"An old lady telling a story to her students"
Do you know students who created the universe. I bet you don't know so, today we will listen to a story how the universe was created. Imagine a place where everywhere is destruction and dark. Will you be living there; everyone answer will be no but, the universe that was in the past was full of darkness. Everywhere lies destruction. One day a magic happens suddenly, the entire universe was covered into the light. Nobody's know from where the light come it is still a myth. The darkness that lies in the universe suddenly vanished. It is caused because the universe knows what it deserves. the light has the power to create another history. the light is coming from the center of the universe. the darkness which was eating the universe yet stopping the growth was replaced by the light. It gives the hope to the universe for a good starting. the light started the universal growth. New planets, stars, galaxies and even universes started to be born.
 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The time has come the universe was waiting for. The growth of the universe reaches its peak resulting in the born of the first celestial entity. Which can see, hear, and even breath. today we know him as the first lord. Lord Supreme the one we used to worship in the past. One of the students said to his teacher "why we do not worship him today". She replied and spoked that it is a bit a long story, but we will continue it later. Supreme always look around to find more people like him, but he knows that the universe is empty. He is the only one who is there to see how the universe grows and how it destructs. He life was not too special imagine living alone in a complete emptiness. He tries to go further into universe but always come backs with full of disappointment. He tries and tries but fail. Always lost his way and seeing the light coming from the middle makes his way to his lonely home. He goes deeper and deeper into the universe and see secrets that lies in the universe. He sees how universal objects spend their lifecycles. How they are created and how they die. This is how he spends his days. He also notices that time run faster when he stands in the middle of the universe. Days goes and never come back. A life full of disappointment. Until he starts growing. How fast days goes he never know. He thinks that the universe is playing games with him. He asks universe about creation. Hoping that one day the replay will come but it never come. He thinks that it is a punishment suffering alone is what he got. He always looks for someone else, but he never finds someone. He thinks and thinks. How fast he grows his thinking power increases. One day he thinks that how he was created, because of his question that was roaming in his brain. Tries to find an answer. Looking at the light that is in the center. His brain then knows what the answer is. He tried to go closer to the light. He then touches it after touching it the light vanishes. He was completely shocked. After memorizing what he has done he was thinking that he has done a mistake. Which can lead to the destruction of the universe. But he was not knowing that is a game that is been played by the universe. After some time, his body was glowing with a bright until suddenly the light filled the entire universe. The universe was looking more precious and beautiful. Until he realized that whatever he was thinking is becoming true. He then realizes that he can destruct any of his creation. He knows then he has the power of creation.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ His happiness has no limits. He was totally amazed with those powers. He starts creating planets, stars and galaxies. He has given a boost to the growth of the universe. He then thinks creating people like him, so he don't be bored living alone. He created us but we were not to be supposed to live in the universe without our requirements. He created special planets for our living. Planets having water, land and fire and even more. In his big brain he also created other people that was different from us. They are known as aliens. He balanced the universe, and he decided that he will live in the middle of the universe by creating a large palace. Because of his creation we started worship him. We were totally devoted to him. We do stuff that he wished us to do. but his creation won't be able to live happily and peacefully. Because of his weird experiments he does with his powers. It resulted in creation of the evilness. It was the disaster he has never waited. It was main cause why we don't worship him. While it was spreading, the universe was fading supreme tries to stop it, but he can't stop it. He was totally exhausted until he thinks off a plan. To prevent the spreading of the universe he tried to curse it, but it requires a lot of energy and Supreme takes the power of universe to stop it, but it was his worst mistake without the power universe started fading. Now the only option left is that he has to give his power to the universe so, that the universe can repair. But without his power he can't live without it he cannot live before vanishing. He has make sure that the universe will go in safe hands so, he created twenty realms that represent different sources of power of the universe and every realm has its own lord. He has created a lord that was different from all of them he was a type of a supervisor who look at the lords so, that they can work properly to preserve the balance of the universe. He created gods who look at the universe in the absence of lords. He created demons who control the spreading of the evilness by consuming it. One's a demon who has absorbs as enough evilness that he can bare he become evil. The supreme was so clever that he shortened the lifetime of demons to 1000 years when thy become evil. The evilness that they have consumed will show it result within their 1000 years. Before he lives, he last time see the universe he has left. Forever he was nervous from inside, but he still smiled for a few moments then he gives all of his power to universe and his soul left his body. By the way the evilness was stopped but the small particles were still present. The evilness was waiting for a right time because they were weak.