Cough cough.... well, this is awkward. Been a bit hasn't it? Yeah, a week turned into two, then into a month, and well, next thing I knew it was March.
I know it's annoying to have another announcement chap instead of a regular chap, but ya know... it was about time I updated everyone on stuff.
So what happened?
Simple answer, I got burnt out. Wrote so much, every day, nonstop. And I enjoyed it, but one day it was just... oof, ya know? I actually tried to write a lot of times in the past month, but I would simply open the google doc, stare at it for a while, and get nothing done. I knew what I wanted to write, but unlike before I couldn't really put it into words in a way I thought was good.
Why did I go no contact?
Well, honestly, didn't wanna say "Nah nah, it's gonna be next week" again and still not post. That just made me feel bad lol.
Bon I thought you were gonna answer questions and stuff last announcement!?
Yeah, same as before, felt kinda guilty because I wasn't posting, and well, just ended up not answering anything. I did see everyones support for my story and worries about my health, which honestly I really appreciate. But same as before, kinda guilty, so no answer.
So what's the dealio now?
Well, gonna not post for the persona or tensura story for a while. I actually have the next chap pretty much ready for both, but didn't wanna post it only to go dead for another few months again. I want to write for them both, but I probably will do so for myself for a while without posting.
So, no more writing or updates for a while?
Well, if ya are on my discord, you probably saw the update I did. I'm actually starting to write a new story to get that new inspiration and get back my hype for writing. Though I am not sure when or if I'll post this one.
It's a Marvel Omniverse fic. No Rob, no system, no overpowered ai, no omega cheats. Dude is just a genius thanks to his fathers genetics. Wonder who he is? Smart fella, surely he won't be relevant.
Anyways, the father builds a teleporter that ends up becoming a multiversal machine by accident. Mc uses it, it explodes, and then he ends up traveling to another multiversal version of himself that happens to be in marvel. The travel ends up activating the X Gene on his alternate self, and because of the influence he gets a mutation that lets him travel between worlds.
Anyways, shenanigans ensue. Plot happens, and he ends up going to different worlds to get stronger. Current runner up for first world is either the Witcher or HxH. I want to make him stronger gradually, so he isn't op by chapter 30 or something. Make him suffer a bit and earn his victories.
Still really early on the writing and planning stages of it, but I'm hyped for it.
Bon, ya bastard! Starting another fic when your other two are on life support!
Yeah, yeah, I know. Though, I think I am just going to focus on my fics and rotate them as I go. So once I get to a good stopping point on my Marvel rekindling fic, I'll go to my og persona story and write another arc or two, then come to tensura and write an arc or two.
If there's one thing I know, is that trying to juggle multiple stories is just gonna burn me up. So if you enjoy all my stories, you're gonna have food, if you enjoy just one... well, you are kinda used to waiting by now lol. Sorry about that.
So... when are the stories coming back?
Ya know... gonna sound hella rough, but I think around May or June, starting with my persona fic. Hella long time to wait, but if you end up coming back to it, I will thank you for sticking around and supporting me with your comments. If not, I get it man, that's like half a year.
Anything else?
Yeah, this time for realsies I will try to answer any comments you all leave. If it isn't a question I'll like it to mark it as "Read" and if it's a question or something I can answer or reply to I will.
Sorry for the long delay, and thank you for all the support.
I fully intend on finishing both stories, and ngl I actually daydream fairly often about them and what's gonna happen in the future. It's gonna take a while, but I hope the wait will be worth it.