Chereads / War Of Realms Online / Chapter 37 - Alpha Polygon

Chapter 37 - Alpha Polygon

Trying hhis best to retain the stuctural integrity of the alpha barrier alex began retirving the strands of intent that had commplated their resonnance recycling them into the outer layer reinforcnig it after all the intetn was indestructible

it was like using powerful therds to hold togetehr the various shattered parts of the outerlayer 

just a little more ALex said groaning under the massive mental strain he knew very well that should he scale thru this he would ascend to the higest possible levels of hex resonsnce 

this alone was a ablity capable of creatinng legennds in teh academic feild

although the outer layer had been compelty shattered under the chaothic explosin earlier alex aws able to retain the area closest to the middle layer as well as some other pparts of the structure 

thank goodness 

alex was relieved as the last hex had just resonated within a moment alex asseesed the damage done to his mental space 

firstly the entire sea of conciousness was unharmed nothing to see here then the inner area of the alpha barrier was also untouched by the ruccus as well as the barrier of the sea so the only areas affected are apart fom these three luckinly there was no damege to these structures in the end otherwise thiis would be a net loss

steeling his resolve alex lookked at the middle outer and the expansive mental space for the middle layer the damage was mininmal the only thing of note was that the reserves of pure mental energy stored here was nearly entierly depleted leaving only a tiny bit that served to nurish the alpha replica most likely had this layer been destroyed the alpha core would have been unable to recover 

as for the outer layer it was allgone leaving only the larger chunks which were attached to the main barrier by the long strands of intenet alex had usesd to fix them in place it was a sight for sore eyes 

and as for the outer mental enregy space alex saw a scene of absolute carnarge stray elemental aura flew about unrestrainned looking for any avenue to escape or a minatl body it could affix with iits aura around the area shards of the outer layer oof the barrier floted about looking very similar to a field of space trash 

alex was stumped for ideas on how to repair the damage 

seemes ill have to use the last manipulatio chance for the alpha replica then 

alex was quite reluctant to use up the last free manippulation chance not to mention it was not actually free as he would still need to sacrifice the outer clear regionn of the main mind core for suppport in the modifcationns 

while this seemed to occour over a long time is was less than aminute since alex began the crasy experiment till the activation of all the hexes on the five doors 

the implications were astionishing and unbeliveable even for spectators such as the trial guardian they had never heard of someone who coulld activate 400 diffrent hexes in under a minute it was a record worthy feat 

right at the moment the last of the hexes were activated the five marble doors began to dissolve leaving oly a thin barrier of light i their place 

immediatey a cool wind appeared in the hall bringing abundant pure mental energy form every doorway flodding the hallway with energy

at this moment alex was still puzzled about what he could do to fix the damaged outer layers at that moment he noticed the reward had arrived wasting not a second more alex began absorbing the energy to reform th e outer walls quickly under the automatic absorbtion of energy alex stimulated the outer layer of the alpha barrier to absorb purify and compress the energy slowly a multicoloured layer of enrgy coagulated over the thinn piece of enrgy coating the middle layer 

the energy formed was a mix of red blue brown greeen and gold clearly the absorbed energy had been infuenced by the remenant aura however that was not a big deal to alex as the true role of this outer layer was to seal and control these stray aura and imprints while maintaing the purity of the inner ayersand also use these contaminants as a barrier agains any unwanted entry 

like a city wall built from the instrumants of war gained from the enemies iit was cheap and very effective in ensuring the city's defenses grew stronger

following this philosophy alex continued to reinforce the outer layers of the alpha barier under the influence of the unrestrained influux of mental energy 

Alex was astionshed by the excessive amount of energy relesed this time it was far more abundant given the fact that he had done an unthinkable feat with his simultaneous activation of 400 unique hexes

the energy kept rushing into the chamber rushing to reach a certain concenteration where at which point it would cease however the likely hood for that to be achived was too low given there was a veritable blackkk hole in the form of alex's mental space 

Alex began to sense the outer layer soon he noticed the reason for the quick destruction of the previous setup 

its too thick making the strenght of the compressiion to fade the further away it is from the soul apertuere indeed even in the construction of the city walls even if the wall was miles thick it was useless if there were insufficent troops to defend them at least no matter how thick the wallls or how few the defending soliders were the gateway would allways have the strongest defense relative to other parts of the wall

understanding this concept alex began mobilising his soilders to assess their infuence on his defense 

in time as alex payed particular attntion to this aspect discovered the truth 

the solders were his will and intent fused into the alpha replica during modifications naamely the middle layer of the barrier 

unfortunately unlike during the core formation event alex was unable to consume soul essence on a large scale to generate sufficent will to increase the nnumber of troops to an ungodly level

knnowing this alex knew he nneded to ooptimise the uses of the middle layer 

Brainstorming vigorusly for a moment alex had a light bulb momentas he looked at the debris floating around the mental space from the shattered outer layer 

well here goes 

alex once again began his modification slash upgrade of his mental defenses gathering all the stores of compressed mental energy he activated the primary function of the alpha replica pruification of enrgy he began feeding the energy to the outer layer of the main mind core increasing its size by lass than a millimeter at this point increasing the size of the mind core by a single millimeter was not an easy feat as when compared to alex's mental energy before he fuesed the mind coore the level of purity and compressioon needed was about 1000+ units of mental energy and the larger the mind core the more units he needed to achive this not to mention the will requirements as well 

finaly alex entered a state of total calm once again releasing strands of intent all at once all the way up to 360 strands reaching out with the strands alex began the modificaton activating the tird ability of the main mind core consumint the last of the modification chances he had 

under the infuence of the main mind core alex spread out the intent net formed in the middle layer expanding it into the outerlayer merging the middle and outer layers the only slight diffrenc was het in the previous location of the middle layer the ennergy was far purer and the concentration of will was much higher

with the 360 strands of forming individual nodes alex connected these strands to the net of intent he mergesd into the multi colured outer layer forming a three dimensional defense layer creating a 360° covering to which he syncronised the entire outer layer with the main mind core allowing the alpha barrier to rotate together with the mind core forming a dynamic barrier 

hmmm with this structure i cant increase the thick ness of the barrier on a whim to maintin this quailty and control i need to be able to reach at least 540 strands of intent 

alex admireed his new wall previously the entire outer layer was a single smooth spherical barrier however now with the aid of the intent net the wall was made of solid squares resembling a square grid 

lets continue 

allex turned his attention to the dissipating outer layer which he could not directly put under the infuence of the intent net the energy was excesive and would detract from the defense formation however alex was not about to waste the bundant energy around him 

reaching out from each of the new 360 nodes in the wall alex linked each strand of intent to the floating debris and using the force of attraction from the alpha replica he attracted all the wandering enrgy to these debris with this setup alex created another layer of defense around the alpha barrier similar to an astriod field all the debris derew closer to the 360 nodes of the quadrilateral outer barrier 

these large pieces of debris began claening up the surprinding space by fusing with other smaller particles in the area while absorbing energy 

once alex got the debris under control he ingraned his intent into the alpha barrier using the last modification chance 

from now on the alpha barrier will bbe divided into 2 layers the external debris and internal polygon barrier

with his words as law alex relesed the intent strands form the manipulation removing their physical appaerance however thier influence could still be felt on the debris layer as they roamed in the space inlfluencing the surrounding energy condensing them into a fluid like layer 

as the debris layer spread out from the internal polygon barrier as it condensed more mental energy 

alex finaly relaxed as he had finally completd the revised Alpha barrier

on a close inspaction of alex's menatl space the vast region was no linger dark as a single sphere of light could be seen suspended in the hights like a moon giving off calming light iif one observed closely this multicolour moon was surrounded by a shimmering golden halo

Alex was reassured that evenn a grade 7 divine will expert would not be able to penetrate his current defenses in a short amount of time