Sometimes the fragment would think about certain things, and those things were the only things keeping the fragment curious. The fragment knew how the other gods were created, that it knew, but what it couldn't figure out was how it was created. The fragment had many thoughts, it found creation fun and exhilarating everytime something new was created, but it was confused how a being able to create such as itself was created in the first place. The fragment knew that those questions would not get it anywhere but it couldn't help being curious about something even itself couldn't image, how could it imagine everything but its own creation. The fragment did what it was good at and created, it created many different ideas of how itself was created. It thought that maybe it was just always there, but it had never thought until then, or maybe that it grew from something, or maybe it was even once part of something. The fragment realized that these are worthless thoughts to have if there was no answer. The fragment returned to the others, the gods that it created, and it saw something new, something it didn't create. It was another one, but this one was different, it knew how to create something called life, "life?", "but I didn't create or name that!", the fragment shouted almost sounding wounded even that another was able to create something new, something even the fragment hasn't created yet. The fragment put its irritation aside and named the new god, it wanted to know how it came to be but before it could ask it knew it had to name this one, and it did just that, it named this one the god of life. The fragment was curious and so it asked, "how did you create this one, this thing that is new to even me who created all of you?", the fragment insisted that it got answers. The others looked at each other and said something, they said something that only made the fragment more confused. The fragment was baffled really, "what do you mean the god of universes and the god of time created it together?!" it continued "together? Together how exactly?", but what they said next just didn't make any sense even to the fragment, all it knew was that it was just possible somehow which it won't elaborate farther. All the fragment knew was that there was something new and that in itself was exciting, the fragment dreamed of all the new possibilities which became endless when imagined. But, what came next wasn't something the fragment imagined, it instead was yet another but this one was created by the god of planets and the god of universes. It was something crucial to what came next, it was the god of the atmosphere which was needed along with the god of planets and the god of life, but wait there's still something missing, something more that is needed to create the first big idea the fragment imagined. OH, right on time, the god of time created one on its own which shall be called the god of day and night cycles, huh what a long name, but what does it matter when it's just what to call what it can do. The fragment was thrilled, it now had all it needed for its first big idea to become a reality. The god of planets will work together with the god of life to create a suitable planet for new life forms for the idea the fragment has, then the god of time and the god of day and night cycles will also help to create a way for the life to change. The fragment was in a state of euphoria, all it needed to do now was come up with a name. The fragment decided on a name for its new project, the planet would be called Ipholea. It didn't have a particular meaning behind it, it was just a name, but naming its first big project, its first big idea made the fragment all the more overjoyed.