Chereads / Arcanic Chronicles:Rebirth / Chapter 5 - New Beginning

Chapter 5 - New Beginning

1st POV Al

The sun has come down all of us have begun the plan. To prepare to kill the Direwulf we killed a Deer and placing it close to some Direwoulf hunting spots. We made sure to get prepared being armed with poisonous arrows, poison Coated swords and spears.

"Get in position spotted", I signal the boys to hide behind trees making sure to mask our scent my covering ourselves in Mud and Dirt.

A massive 7 foot tall Black Direwulf of Legends begins to approach the deer carcass. It sniffs the food and begins to eat. Unlike earth's wolves these Direwulves seem to move like solitary animals similarly to tigers.

I give the Signal and Gil jumps off of a Large Tree and on to the back of the Dire lunging his spear into its hide, the spear embedding itself into its muscles. The wolf roars in Pain and begins thrashing around trying to throw Gil off it's back but Gil stays on holding onto the Spear for dear life.

"Lud Now!", I exclaim. Lud shoots a poisoned arrow directly into the Direwulves neck and into a Major Vein. I dash out and slide under the Direwulves body with my poisoned sword and stab it with full force into the Dire wolves chest.

"AWOOOO!!!!", the beast howls in pain and stands up onto its hind legs giving he the opportunity to drag the Sword down fully opening the beasts chest exposing its muscles, some organs and blood vessels. Blood splatters onto my face as the beast drops dead.

I stand up covered in blood looking like a cereal killer. This isnt the first time salty liquids have covered me. "We did it boys", I state proudly as we all stare at eachother. We begin Laughing heartily as Mike comes out of hiding. "Sorry I couldn't help", Mike stated Shyly. "Its okay buddy you did enough with giving us the weakening poison",I state happy with the results of the hunt. "Now let's get ourselves cleaned up".

Timeskip no jutsu: a few hours later

After cleaning up in a nearby river and cutting of the Direwulves Head we head for Gawald's Cabin to show off our trophy. A few days ago Mike told us that instead of becoming a Knight he would start officially studying to be an Arcanist and was leaving by tomorrow for to Travel to the Circelis Arcanic Tower, an area where many Arcanists were taught and trained, considered a prestigious place of Knowledge of the Arcane.

After a few minutes of travel we reach the Cabin. Gawald Greets us right outside the Cabin, "Back already, I thought one of you lads would have died.....Bwahahahahaha!", we stare at Gawald as he finishes his Laughing fit, it was as if he was Laughing some joke we weren't in on.

"Ok Lads I contacted my Student, his name Sir Yulric Elfbain, but I call him Yully, he's a fine lad, hard working to, he's sure to be here by the Morrow so say goodbye to your loved ones and get your belongings because your gonna be with Him for as long as it takes to make you the best Knights of the Century....Dismissed", Gawald states proudly. "Yes Sir"×3, we say in unison and head off to town to get ready to head for the road and say goodbyes.

I say Goodbeye to the boys for the day and head to the Bakery to break the news to Sylvia. I walk into the Kitchen through the front door Sylvia Busy with Kneeding Dough "Mum, I'm back," I say somberly. "Oh honey what the matter?," Sylvia asks, concerned for her my well being, I dont deserve this woman.

"I finished my Training with Sir Gawald, he said I could start training and serving under the High Knight Yulric Elfbain.....meaning I'll have to leave...but I'll come back and I'll buy you a House and everything you ever wanted Mum," I say as my somber tone turns into excitement. "Oh baby boy I knew this day would come," Sylvia embraces me, planting a kiss on my forehead. "Stay safe, stay alive and be Great, I expect nothing from my own Knight in Shining armor," Sylvia states and giggles at the end.

Timeskip no jutsu: the next morning

After packing my stuff, saying goodbye to Sylvia and Mike, I head for Gawalds Cabin with Gil and Lud. Gil seems joy filled and Lud seems nervous. "No matter what we need to stick together",I state Confidently, the boys nodding fervently in response.

Reaching Gawald's Cabin I see Gawald and a tall 6'6 man with long dirt blonde hair, a muscular toned physique under his Tunic,and black eyes that stare into the soul. I'm guessing this fellow is Yulric.

"Good day Sir Gawald and Sir Yulric," I greet the two High Knights with utmost respect. "Well lads this is the man you will be serving for the Next few years of your life until you reach adulthood and find a Npble to Swear fealty too," Gawald says gesturing to Yulric. "So you're a Knight?" Gil asks enthusiastically. "....Yes", Yulric replies. "Who do you serve under Sir Yulric?" Gil asks. "Marquess Aldous Dale of Helenia, we will be traveling to his castle in get ready we'll be meeting my Knights at the Town Entrance, it will be a 2 week trip on horse back to Alfgard" Yulric replies ready for us to depart.

"Goodbye sir Gawald", I say to my long time teacher, mentor and one of my only father figures. "Live long and Prosper Lads", Gawald replies with a Somber tone.

"Let us depart Boys", Sir Yulric orders. We follow Sir Yulric the Town entrance meeting a squadron of what I assume to be Sir Yulrics Knights. They promptly salute Sir Yulric and look at us, analyzing our threat level seemingly. "These are the Lads you came for, hard to believe there just 10 year olds" a black haired blue eyes Knight states, intrigued by our presence."Hello Sir....?" I greet the Knight. "Sir Baldwin of Helenia to you Lad, that is Sir Marcus, Sir Felder, Sir Caldwell, Sir Brocus and Sir Yohannes all of Helenia" Sir Baldwin Introduces each of the Knights as Sir Yulric Get on Horseback.

"Sir Balwin, Al will ride with you, Sir Brocus, Lud will ride with you and Sir Felder, Gil will ride with you", Sir Yulric gives the orders, pointing at each of us to notify the Knights of our names.

Sir Balwin picks me up and puts be onto his Horse, hopping on with ease right behind of me. I would say this was Gay but it's not the time nor place. "Off to Helenia, The Marquess Aldous awaits our return", Sir Yulric orders and Rides off into the Direction of what seems to be were Helenia is located, the rest of us following close behind.