"Hehehuhuhaha! Hehehuhuhaha!" ~ Dr. Sang Tian *still working on her evil laughter*
"Tch! What are you, huh? A joker?" ~ Fang Haoran *grumbling angrily*
"I mean, what were you thinking when you handed me the card? That I am like those female leads from dramas and novels who would either buy everything using her money to show that she doesn't need her man's money or perhaps, buy only the non-expensive things using her man's card?" ~ Dr. Sang Tian *rolling on the floor laughing*
"I have learned my lesson! I swear I am never going to repeat that mistake again!" ~ Fang Haoran *cursing the moment he gave his wife his card*
"Aaww, really?" ~ Dr. Sang Tian *pouting and melting her husband with her cute looks*