In a dark palace among the distant stars, a mysterious organization comprising immortals, demons, spirits, humans, and ghosts gathered, known as the Immortals Palace.
Today, the experts of Immortals Palace are assembled, their expressions solemn, waiting for the arrival of a certain distinguished person.
Suddenly, thunder roared down from the sky, and a bolt of lightning fell from an unknown void, landing upon the throne in the palace.
Immediately after, a figure clad in a black robe appeared, emanating a terrifying aura that made all creatures tremble.
"We pay our respects to the Vice Hall Master!" members of the Immortals Palace greeted in unison, with respectful demeanors.
"Hmm, the Higher Realm has been strictly managing us recently, and time is pressing, so let me get straight to the point!" said the person in the black robe indifferently, "Yan Zun, how is the operation against the Spirit Race going?"