"I know you will be surprised and amazed that I sent for you, I heard everything that happened between you and my son, everyone knows and it's just a rush of emotions and everything,"

Tessa was staring directly at one of my bag wardrobe, probably wondering why I called her into my inner chamber.

"This wouldn't have been my cup of tea if I didn't see how much my son love and care for you, it's very unbelievable and I can't imagine what's happening Sharon."

"When you came to us, I know it seemed like he bought you or whatever and I'm not trying to sugar coat or anything, my son has never bought any woman, they all swam around him and he doesn't need to force anyone to be his woman"

Once I mentioned that part, Tessa looked away from the mirror and crossed her hand behind her back before looking at me.

She shook her head like someone who's trying to manage her anger and outburst and I knew she had something on her mind.

She might be careful about talking around me and I really don't want that, I can't tell her how much I appreciate and want her around me, how much of a cure she is for my son!.

"Tessa I have lost a child before now and he's my only son, you might wonder why I'm very protective and calculative about this whole situation but it's really not my fault." 

"Ma'am, I'm not going to disrespect you in any way because I can see and hear from your tone how much you love me, but I can't be happy and relieved because of that!,

"You say he's your only son but you can talk to him to let me go right?, he doesn't have to keep me here, you said it yourself that he has never had to buy any woman or force one to be with him,"

She was indirectly asking me a question, one that is impossible and when I sighed loudly in defeat, Tessa got the answer. She shrugged her shoulder in defeat and looked away from my face.

"You can't talk to him? So who's going to help me out?, how am I going to get out if this? What exactly is his reason for buying me and bringing my family here?"

"These questions are unanswered and I don't know what to do, this feeling is overwhelming and my head cant take all of this, I have suffered before coming here and I can't keep suffering,"

She touched her head and stood stiff, managing her breath, i could see the anger and agony on her face. It pain me seriously to see that my son hasn't been able to open himself to her.

"Are you suffering here Tessa? Is he hurting you in anyway, you can speak to me. I might not be able to control him but I know how to make him listen, tell me my dear,"

She fluttered her long and beautiful lashes at me before nodding in disagreement, I sighed softly in relief, taking time to enjoy the view of her beautiful face.

"I don't know what my son sees in you Tessa, but I know you are very beautiful, he's very fond of you and that's why he want you around all the time," once I stopped talking, Tessa plopped beside me to seat.

"That's why he wants to marry me, mother listen to this too, he want me to the extent of making me his wife!, we all know how scary that sound and look, being the wife to your son,"

"He's not maltreating me or abusing me in any way, but he's forcing so many things on me, bringing my family here to make me dance to his tune,"

"There are several women to answer his calls at every given chance, he even had a favourite who wants me dead! I don't want him, I don't want to be tied up in this place forever, my mate did the same to me,"

She cried out, holding my hand. It made me glad at once that Tessa is begining to warm up to me, even though she doesn't understand what's going on between herself and my son yet.

It's hosting that the both of them are connected in s way or the other, even though they are not mates.

"My son is cold and stubborn and we all know it's not the natural type of behavior, it's much more worse, he's scary and can get angry without looking back, it's a curse Tessa,"

She froze at once, moving away slightly from me and I allowed her, I watched as her mouth firm again to say something but she couldn't seem to form the word.

"The plan wasn't to startle you, I wanted to tell you what's really happening in my son life but not about the curse part yet, you need to be able to understand him and see through his eyes before I tell you about the curse,"

Tessa eyes calmed a bit and the rage in her stance reduced at once, she seemed to be remorseful and calm but yet she couldn't get over her shock.

"My son might have many white but he can't love them, he wants you and that's why he's getting married to only you Tessa, he can be bossy And act tough but he can't hurt you," this time I lived toward hee for a quick hug and when she melted in my arms I smiled.

"Please take this weight off me, how can I be the Lycan king cure? How is that possible?, there are numerous women here. Why me?." She cried in my arms and o let her.

"It's going to be fine my dear, I'm here to help you, we can't avoid this. You know my son but I will talk to him about you, he's very protective and hot tempered when it comes to you but I can manage,"

"You will be fine!, I can promise you this because I know, I can feel it and smell it. Just relax your nerves and stop crying Tessa, please." I begged her, rubbing her back in a circular motion.

She eased into my hug and tighten her hand around my back, it made so many memories float back into my head, pushing me into a teary state too, but I can't give in. I have Tessa to care care of and I will do that with all my strength.

The question now should be how she would survive my son and the curse.