in tandem with their own. That's not to say Rimuru isn't capable in their own right. Certainly, it takes a particular kind of person to cobble together an entire nation on accident.

But right now, the difference between the above average and the prodigy is on full display.

Hard work beats talent when talent does not work hard. Then, what does that make the prodigy who works hard?

A monster. Figuratively speaking.

And yet-

Rimuru's eyes flash red.


In the space between the decimals of a microsecond, they bend backwards, unnaturally, with their katana flipping underhanded. Mary's thrust spears the air above them.

Not quite an overextension. But near enough to one for their purposes.

Rimuru's free hand hits the ground, palm flattening the grass, their body floating parallel. Then, they wrap their legs around Mary's extended arm.

Leverage gained, they twist their torso, flinging Mary across the grass.

And… tumbling down the hill they had been fighting atop, the young woman cursing all the way.

Rimuru winces, mentally apologizing first. Then, they move to criticism.

Great Sage?

Analysis complete. Results inconclusive. For all intents and purposes, Mary features well above human ability in physical power, reflexes, sensory function, and internal magical capacity. Lack of examples exist.


Humans of this world do not have internal magic pool and thus feature low tolerance to magicules. Tanya and Mary are exceptions to this rule, given their Otherworld background. While mostly human, they possess traits more indicative of a Majin, whilst retaining a majority human biology.

And I'm not human at all, not anymore. I don't have an answer. Unlike the kids, Tanya and Mary aren't worried about magical overflow tearing them apart. Anymore. Geh, we've really stumbled on a unique case, huh? I have to wonder how Tanya never noticed this problem… unless, she did notice and didn't say anything.


Yeah? Rimuru tilts their head. Go on.

Given past experience, it is likely Tanya knew of Mary's inconsistency with magical control. Her intent may have been for Mary to correct the issue herself.

That makes sense, but clearly this is a bigger issue than any of us might have thought.

Mm. That is a possibility.


Something about that word sounds familiar to them. It's on the tip of their tongue, a potential answer.

I see… she's still inconsistent. Whatever power she's got now, it's not good enough.

Perhaps an arrogant or misplaced thought to have, considering Rimuru has been getting their ass thoroughly handed to them in swordplay for the past 5 minutes. Mary's skill with the blade has already surpassed theirs by a noticeable margin.

But the fact of the matter is that Rimuru had still been keeping up for those five minutes, even while outclassed in magisteel exchange. And that's for a very simple reason.

Because of inconsistency, right? Why is that?

Flow. Volatility.

Mary Sue's existence is defined by the latter word.

Her very existence is volatile. Explosive. Potential energy, an infinite powder keg waiting for an ever-burning flame to reignite. Once upon a time, this was due to her own A-rank mana capacity, combined with That Being's reckless blessings.

Her innate ability to adapt allowed her to stay alive and partially sane, though control came in spurts and rarely did she understand or recognize her own actions. Being X had effectively abused his power, infected her to hijack her Free Will.

A loophole in the covenant established between sapient beings and the divine. Free Will is sacred, but when it is willingly given up "for the greater good of the world"?

Well, that doesn't really count, does it? She'd practically been asking for it, That Being would claim.

Hence Tanya's Jaeger comparison from many months ago. Hence the memory loss, and the pain, and- it was not a pretty picture at any point, as I'm sure we all recall. It is a miracle, literally and figuratively, that she had been in this state while also nearly equaling her then foe Tanya von Degurechaff.

Equaling, but never surpassing. Even at her best, Mary had only been able to stalemate into mutual death. At the end of the day, the reason she never actually won was due to some inherent limitation.

Sticking to the same strategies, fighting the same fight, approaching from the same angle.

Again, not her fault. Given her lack of control, it wasn't something that could be corrected. And no doubt, shifting to a new world and magic system had only hindered her progress. Now free of the bastard god's influence, there shouldn't be any hindrance to her improvement.

But there is, and it's irritating to the both of them.

Clearly, Mary is capable of rapid onset improvement and adaptation.

She isn't stupid, not by any means other than perhaps romantically. There is practical, subconscious intelligence between those neon eyes of hers.

She'd altered Hakurou's Water-based style into a variety of flashy new attacks. She had deduced how to defeat two exceedingly different Majin-level threats and had proceeded to do so in quick succession. She'd fended off that Drake fellow handily enough, despite having a lack of experience against long-reaching close combat weaponry.

There is a clear capability to improve and adapt. But those will always be bogged down by inherent limitation.

Mary developed her unique style of sword arts, because channeling her magic through a conduit was easier. The first Majin-level threat had not required magic to defeat; the second was an inexperienced fighter without full understanding of his own power. She'd fended off Drake, but had not defeated him or kept him from his objective.

And now, even in a duel of swords, in which she is superior, Rimuru can still keep up with her. By cheating, but keep up nonetheless.

It is undeniable that, should Mary make use of her full power, these asterisks would be unnecessary. But she can't. In any one moment, she cannot make use of all the power available to her.

Volatility. Flow. Or rather, the lack of the latter.

Inconsistency. Flow. That's right, it's about flow.

That's the problem. Rimuru blinked, the beginnings of an epiphany on the horizon.

That's right. I thought it felt odd, but now that I think about it…

Mary's internal magic pool does not sync up with her body's movements.

This has been said before, by others. At times, her body is too swift for her magic to keep up. At times, the flow of magicules is shuttered, stuttering.

In any one moment, instead of imbuing 100% of her physical and magical power into her attacks, she is striking with physical power alone. The magic lashes out and strikes in the aftermath.

The delay between these can be imperceptible, or it can take seconds. It is, ultimately, inconsistent. Mary is a wave pool. She ebbs and flows, power swelling and dwelling based on the littlest factors.

And because of this, the focus required to do the damage she is capable of… it's, quite frankly, astounding.

Calculate your attack. Swing your sword. Channel your magic at the same time, while focusing on your own muscles, your opponent, your opponent's movements, your own movements... imagine the mental strain. Much of this can be mitigated with experience, of course. Much more is mitigated by making use of an effective conduit, such as a magisteel katana.

A closed loop is established, making back and forth magical exchange more efficient. Natural.

Elemental magics are possible. Imbuing something with fire, or earth, or creating lightning. She can do that, though it is rarely immediate.

Mary's recognition of her own emotion as a catalyst for flow helps here. When her focus shifts, and emotion takes over, the power moves on its own.

Elements, spells, and the biggest issue, enhancement... they happen naturally, because she isn't thinking about using her magic. She just does.

But this isn't enough. If it was, she could simply walk into battle with anger in her heart and fell her enemies with ease. Efficiency that is dependent on emotion is not efficiency at all, but rather an inefficiency that may sometimes deign to present itself properly.

Every other movement Mary makes is hindered by her own magic. Meanwhile, those like Rimuru, Benimaru, Hakurou, have no such trouble. They are literal monsters, built on magicules. There is no need to even contemplate using magic for strength.

It just happens naturally.

Tanya is like this as well, though the efficiency of her magic circuits surpasses even them. Magicules are ever smoothly, seamlessly present across her body in great quantities. There's no need to even consider flow or channeling.

It just is there when it needs to be.

Her Unique Skill acting as a separate pool, a battery from which she can draw from, is terrifying, in retrospect.

It's just there when it needs to be…

It is impressive that Mary Sue has managed to grow to this level, considering how much is working against her. Her growth has truly been exponential, in spite of this.

Against foes like Megalodon, Shades, or even Nin Gen, Mary appears as an extremely competent, adaptable fighter. Her physical capabilities, senses, and reflexes are so well attuned that against most, she can make a read on any given situation and react accordingly, whether with the appropriate element, slash, defensive maneuver, or other.

No one at or below Majin-level would be able to tell the difference between milliseconds.

But Rimuru is not a mere Majin. And neither is Tanya, nor this Drake individual. Nor likely will any of their future enemies be. They've already long passed the point of low-level conflicts.

Yet, because of this limitation inherent to Mary's current set of abilities, and even with her above human battle instincts, she has finally stagnated at this level.

Growth is not unlimited. Ask any bodybuilder; there is always a plateau. A wall to clamber at, desperately wishing for bygone days in which getting stronger was easy. It had taken until recently for this fact to be made apparent.

Despite everything, Mary Sue is only human.

As long as this continues-

"You won't be able to beat me." Rimuru calls out as Mary trudges up the slope, holding up a hand to signify a halt to their spar. She is covered in grass, and a patch of topsoil and grass rests tangled atop her head.

Rimuru sends another mental apology her way.

"Hah?!" At those words, Mary is annoyed, and rightfully so. She's been winning the entire time, after all. Sort of.

"In a real fight, I would win." The slime clarified.

"I-" The irritation drops away, turning to resignation. "Well, yeah."

"Why is that?"

"…Because you're stronger than me. Are you bragging right now?"

She's a bit too confused to be annoyed anymore.

"I'm not bragging. This is a serious question." Rimuru frowns, putting a hand to their chin. "Considering your Unique Skill and power, of anyone you should be near the top. So why can't you reach that level? There's something holding you back, and I think I know what it is. It's flow. It is flow, but I'm not sure… I can feel a discrepancy, with Magic Sense, but there's something I'm missing…"

Rimuru's brow furrows, and they continue muttering.

"Superhuman power, senses, reflexes… an overwhelming pool of internal magic… it lags behind. I know that. I know maybe why, but it's not lining up. It doesn't work that way. Why would magical power lag behind physical power? Don't they operate together? Shouldn't they?"

Mary drifts closer, sheathing her katana at her side.

"Rimuru, what's the problem?" She leans down, wiping sweat from her brow using the bottom of her tank top. "You look constipated."

"Slimes don't use the restroom."

"Sounds nice."

Rimuru waves her off. "Mary, what do you think about when using magic?"

Mary stares at them and says nothing for a moment.

"What I think about? I mean, I focus on my magic, and then I move it where I need it to be. Like, to Mamoru's blade or my hands. What else would I do?"

"Huh?" Rimuru looks up, hand dropping to their side. "What do you mean, you move it? You mean you channel it, right?"

"I mean, I guess. Is there a difference?"

"Not really. Channeling has different connotation, sort of, but it's similar enough. I don't know why I focused on… hm." Rimuru paused, thinking something. "How do you move it? Your magic."

"With… my mind?"

"No, that's not- okay, that's fair. Technically a correct answer. Not what I meant though."

"I'm not sure what answer you want, then." Mary holds a hand over her own chest, tapping her sternum. "Magic is like breathing, you know? Hold in it your chest, then spread it all they way to your fingertips and back. Visualize it through your body."

Mary keeps speaking, not noticing the dawning realization on Rimuru's face.

"It's not connected to breathing, exactly, but the visualization helps. In, hold, out, and imagine it flowing everywhere else. Mana, or I guess it's magicules now, is intrinsic to a mage. So, it shouldn't be hard to use it, since it's like breathing in that sense.

"Okay. I've figured it out."

"Wh- you have?" Her expression is incredulous.

"I have." Rimuru nods, crossing their arms. "Here, I'll lead you to it. Did you know? Humans in this world don't have magic pools. When they cast spells, they make use of the magicules in the air. Monsters are built on magicules, so they are able to cast spells by themselves. But they also prefer to use the air's magicules rather than their own."

"…Are you telling me I could have been using the magicules in the air this entire time?"

"No. You have enough trouble with your own magicules. Let's not start jumping to other power sources right away. Besides, your own magic should be easier for you, because of your previous life. Right?"

"That… makes sense." Mary reluctantly acknowledges. When one oddly convenient door opens, it turns out the floor before it is a very fast, very long treadmill. It is an understandable disappointment.

"Anyway, let's think about your magic." Rimuru claps their hands together. "The key is visualization, right?"

Mary nods.

"Alright, then what are you visualizing? If there's a problem, then it's there. From what you told me, you visualize your magic first in your chest, then spread it across your body from there. Is that right?"

"That's sounds right."

"If that's the case, then why is your power weaker than it should be?"

"Because my enhancement, my magic lags behind." Mary holds up a hand and flicks her finger. There is a small puff of moving air, then after a beat, a second puff of air, as the force behind her magic catches up. "It's too slow. Plus violent. Punching, timed with enhancement at the same time, there's the chance my flow will, like, move. Flare, or whatever. I've made it work before, but getting it right is hard. Not really worth thinking about in a fight, cause it'd take too long."

"The volatility of your magic is a different problem, I think. It's kind of…" Rimuru hesitated. "I mean, you're a naturally emotional person, right? It's par the course your magic will match your personality. And we can't fix that, not unless you want a mind wipe. And despite what others may say, I like you for you."

Mary narrows her eyes. "What do you mean by that, exactly?"

"Oh, you know. Joking. Moving on."

"Oh sure, we move on whenever you feel uncomfortable."

"Ahem. Here's the thing, Mary. You shouldn't need to time your flow. Even if it's volatile, you should still be at your real, full power. Enhanced, superhuman, and all. I don't need to time it. Tanya doesn't need to time it." Rimuru's figured it out now. Time to bring Mary to the revelation herself. "Why do you? Why is this?"

The breeze rustles the leaves above. Clouds shift across a bright blue sky.

"Oh." Mary realizes. "Oh, you're asking me to- okay." She puts a hand to her face, covering her mouth. "Why? So, if you don't need to time it, huh? If you don't… it takes time for them to move, but… starting the flow earlier? Then you'd be guessing, and if you're wrong… efficiency, maybe. Without this violence of mine… but, Rimuru said the violence and flow should still work…"

She is taking this seriously, Rimuru is happy to see.

"They don't need to time it. Then, what do they visualize? Do they? If it's visualization…" It is like lightning striking Mary, then. She straightens up, eyes widening. "I'm seeing this all wrong. I'm thinking about it… too much?"

She poses this question to Rimuru. The slime smiles, nodding.

"You've got the most of it, so I'll give you the details." Rimuru steps closer, pointing to Mary's chest and head in quick succession. "That visualization of yours is all wrong. You've got that far, right? And I bet you're right there imagining how this is. I'll tell you: you're thinking of your mind, your body, and your magic as separate, connected entities. But that's not it at all. This idea of individual parts delays everything. No matter how good you may get at moving your magic, there will always be that split second of delay in traversal. Even if you had perfect efficiency like Tanya, that would be the case."

"There's a delay in moving it." Mary states.

"That's right."

Wait, she knew? Tanya… Mary realizes this, too. She knew what the problem was this entire time, didn't she?

"That means…" It sinks in. Mary adjusts her mental image of herself. Instead of visualizing it spreading from her chest, to her fingertips and tippy toes and back…

"Magic is intrinsic to mages, to monsters. We exist with it as one. Mary, I'm sure you've realized it by now. You shouldn't be moving your magic at all."

Rimuru smiles, reaching up and flicking her forehead. Mary didn't even notice. It burns and freezes at once, not to her fingertips and back but in every vein, sinew, bone, blood cell. It stays there. She keeps it there. It does not wash like a tide, back and forth. A rush of something greater, some unknown gate breaking and giving way, floods her system.

It all stays in place. She keeps it there, and does not let go.

Charybdis. Nin Gen. It feels familiar, like a dream she'd once held.

"You should be channeling it, visualizing it, everywhere all at once."


Much later, Rimuru and Mary sit and watch the sunset. It is the last one they will view from here, for a long time at least. Their goals, shared and individual, were largely met. Saving the kids. Seeking information. Improving power and skill.

It will be a difficult goodbye, but it is not goodbye forever. An invitation has even been extended, an offer to visit whenever possible. It would be nice to teach some more, or to practice more. But these are unnecessary.

There is no need to stay any longer.

"You know…" Rimuru says, glancing over, "I'm really proud of how far you've come."

Mary can't help but preen, just a bit, at the praise. She has improved, and now she will continue to do so. It is fortunate that this is the case.

It is time to return home. Tomorrow.


Elsewhere, in Tempest, the Executives of Tempest – plus extra company – gather for dinner.

They are in a popular tavern, a frequent place for them when Shuna and Gob'ichi do not cook for a group. Instead, they choose to meet here, or elsewhere, and drink and be merry.

Tis a wonderful, peaceful period they live in.

At a small corner booth, Tanya and Shuna sit together, alone. One of Tanya's arms sits around Shuna's waist, pressing firmly against the curve of her side. Both of Shuna's arms hug Tanya's midsection, her head resting on her lover's shoulder. 

They are not quite drunk, though a slight warmth to both of their cheeks hints at least a few drinks each. Shuna presses a kiss to the corner of Tanya's mouth, then her jawline, and whispers three words. Tanya leans down, ghosting her lips atop Shuna's forehead, between her horns, then reaches up with her free hand, tucking a few strands of pink hair behind Shuna's ear.

It is so unbearably intimate that anyone watching is embarrassed. Not because it is an embarrassing display, but because to watch such a thing feels like an intrusion on the couple's privacy. Additionally, it is a different look on the usually severe Tanya. There is no tension to her shoulders, and she does not look around the room as if checking for enemies.

It is easier to not acknowledge it, and to let them enjoy themselves.

Enjoyment seems to be the key in this tavern.

In the middle of the open space, at a circular wooden table, Shion and Benimaru drink together, their competitive nature working against them. These are the drunk ones, and it is unclear who will win. It is likely they are both losers. Hakurou sits at the same table, mediating with silent amusement.

Kurobe and Kaijin had stopped by earlier, then left. They would be up earlier than usual tomorrow, a mutual project requiring their attention. Geld could not make it this time, but he had asked Souei to inform the others of his attendance in a few days.

Even the hardest workers require a break.

Rigurd, Rigur, Haruna, Souei, Souka, and others are scattered throughout, drinking and eating and laughing.

Then there are the schemers. Gobta gathers Youm and Grucius, and with Mjurran in mind they plot their revenge on their merciless instructor. Mjurran herself retreats from the function and doubts herself.

How can she be anything but a puppet? She is comfortable, and perhaps there is something more inside her. Some warmth to her chest, despite the false heart within.

But she cannot allow herself to retain sentimentality.

Not while the Demon Lord Clayman is watching her every move. Not while he can harm-

"Mjurran?" Youm approaches her, on the balcony.

No, there is nothing she can do. Mjurran avoids his gaze.

There is nothing to be done. About Clayman's plans, or these… feelings.


Elsewhere, things sliver in the shadows. A chess board moves, all the pieces wrong.

A fearful bigot orders a march. The weakest Harlequin sips wine with a smirk. An oddly young face smiles and looks out a window. A broken not-man, wannabe avenger dashes across the land. A servant of Luminous and slayer of monsters nears the vicinity of Ingrassia.

Here is the truth.


"Winter will not fall on this city."


"Well, if you were ever so insistent on putting yourself in harm's way… I'd just have to save you, wouldn't I?"


Heaven and the World meeting within her. And between them and among them, none are more Honored. 




"Everything is ready. You can at least feel honored to have a part in my evolution."


You have a right to kill me, and I have a right to kill you. So, come. Let us kill one another. I do not care who kills which.


"Do you think that grief saves you? Pain frees from atrocity?"


"Oh, Tanya… did you really think no one would notice?"






There is an inherent cruelty to the universe.

The very state of things is constant decay.

Atrophy. Nothing lasts forever. One day, the last star will burn out. The last black hole will crush itself into wisps, until even those dimensional remnants fade into the void. And, at long last, it will be silent.

There will be rest.

In the multiverse, this is less of a concern. There are an infinite number of realities, and thus an infinite amount of time for existence. There are humans, and monsters, and more and less. There are deities that rule, and there are those that coincide.

But this does not change the truth.

The multiverse maintains existence on a conceptual level. Somewhere, somewhen, there will be something. But the individual universes? The bubbles of reality, the countless worlds in which real, breathing life flourishes, struggles, makes itself known?

Remember this: even immortality is temporarily existent.

Anything that lives can die. Anything that exists can fade from existence. A single light can be snuffed out in less than an instant, leaving only the fond memory of a burn.

This is the cruelest truth.

This is…

This is…

Blood roars in her ears, hammers in her heart. It is the only thing she can hear in the deafening silence of calamity.

Bile rises in the back of her throat. Metallic. Malignant edges and nova stars. Madness creeps, hot on the edge of perception. Above her, the sky is orange and rose. The fade of day marred by smoke.

How… how did it come to this?

Build your monuments. Create cities that shun the natural order. This is the way of things.

Look, ye mighty, and despair!

A tempest falls on the world.

Look, and ask: what beside remains?


Known Skills List


Common Skill: Thought Communication

Extra Skill: Flames of Babylon

Extra Skill: Magic Sense

Extra Skill: Magic Aura

Extra Skill: Voice of the World Communication

Unique Skill: Tetra Breaker


Common Skill: Thought Communication

Extra Skill: Magic Sense

Extra Skill: Magic Aura

Extra/Intrinsic Skill: Physical Enhancement

Unique Skill: Ability Severance