Chapter 50 - Branching Roads Pt 2


"Good!" Hakurou jumped back, dodging Tanya's follow up stab, the grass parting from the wind of the blow. "You haven't let your skills rust! I admit, I was worried after all that desk work!"

"Funny!" Tanya called back, stepping away and flipping her wooden shinai back into an overhand grip. She and Hakurou straightened as one, circling clockwise with eyes locked on the other's. "I make it habit to stay practiced at what keeps me alive. Even more so now that I'm the next one up for Tempest. And even if I don't particularly care for fighting, I'll admit there's a certain fun to tangible improvement."

"Perhaps you're right. There are worse things than pursuing the way of the sword for self-improvement purposes. That being said, perhaps you'd like to try your hand at the Water Arts once more?" Hakurou offered, gesturing vaguely with a hand. His other rested loosely on the bokken sheathed at his side. "You're protégé has created her own brand of Elemental Arts. Knowing what it's done for her, I'm sure a little effort on your part would raise you just as well."

"Unlike her, I've no gift for swordsmanship, nor a prodigious talent in raw combat. All of my skill is from hard work and efficient use of resources, not some innate talent."

I've never been a prodigy; she's a natural swordswoman after a month of practice. Good for her, honestly. Is it rude to say she needs it? But it goes without saying that I have my own ways of staying ahead.

Tanya lunged forward without warning, Hakurou meeting her in kind. Shinai crashed against bokken, wood knocking wood as they engaged rapid blows. Hakurou's skill outweighed her, but Tanya's own innate magical power boosted her speed and strength to such a level that it mattered only enough to even out their bout.

"Don't be so sure." Hakurou said drily, the two breaking apart once more and circling one another, "Though, it's true that compared to you or I, her natural physical prowess is something beyond ordinary."

"As is her aura. Combining perfect subconscious control of that with her enhanced physicality is-" Tanya made a so-so motion, "I'm almost jealous. It's why she could grasp your technique so easily and I cannot. Opposite ends of the spectrum, I'm afraid."

"You magic is almost too efficient, in that sense." Hakurou noted, "Is it not?"

"Yes, but I'd never complain about that." Tanya held up a hand, sending a Magic Bullet his way as easy as if she'd blinked. Hakurou sidestepped, the orb disappearing as if it were nothing, "I'd rather it be too efficient and be unable to access aura, than have both be usable and lackluster. It allows me to do this sort of thing easily enough."

Tanya disappeared, her image flickering out.

Hakurou spun, his bokken flashing up to block her shinai. She flickered into full view, both hands clenched around the handle and pressing against his guard. She leaned, and her knee shot up, forcing Hakurou to disengage. He jumped back, deflecting the wooden staff that shot half free from a bundle of space magic just above him.

"Attacks from in front, behind, and above? Rarely a wasted moment or movement, always working for the most efficient killing angles." The old Kijin huffed, amused, "You're certainly no one other than 'Tanya' in that regard."

"Efficiency will always beat haste. Smooth, purposed motion will always outpace speed. You put this thought process to the sword, and you can kill anything that dies. If something wants so desperately to kills you, then one simply needs to draw their sword from Point A to Point B in a smooth, unhesitant line." Tanya set her shinai against her shoulder, the tip pointing vaguely, accusingly skyward. "And, when you apply this thought to something more than sharpened steel, not even the sky is your limit. Magic, aura, willpower… forget what can die. With enough, you can kill anything that lives."

She shrugged.

"Or at least, that's how I see it."

"Certainly, that is an interesting point of view. I wouldn't recommend preaching it to the Western Church, however." Hakurou smiled wryly, "Care to test it some more?"

"You still have the energy, old timer? Wouldn't want you missing your afternoon nap time."

"Oho," A borderline malicious aura filled the air, "You'll find that this 'old timer' has far more energy than he knows what to do with. Especially when he has to wizen up smart talking youngsters."

That's right. That's the look I want. Tanya slid her shinai from her shoulder, grasping it with two hands and settling into a ready stance. Its wooden body extended horizontally, the pommel on the inside of her stance and the shinai itself loosely pointed out and to the side. Keep training. Keep honing your skills. Let's try to make this fun, shall we?

They moved as one, drawing closer and closer until-



Mary flipped around the beast. Upside down in the air now, her blade flashed out once more horizontally, carving easily through its torso and bisecting it perpendicular to the previous strike.

Magic from the strike flowed across the beast's body, the concept of destruction imbuing its living flesh and rendering that status past tense. Blood sloshed across the stone brick floor, and as Mary landed, she stepped forward, narrowly voiding a crimson shower.

Magic is an idea projected into reality. It is a phenomenon of the world, a Law of the Universe just as innate to its folds as gravity, time, and other forces of existence. To shape one's will and concepts through a unique energy and force it into literal existence; such is magic.

Therefore, intent is key. Magical power imbued with the intent to destroy, then, could be called-

Putting names to it, it was sort of like… magic infused with imaginary elements of "strength", "destruction", and "severance" huh?

The magic across her blade swelled, threatening to wash over the pommel. Mary shut down the flow of energy, frowning briefly. Her eyes flashed neon for a brief moment, tilting the blade slightly before sheathing it at her back.

That's a dangerous combination for me. My magic's not quite stable enough yet to make that consistent without sacrificing something else. Not unusable, though. Rimuru didn't seem to have any trouble… really, how unfair is that? Prodigies like him and Tanya really have it too easy.

It was essentially the same concept as Hakurou's Water Arts, or her own Elemental Arts. Magic and Aura imbued with a specific power to strengthen or alter a blade's strike ability, only expanded upon beyond the basics of the six main elements.

Meanwhile, Rimuru watched from the sidelines, eyebrows raised underneath his mask.

"Interesting…" He murmured. "She does learn fast."

Beside him, Eren and Kabal shifted nervously, glancing around as if waiting for something.

"So," Mary called, towards the man opposite her in the arena, "Jiggis, was it? I won, so I qualify for Rank-B too, don't I?"

The peg-leg having man, Jiggis, with matted shoulder-length hair and a slightly unkempt five o'clock shadow, would have laughed, his sense of humor revitalized somewhat from Rimuru's performance just minutes earlier.

However, he was too busy collapsing to his knees and sweating through his coat to give much in the way of a proper response.

"Oh shit, are you-" Mary raised a hand, ready to walk over.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Jiggis coughed, a wet sound coming out that sounded quite the opposite of fine. He waved her off, still coughing and crouching, "Just winded. Sorry."

"Hey, you don't have to apologize."

"You're wrong there, girl." A familiar gruff voice chimed in.

Stepping past the circle of runes than constituted the mini arena's edge, the Blumund Guildmaster, or Fuze as he was more familiarly known by, strolled forward, malice practically reeking from his pores. All around, the crowd that had gathered to watch rapidly dispersed. Gido ran up to Rimuru, Eren, and Kabal then, dropping his hands to his knees and gasping for air.

"Jiggis does need to apologize. To me. As well as give me a good fucking reason as to why I shouldn't throw his ass out on street right now."

In that moment, Fuze was far scarier than either of the two Lesser Demons that had been slain today.


The atmosphere in the room could best be described in one word: tense.

"Well, we've got our identification cards," Naturally, Rimuru had to break this the only way he knew how, "So all well that ends well. Right?"

"Rimuru," Mary barely resisted the urge to flick him on the forehead, "Please shut up."

The two sat side by side, sinking in the cushions of a surprisingly luxurious couch. Fuze's office sprawled around them, well decorated and well-sized and stocked with exactly the sort of things you might expect from the sitting office of a nation's Guildmaster.

Needless to say, the twin swords hanging on display from the front of Fuze's desk did the atmosphere no favors.

"For starters, only the Guildmaster is allowed to proctor the exam for Rank-B." Fuze sat behind his desk, looking for all the world like a man fighting a losing battle against a headache, "You were supposed to be brought directly to me. Those were the orders given to your guides. And yet…"

Off the side, the idiot trio in question knelt with their heads bowed, gloom and embarrassment hanging over them like a curtain. So, uh, nothing really new on that front.

"Ah." Rimuru coughed into his fist.

Fuze is a scary guy when he wants to be. Though, with the people he has to manage here in Blumund, I understand why.

"Ah indeed." Fuze sighed, looking remarkably less scary as he leaned forward in his seat, "Blumund's leadership understands your intent, to a degree, but the same cant be said for the general populace. They don't even know of you. And if they did happen to learn about a powerful monster leading thousands of others…"

"It'd probably be catastrophic." Mary added for him, having half-listened to enough of Tanya's murmurings about Tempest's political situation to understand Fuze's gist immediately.

Also, apparently Tanya and Shuna occasionally talked complicated intercontinental politics for pillow talk, as Mary had unintentionally discovered while getting water from the kitchen at 3am one morning. It was kind of cute. And also really weird, but hey, who was she to judge?

At least they were getting laid.

"Mass panic, calls to arms, cries for foreign aid." Mary continued with a shrug, "That sort of thing."

Fuze blinked, then nodded. "Right in one."

Mary could feel four pairs of eyes pinning her down then. She looked to her left, then farther to her left off to the side, finding Rimuru and the trio… looking at her. Like she'd grown a second head.


"N- nothing…" Rimuru tilted his head, the trio copying his moves like idiotic puppies.

"It's just…" Gido started.

"You sounded…" Kabal added.

"…surprisingly reliable there, Mary." Eren finished, the mirror image group of four seeming almost bewildered by the statement.

Mary blinked.

Oh, that's right. The last time I'd really interacted with those three was months ago, and we haven't talked much on the trip so far. They haven't really known me more recently… wait.

She blinked again.



~We'll be right back~


"You're right." Rimuru crossed his arms, nodding, "Hm, hm. Tempest has no contracts with Blumund yet. It's better to exercise caution first and foremost."

Everyone else elected to completely ignore the fist-sized lump on the side of the slime's head. As well as the dangerous aura still radiating from the person sitting to his right.

If there was anyone to fear in this room, it wasn't Fuze.

And with those profoundly obvious statements, the next several days of Blumund-related meetings and conferences between Rimuru Tempest, his "entourage", and Blumund's various representatives began in earnest.

Plenty of yawn-inducing meet-and-greets were held, as Mary could attest, having been on the verge of sleep for most of them. Eren, Gido, and Kabal had not been invited to sit in on those particular meetings, or else they would have no doubt felt the same.

Even describing them now was enough of a chore, but Mary could lay out the brass tacks well enough without passing out.

The Kingdom of Blumund and the Jura Tempest Federation officially entered a mutual defense treaty and a mutual passage agreement. Essentially, it boiled down to "your sword is my sword", and vice versa, along with "your roads are my roads", and vice versa.

The nuance was a bit more than that, more so mutual aid rather than mutual resources. They were allies, and an attack on an ally was an attack on the both of them. On top of that, you trade with us, and we'll trade with you. And we – we being Blumund, that is – will even pay you for it!

How nice of them.

To be perfectly honest, Rimuru'd gotten screwed over. Blumund benefited far, far more from such a deal; no doubt Tanya and Shuna would give him an earful about "unfair compromises" and some other such lectures upon his eventual return.

Regardless of how skewed the benefits, Tempest did see a few boons from this as well. Human recognition was crucial to their future, and increased trade routes with a well-placed and respectable human nation would only do their growth a great service going forward. Furthermore, the addition of Guild presence in Tempest would only serve to boost Tempest's own reputation as yet another spawn of heroic activity.

Even if those heroes happened to sometimes be and work with monsters.

And naturally, the boost to Tempest's treasury by way of tariffs, increased trade, and tourism – just to name a few – would always be a more than welcome addition.

Tanya and Shuna would be proud. Barely.

In any case, upon hashing out the fine details of this arrangement with one of Blumund's ministers, Beloard, Rimuru and Mary met with Blumund's king.

A portly, but seemingly kind fellow, who lacked a bit of the political knowhow of his ministers yet made up for it by accidentally slipping to Rimuru just how much he'd potentially fucked up by agreeing to this Blumund-Tempest mutual aid contract.

The realization that all attacks – not just by monsters, but also other nations such as the Eastern Empire – were included in "mutual defense", left Rimuru about ready to run and hide in the mountains.

All he really could think about at that moment in time was along the lines of...

I am dead. Tanya is going to fucking kill me, and Shuna is going to salt the ashes of my poor, slime puddle of a corpse.

Well, that and-

I really can't let my guard down around humans!

A fair sentiment to have.

Really, it just showed his inexperience in such matters. Even with such excellent political tutors and mentors around him, he was bound to slip up and stumble sometimes. That's how you grow, after all.

On the bright side, the Blumund stop did end on a high note.

An easy demonstration of Tempest's patented Full Potion – willingly tested by that surly proctor Jiggis, who now no longer needed a peg leg – easily secured Tempest's status as a premium item distribution center.

High quality High Potions were on the open market, baby! The gold would practically be pouring into the Jura Tempest coffers now. Imagine if they could secure trade even further… well, they were already heading to Ingrassia. Might as well make the effort, eh?

And with that, Rimuru's job in Blumund was done. The perfect, successful – in his eyes – start to what would undoubtedly be an incredibly successful overall trip. Hell, even despite such a high starting point… well, it could only go up from here!

…is what he was thinking then.


Two Days Later

Free Guild Headquarters

Kingdom of Ingrassia


The voice echoed down the empty hallway, the early morning sun angled just right for shadows to still be cast across most of the extensive lengthwise space.

The source of this yell spun around on his heel, the one eye visible through his black, bunny-ear topped clown mask flashing widening. Purple striped clothes on top and bottom lined with yellow, and a bright red nose dead center of his mask labeled this being as a clown, and his exaggerated actions showed it.

"That slime on his way here?! To Ingrassia?!?!"

"Yes, it seems they were in Blumund just recently." Another voice, from the sparse shadow cover. "They should be arriving today."

"Today!" The clown spun again, hands pressed against his mask, "To think, that little slime would wander so close to Western Holy Church territory! No, to wander right inside part of that domain directly with little care in the world! Are they crazy? They must be crazy! I feel inspired!"

The clown mimed tying a knot.

"Or they're living without wanting to, no?"

"No, that would be amusing." Yuuki pushed off the wall, stepping free of the shadow and moving to pat the clown on the shoulder, "But I doubt it, Laplace."

"Of course." Laplace nodded. "I'd ask we leave them alone for now anyhow."


"I mentioned the Church, you know. They've been getting a little too uppity, don'tcha think? Veldora disappears and they think running the place is their business? Nah man." Laplace's shoulders shook, quiet laughter bubbling under his voice, "I'm thinking I'll sneak in while they're too busy looking down their noses at others to see what's just behind them."

"Haha! Now that's interesting. Exposing holy secrets? Consider me intrigued. Should be a cakewalk for someone as good as you, Laplace."

"Oh please. Don't boost me up too high, man." Somehow, the wide grin on his mask grew wider, his footsteps bouncing as he swept from the hall, "It'll at least be as difficult as a cakejog!"

"A cakejog, he says." Yuuki shook his head, watching as the clown left. He chuckled, "The Western Holy Church, and that amusing little slime from the nation of monsters. I hope they don't kill him too quickly, now. But I suppose that'd be amusing enough by itself, wouldn't it? Kekeke-"

"Are you talking to yourself again?"

Now, Yuuki did not flinch, nor did his heart skip even a quarter of a beat. If anyone asked, he'd merely been readjusting his position to lean back against the wall once more.

He did, however, turn to acknowledge his newest guest with a smile that was only half genuine.

Half, not because he wasn't happy to see her, but because that was the best his two-faced self was capable of providing. Though, to any other than himself it appeared fully happy and genuine; yet, he himself knew better.

"Tear!" Yuuki said, setting a hand on his hip, "Good to see you, of course."

"Great! And you didn't answer my question!" The shorter, pinker clown bounced in place impatiently.

"How's your little pet project going?"

"How was talking to yourself going again?"

"I wasn't talking to myself."

"You definitely were."

"If you're so certain I was, in fact, talking to myself, even though I certainly was not, then why did you even ask in the first place?" Yuuki pointed out, "I highly doubt my answer, the objectively correct point that I was not talking to myself, would sway the opinion you'd formed before the said question had even been asked."

"My pet project is going great!" Tear was the one to change topics this time, leaving Yuuki feeling thoroughly unsatisfied with his role in the conversation thus far, "I was just checking on it, actually."

"And it's going…?"

"Great!" Tear spun in place, her arms thrown out to the side. "Super great, even!"

Yuuki quietly wondered what made clown-dressing figure so inclined to spinning.

"He's already gotten way stronger. Though, he was super weak before, so that's not saying much. At this rate, he might even make a good peon! Hehe, peon."

"Do you believe he'll be ready for his little revenge tour in enough time?"

"Hm, hmmm, hmmmmm… I don't know! He just trains day in and day out with those shadow things. Train, sleep, train, sleep, that's all he does! And it still might not be enough!"

"I'm not sure. Don't underestimate the strength of a man out for revenge, Tear."

"That little 'revenge' notion alone isn't going to put him above the level of Octavius's killer, you know." Tear was doing a handstand now, for some ungodly reason Yuuki couldn't discern, "It didn't put beastie boy above slime-y boy over in Jura, and he merged with Charybdis. Just cause Drake's screwing around boosting and beating all the spirits he can work his hands on don't mean nothing when those spirits are ranked right at Grade: Low As all Hell."

"You're not wrong." Yuuki shrugged, "It's just as likely that he'll be worth nothing as it is that he actually manages to kill her. Really, it depends on one thing."

"And that is?"

Yuuki smirked, sharp canines shining under the shadowed upper half of his face.

"Why fatherly love, don't you know? I wonder… just how badly does he want to kill his son's killer?"

I wonder… just how interesting this little Demon Lord Seed stealer will end up being? Will you die, or will you live? Will you be useful, or will you have to be put down on the way up? I just can't wait to find out.


Known Skills List


Common Skill: Thought Communication

Extra Skill: Flames of Babylon

Extra Skill: Magic Sense

Extra Skill: Magic Aura

Extra Skill: Voice of the World Communication

Unique Skill: Tetra Breaker


Extra Skill: Magic Sense

Extra Skill: Magic Aura

Extra/Intrinsic Skill: Physical Enhancement

Unique Skill: Ability Severance

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