Chereads / A Tarnished Hero / Chapter 17 - Bound by Grace

Chapter 17 - Bound by Grace

Izuku hovered his palm over the Site of Grace, the warmth emanating from the mote of light tingling his skin. That being said, he was confused as to how he could see it here, in Japan of all places… Was there something he was missing? Did the Greater Will's influence actually reach Earth?

Or was it here because he, as a Tarnished blessed with the Greater Will's grace, granted sight of the world he was in because of his mere existence. He still didn't know how it could affect the world, with him still being ignorant of the being, but since it was heralded as order, then it was good, right?

After all, they wanted a Tarnished to unite the Elden Ring and restore order. So, going by that logic, the Greater Will is on the spectrum of good… Maybe… Izuku was still clueless, what with nobody sane enough in the Lands Between giving him a concrete answer.

Sighing, Izuku slowly knelt before Grace and moved to seat himself comfortable on the concrete ground. Eyes gazing directly into the warm light, he felt his core be at peace as the soothing atmosphere calmed his nerves. Inhaling and exhaling deeply, he closed his eyes and let his body rest.

"Strange… The land here is…" Izuku's eyes open wide when he heard that oh so familiar voice. Slowly turning his neck, he watched as Melina knelt beside him her eyes focused on only his. "This is where you came from? I must admit, it is quite… different…"

"Melina." Izuku's voice lowered slightly, a soft tone echoing through the basement. "How are you here…?"

"I am bound to you, my companion… Until our accord is fulfilled." Melina averted her gaze to take in the empty surroundings. "But it is confusing… and heartwarming, seeing this world having a semblance of order."

"Heh, if you listened to Nezu, then you would change your mind." Izuku looked back at the Grace floating above the floor. "Everything here in this world is just one bad day away from total anarchy. I guess this is what happens when most of the entire population has power unique to only them."

Melina didn't respond, causing Izuku to look back at her once more.

"You've changed, once again." Melina's slightly monotone voice grew a tad emotional. "It is good to see you like this. Enjoying what you have in the moment."

"Well, let's just say that I had an eye-opening meeting with my mother." Izuku's tried to plaster a smile on his face, but only made it look brittle. If Melina noticed it or not, she didn't let him know.

"I see." Melina's voice trailed off as the two sunk into silence, a common thing that happens during Izuku's journey. "Shall I turn your runes into strength?"

"… Yes please." Izuku crawled over, arms outstretched as Melina offered hers.

"Let my hand rest upon you, for but a moment." She spouted the same lines. At first, Izuku thought he would be annoyed after the fifth or sixth time, but no. Instead, he grew used to it, he even looked forward to it. There was just something soothing with Melina's voice that Izuku's muscles continued to relax as the runes swirled inside him. "Share them with me, your thoughts, your ambitions, the principles you would follow."

A vision of a dragon, soaring high in the skies as it laid waste upon its adversaries. A vision of the past, of his mother welcoming him from school with a smile after a rather brutal beating from his former friend. A vision of a throne, one cracked and broken as it remained empty. A vision of him seating upon the empty throne, now polished with hints of gold…

Izuku's eyes snapped open, his muscles surging with newfound strength. There was even something within him that stirred, like a suppressed gout of fire, just waiting to be unleashed upon his foes.

"It is done." Melina exhaled, her spectral body not looking any worse for wear, unlike Izuku who had sweated for the whole duration.

"Thanks." And Izuku meant that one word from the bottom of his heart. Without Melina, he was sure he would've dropped dead the moment he entered Stormveil Castle.

"Think nothing of it. Our accord is still unfulfilled, and as such, I shall act as your maiden, converting your rune fragments into strength." Even with her excuses, Izuku could sense that Melina was someone who cherished little moments like this. After all, it was unhealthy to doggedly pursue a goal without rest.

"You like me anyway." Izuku grinned and Melina huffed. He didn't know how many times he tried to get a reaction from the normally expressionless maiden without any result but damn him if he isn't going to try.

It was just wrong seeing that face twisted in an expressionless mask every time they talked to one another.

"Anyway, I'm going to head up after I find All Strike." Izuku slowly stood up from his spot, with Melina following suit. "You're still going to haunt me like always, right?"

"Once again, I am bound to you. I shall follow you wherever you go until you bring me to the foot of the Erdtree." The same explanation, the same excuse. It was sad to see, but there wasn't anything Izuku could do other than fulfill his side of the deal.

"Just don't peek while I change clothes." Melina's face remained expressionless. "I'll get you one day, just you wait."

Melina's spectral body vanished into motes of blue light, but before she did, Izuku managed to hear a small snort coming from the maiden. A smile floated up his face as he scoured through the basement to find All Strike.


Katsuki lay on his bed; eyes open wide as the darkness consumed the entire room. The sun had long set, and the old hag told him to get some rest after what had happened. But how was he supposed to fucking sleep?

Every time he closed his eyes, all he could see was that infuriating grin on the person who he once bullied. Every time the noise died down; all he could hear was his nonchalant tone.

So what if I did…?

His heart skipped a beat. There was no way that Deku… Izuku changed that much. There was just no way. How the fuck did a hero worshiper turn into that… unfeeling murderer?

Sweat pooled underneath his brow as he tossed and turned on his mattress, the once pristine sheets soaked with his perspiration. He did this for a few more times before his frustration reached its limits.

Fuck this, he needed a cold shower…

Grunting, Katsuki pushed himself off the bed and walked towards the door. The wooden door creaked open, the noise traveling through the dim hallways. It was past midnight, and the old hag and old man were already deep into their sleep. His feet on autopilot, he let it guide him towards his destination while he stewed in his mind, his thoughts a jumbled mess on what to think about what happened in the USJ.

His feet stopped and his eyes glared at the door separating him from the bathroom, his mind grinding to a halt as he stood in the hallway silent as the grave. Reaching forward, his hand gripped on the knob, an act that normally didn't require much thinking, but here, he could feel the smooth texture of the knob, its cold metal surface sending shivers down his spine.

Shaking his head, he twisted it to the side and the door clicked open. Pushing it gently awry, Katsuki flicked on the light switch located just right next to the open doorway. His eyes squinted, the sudden transition from dark to light stinging his eyes for a brief moment.

Stepping inside and locking the door shut, Katsuki stripped down into his birthday suit and flung his clothes into a nearby bin. He headed for the shower and without hesitation, twisted open the valve and let loose the ice-cold water within.

The cold water struck Katsuki's skin like a cascade of icy needles, each droplet delivering a sharp, stinging jolt that jarred his senses. The initial shock sent shivers crawling down his spine, mingling with the sweat that clung to his frame.

His thoughts ground to a halt, the shivering cold enough of a damper to his inner turmoil. He focused on the cold and the sound of running water hitting the floor, hoping it would let him forget for even just a moment so he could collect himself.

But the guilt ran deep. It never faded, even with distraction. That fateful reunion would never leave his mind. No, his subconscious would never dare forget even if he wanted to. It was his fucking fault why this happened in the first place. Fuck those that stroked his ego too much it inflated to the size of Mt. Fuji. Fuck those that said he was a fucking shoe-in to become a hero because of his awesome quirk. Fuck those that thought quirks were everything…

Fuck him for believing in his superiority that he bullied one of his only true friends for most of his entire life…

His hand blurred, knuckles slamming against the wall. The concrete held firm, but the sound of its impact rippled throughout the room. Gritting his teeth, his fists clenched once more, his calloused palms pressuring the sides of his head as he tried to shoo the thoughts away.

He wanted to scream. To shout. To rage against this world that put a barrier between him and Izuku, but that would be refusing to take responsibility for the shit he'd given to those downtrodden. No matter how many times those around him said it wasn't his fault for killing Izuku, in his heart he knew he was the murderer.

He didn't let the tears fall. He sucked it back in, making sure it would remain within. He knew he would never be forgiven for his past wrongdoings. He knew it would hurt to carry this guilt until his grave. But it was his to carry… To try and redeem himself even if he didn't deserve it.


If someone were to describe who Patches was, they would probably call him a backstabbing traitor that loved scamming a man off the rest of his wallet. That, and a love for kicking said man down a cliff if he were ever so inclined.

And frankly, Patches would agree with the sentiment, if only because they were right. Those praising their faith in the Gods… Growing… Expanding… Thinking themselves mighty and just… It sickened him…

So here he squatted, alone… Surviving… Eyes staring directly into a campfire as the crackles of embers entered his ears. He never did care for all the religious nonsense. After all, those in a position of power are bound to exploit those underneath…

A chuckle escaped his lips. Religious fanatics…

It's been a few months since that Tarnished came and visited. He was a bit annoyed now that one of his sources of runes just up and vanished after he went his way in this giant lake. But alas, such is the life of a Tarnished guided by grace like puppets on a string.

Still, his eyes wandered in one direction every so often. That damsel camping out in one of the stone gazebos warranted his attention from time to time. After he sent that Tarnished her way, he managed to overhear what they talked about. Something about a lost pendant, but the kicker is that the Tarnished accepted her request to take it back.

That said, the Tarnished did say before he returned the pendant, he would first be going around Liurnia, mapping his way across the giant lake. Rya agreed, saying that she could wait, but the more time passed, the more she became antsy.

What the hell happened to the Tarnished? Did he just leave her after accepting her request? If so, then he pegged him wrongly. As much as he liked messing with him, deep down he got along with the bastard. If this is his true colors, well, there's nothing wrong with a bit of comeuppance.

Standing up from with a smile on his face, Patches the Untethered grabbed his spear and tower shield, before braving the lakes once more. The last time he heard of the Tarnished, he was seen heading west of the academy. Well, no better time than to give the Tarnished a surprise visit, maybe grab a few runes off his body if he could.




A/N: The poll is still running, btw. And I forgot about the link last time...

Shameless Plugs: (If you want to read 10 chaps ahead, head on over.) (Damn, I'm having fun with Deadlock. Shiv OP, donating blood to children's hospitals since 2024)